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Stray dog travels 8 miles every night to feed her family

There are no shortage of stories of man’s best friend demonstrating their loyalty and heart. I have reported a few on this very website. However, every now and then a dog will stand out for their actions.

This is the case with Lilica, a Brazilian stray who has made the news recently. Every night, Lilica takes an 8 mile round trip, braving the busy streets of San Carlos to visit a woman who leaves out a food parcel for her.

Lilica then brings it back to the junkyard where she lives. Without touching a morsel of what’s inside until she has returned, Lilica shares the food with the other animals in her junkyard ‘family’ – a dog, a cat, a few chickens and a mule.

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Crystals: Much More Than Just Pretty Stones

Crystals host a dazzling aesthetic, yet do they hold mystical or healing properties?  Crystal are believed to vibrate at the same level of humans, so they combat illness and promote wellness.  They’re much more than pretty stones and attract a number of practitioners and interested parties worldwide.

A Brief History

Crystals are formed when gases and heat from the Earth’s core rise toward the surface.  The solidification is recognized as holding ‘the salt of the Earth,’ a combination of inner and outer elements.  Priests, shaman, and religious leaders have used crystals for healing and blessing purposes for centuries.

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Cooking and Eating as Meditation

Busy people often try to eat quickly. But one monk in Tokyo thinks busy people should take their time to take slow meals, as eating slowly can give them a good opportunity to reflect on themselves. We talked with “cooking monk” Kakuho Aoe about his ideas on slow meals, which have roots in Japanese Buddhist cuisine, and how he reached his unique perspective.

"Cooking monk"

Aoe is a Buddhist monk of the Pure Land sect and the 14th-generation priest at Ryokusenji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo. He cooks and serves his take on vegetarian food called “shojin ryori,” which monks at Buddhist temples developed over time. He has published numerous recipe books and held regular events such as “Kurayami gohan” (meaning “Diner in the dark” in Japanese), where participants experience eating their meals in the darkness. Aoe hopes that these special eating experiences provide participants with opportunities to realize what they have been ignoring during their hectic daily lives.

Bruce Lipton – Ready To Go Sane In A Crazy World?

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Bruce Lipton - Ready To Go Sane In A Crazy World?

by Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

Let’s embrace our power for a positive future.

The key to maintaining sanity in an insane world is to understand and maintain our relationship with reality. The reality we are talking about is not the diversionary reality of Reality TV but the real reality that connects everyone with everything. As humans, we are not all-powerful, but we are all powerful. Understanding both the vastness and the limitations of that power, then acting accordingly, is the key to having our individual sanity contribute to the manifestation of a saner world.

We are neither subjects of a vengeful God nor victims of a random Universe. Just as every cell in our body holds all our genetic information, each of us holds a key to collective humanity. The program for a loving future is here; it only needs to be engaged through our awareness and our conscious actions. Those so-called sins we lamented about are nothing but mistakes—mutations if you will. Like bacteria facing the life-or-death issue of mutate or die, we humans can no longer sustain ourselves with the current form of insanity.

We have the power to choose new responses. While some of those responses could be viewed as mistakes or dead ends, eventually they will all collectively lead us in the direction of our emergent selves.

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I Am The Secret I Am Looking For

"Now, it is not the “lot of cleverness” accumulated in me who wants to talk to the “lot of cleverness” accumulated in you. Now it is not the mind, wishing to initiate a mind game with another mind. We now avoid all the cleverness, wittiness, beliefs and dogmas, and the spirit living in me is going to address the spirit living in you. Consciousness is talking to the Consciousness in you.
These are the words of the living spirit hiding inside you, contacting the living spirit hiding in you.  You are now here, reading these lines. These lines were, in fact, not written, read and understood by somebody else, but your own spiritual self, hiding deep inside you. You sense and you know, that I–what you call I–talk to you now. You have written these lines, and they contain a message to you.
I am looking into myself, pierce the superficiality of the ordinary world, in order to reach my real Self. I am. I am there. I am the consciousness hiding there deep inside. I am here and now the intellect, the Consciousness reading these lines. I am the Secret I am looking for."  /Ervin K. Kery/
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This Family Lives In Floating Fortress In The Middle Of A Bay

In Canada, about half an hour by boat off the coast of Tofino, British Columbia, live Wayne Adams and Catherine King, proud owners and operators of Freedom Cove.

Freedom Cove is an incredible off-grid float-home and garden constructed in a very colorful and artistic way.

This amazing magenta and turquoise float home consists of about 12 platforms, supporting several wooden structures, greenhouses, and living spaces that are all interconnected through a wooden pathway system. During the winter months there is enough rainwater collected for drinking, and in the summer there is a fresh water source in the form of a waterfall just across the bay. A hen house once existed here as well, but there were too many predators with easy access to the hens, so Wayne and Catherine decided to give up on livestock altogether.

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An ancient technology is helping India’s “water man” save thousands of parched villages

In 1985, a 28-year-old man from Uttar Pradesh quit his government job, left his family and arrived in the dead of the night at a small village in Rajasthan’s Alwar district.

Rajendra Singh, along with four companions from the Tarun Bharat Sangh, a non-profit that traces its origins to the University of Rajasthan, wanted to work in the hinterland. The initial idea was to establish clinics.

“Maybe it was some social chromosomes that fired my imagination to do something useful,” Singh said in an interview. “I was a government servant in Jaipur, fed up with just sending statistics to officials.”

It look him a few months before finding his life’s mission—and it took an ancient innovation, a fast disappearing traditional technology, to help him transform the lives of thousands of villagers in one of India’s most arid regions.

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A blind man and a double amputee planted 10,000 trees. What's your excuse?

"I am his hands. He is my eyes."

Jia Haixa talks of his symbiotic relationship with his friend Jia Wenqi — a double amputee. The pair work together to plant trees in Yeli village, just outside of Shijiazhuang city, northern China.

Losing his sight in one eye to congenital cataracts, and later his right eye in a work-related accident, Jia Haixa is completely blind. The friends approached the local government and leased a 7.5 acre stretch of land along the riverbank. They hope to transform it by planting 1,000 trees every year, and have been doing that for a decade.

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Baby Tortoises Show Up In The Galapagos Islands For The First Time In 100 Years!

Amazing what can happen when people work in harmony with Nature.

After 100 years of dwindling birth populations, attacks by invasive species, and heavy casualties from fishing and whaling, baby tortoises were found born in the Galapagos Islands. This is huge news for a species that has been struggling to survive for a century, relying on humans raising young tortoises bred in captivity until they are large enough to not fall prey to rats and predators. Finding naturally born young is evidence that conservation efforts are helping rebuild the islands ecosystem, which has been damaged, possibly irrevocably, since the 17th century.


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