
Reaching Out - The Creator Writings

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Day after day, month after month, year after year, you have lived in your mind because that is what society has told you to do. Unfortunately, living in and moving from the mind creates a sense of disconnection between you and those around you. 
Today, The Universe invites you to focus on your heart. What do you feel? How do you want to accomplish and use what there is left of your Earth plane existence? My love, allow My Voice to flow from the center of your being out into your world. You came here for a reason; your purpose is before you! Reach out with your Love and take hold of it! ~ Creator

Proof? - Knowing Whispers

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Proof is what we feel within

There is no proof.  There is only realization. 

The mind seeks proof and the most important kind is invisible to the mind.

Truth, Wisdom, Life, Enlightenment, God and Reality are realized in living consciousness. They cannot be proved in the mind.  Ideas speculate, theories hypothesize, making the mind go round in circles.

The truth is revealed through the awareness of our total being and the nature of our consciousness. Truth rises to the surface when we stop asking for proof.

The meditator stops seeking proof and allows for the realization of what cannot be proved, only known within.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 25, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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Many of you accept that being human involves experiencing a wide range of emotions. You believe that you have lows of despair and highs of happiness and that you cycle through those highs and lows. But what if we told you, the more you embrace your truth, your divinity, your authenticity, your lows and your highs will get much higher, and won’t swing quite so dramatically. Dear Ones, those lowest points exist to get your attention. Once you are embracing your growth and your beingness, there is no need for such extremes. Imagine! Imagine that your lowest point might be peace and your highest bliss! Your lowest point acceptance and your highest complete and utter joy? Do you see? You can move your scale ever upwards as you experience yourself, in your divinity, and embrace the ascending spiral of enlightenment. ~Archangel Gabriel

The Cause of Sorrow - J Krishnamurti

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All men desire to discover for themselves, with certainty, what is the purpose of life. This discovery can only be made by living and not by mere intellectual theorizing. After the discovery of that purpose they can work for it one-pointedly. But to do this they must be rid of all philosophies, dogmas, creeds, religions, particular rites -everything, because no one can, for a single moment, discover his true purpose in life, or life itself, with all these encumbrances. When man has completely detached himself from all unessential things, he can begin to discover what it is that he is seeking. It is as an individual, that he must make the discovery.

Each man is seeking to free himself from sorrow. Desire is life, and that desire is constantly battling against limitations. It seeks to be free. In search for happiness it is constantly breaking away from limitations.

Men are all the time looking for perfection. Imperfection is a limitation, and the individual life, which begins in limitation, which goes from corruption to corruption, is ceaselessly seeking incorruption and freedom. So long as there is limitation there is sorrow, and it is from sorrow that all men would escape. They are trying to find a way out of suffering, out of their entanglement in the wheel of sorrow and pain. In the attainment of perfection is liberation to be found, and in nothing else.

Seek perfection therefore rather than philosophies, theories, dogmas, religions and objects of worship -which are all unreal, childish, unessential. Men, distracted by all these, do not attack the one problem which lies at the root of all that suffocates them, which creates havoc in their self-expression, in their individual growth.

Do not waste time with shadows, which vanish as the morning mist.

Daily Message ~ Friday May 23, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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If you were to wake up, every day, and surrender to being of your highest service, you would be choosing to live your day from a place of alignment, love and unity. You would find yourself being presented with wonderful opportunities to make a difference, and you would have the peace of knowing that you had beautifully assisted the whole at the end of the day, regardless of how the day unfolded.

Dear Ones, service doesn’t have to be grandiose to make a difference. In so many instances simply holding your highest vibration is the most profound and helpful thing you can do to support the whole. It is choosing to live in a heart-centered and loving way that brings magic and joy to all the things you do and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

Quiet Miracles - The Creator Writings

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As you move through your day, take note of all the beautiful, minute, quiet miracles that happen around you; the soft and secret smiles, spontaneous laughter or a moment of epiphany on a person’s face. Even though they are not loud thunderclaps from the sky or great feats of accomplishment, they are miracles in their own right. Take each one of them into your hearts to keep the Light of The Divine within you burning brightly. ~ Creator

Worship Our Becoming - Knowing Whispers

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If we worship another, then we remain in duality. We have not fully entered the path within.

Through awareness, we learn to worship the essence of our nature and the truth of existence within the temple of our own consciousness. Our worship is a realization of truth and oneness. It is rejoicing within our being.

True worship is to fill ourselves with the awareness of eternity, to know our godliness as beings of light.

Worship no person, or image -- only the awareness of who you are becoming.

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Ask….. - The Creator Writings

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Closely examine your ‘inner workings’ to decide what you do and do not need to keep. All the things you thought you needed for protection, comfort or love will not be important anymore. In your ever expanding awareness, there will always be something more beautiful to come and take its place. The ‘old ones’ had it right when they said, “Ask and you shall receive”. ~ Creator

Sufis: The People of the Path - Rajneesh

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ONCE a learned Mohammedan came to me and asked, ”You are not a Mohammedan, then why do you speak on Sufism?’ I told him, ’I am not a Mohammedan, obviously, but I am a Sufi all the same.’

A Sufi need not be a Mohammedan. A Sufi can exist anywhere, in any form – because Sufism is the essential core of all religions. It has nothing to do with Islam in particular. Sufism can exist without Islam; Islam cannot exist without Sufism. Without Sufism, Islam is a corpse. Only with Sufism does it become alive.

Whenever a religion is alive it is because of Sufism. Sufism simply means a love affair with God, with the ultimate, a love affair with the whole. It means that one is ready to dissolve into the whole, that one is ready to invite the whole to come into one’s heart. It knows no formality. It is not confined by any dogma, doctrine, creed or church. Christ is a Sufi, so is Mohammed. Krishna is a Sufi, so is Buddha. This is the first thing I would like you to remember: that Sufism is the innermost core – as Zen is, as Hassidism is. These are only different names of the same ultimate relationship with God.


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