
Daily Message ~ Sunday May 4, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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Dear Ones, trying to “figure something out” rarely works. The reason for that is when you try to figure something out you have stopped all movement. Your mind is spinning around and around in the same energy. It likely does not have enough information – if it did, a decision would be easy.

When you are trying to figure something out, you are using your mind. Your mind is the operating system of your ego self, the part of you that wishes to keep everything the same. Your ego does not embrace growth, expansion or enlightenment. It seeks to keep you small.

The operating system of your soul is your heart. Feel into what you need to decide. Will it bring you joy? Are you trying to please others? If there was no other human being on earth you needed to consider, would your decision be the same? Allow yourself to be the expert of your own unique path!

If you are not sure what to do, surrender! Surrender into the flow for the highest outcome. Choose the path of ease, and the path of joy. Ask your guides and helpers for assistance, for signs and for clarity. Stay true to what you wish to create, knowing that what is for your highest good, must also be for the highest good of all. But most of all, get in touch with what you really feel on a heart level. You cannot find, or create, your heart’s desires if you do not know what they are. ~Archangel Gabriel

Reincarnation and Past Life Memories - Avatar

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It’s hard to say how many people worldwide believe in reincarnation but in 2009 the Pew Research Center did a survey and found that 24% of the American population and 22% of Christians believe in reincarnation. With near death experiences being so prevalent today I believe more and more people will start believing and accepting of reincarnation and past lives.

Here are some famous people who also believed in reincarnation...

Mahatma Ghandi: "I cannot think of permanent enmity between man and man, and believing as I do in the theory of reincarnation, I live in the hope that if not in this birth, in some other birth I shall be able to hug all of humanity in friendly embrace."

Ralph Waldo Emerson: "The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal." "It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead; men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals and there they stand looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise."

Dare to Be Uncommon - Emotionally Resilient Living

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In a world of comparison and conformity, make your own statement. Honor your own truth. Have the courage to be uncommon. ~Author Unknown

dare to be uncommonAs anyone who’s spent any time with me knows all too well, I’ve always been a bit of a rebel when it comes to conformity.

It’s a passion really, one that may have been born as a result of being relentlessly bullied for not fitting in with the “in” crowd when I was a kid, but took on a life of its own as I matured and became aware that the pressure to conform is alive and thriving regardless of age or circumstance.

In fact I have a feeling that more often than we realize the reluctance to pursue growth opportunities is less about those fears we talk about so often – fear of failure, change and success – than it is about the fear of no longer fitting in. After all, when those with whom you spend your time are content where they are, and you suddenly decide to rock the boat by reaching for something more – daring to stand out – that can sometimes make people very uncomfortable, especially if they harbor secret longings of their own they’ve never had the courage to pursue.

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To Love Others You Must Love Yourself - Positive Thoughts

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To love others you must love yourself.  You can only give to others what you have yourself.  This is especially true of love.  You cannot give what you have not learned and experienced.  Since love is not a thing, it is not lost when given.  You can offer your love completely to hundreds of people and still retain the same love you had originally.  It is like knowledge.  Wise people can teach all they know and when they're through they'll still know all that they have taught.  But first they must have the knowledge.  It would better be said that people "share" love, as they "share" knowledge but they can only share what they possess.

Loving yourself involves the discovery of the true wonder of you; not only the present you, but the many possibilities of you.  It involves the continual realization that you are unique, like no other person in the world, that life is, or should be, the discovery, the development and the sharing of this uniqueness.  The process is not always easy, for one is bound to find those who will feel threatened by a changing, growing you.  But it will always be exciting, always be fresh and like all things new and changing, never be dull.  The trip into oneself is the grandest, most enjoyable and longest lasting.  The fare is cheap; it merely involves continual experiencing, evaluating, educating, trying out of new behavior.  Only you can be the final judge in determining what is right for you. . . .

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Daily Message ~ Saturday May 3, 2014

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Are you in open expectation for your dreams to come true? Do you start every day excited to see what wonderful things will happen next? If you are living your life as a series of welcome events and surprises, you can only embrace things wholeheartedly when they arrive. Do you see? Are you approaching life with trepidation or with enthusiasm? Because the universe has so many gifts it would love to share with you, if only you would open your hearts to receive them. ~Archangel Gabriel

Releasing The Past - The Creator Writings

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In those moments when your attention turns inward and you begin to say, “If only I had done this or that differently, things would have been better”, please remember this: none of the things you have ever done, from The Universe’s standpoint, was a mistake. Sure, there were choices and decisions that may not look good to you now, but those choices made you the expanding being you are today. When you release your ‘mistakes’ of the past, you release yourself into the flow of Everything and begin making a more productive future for yourself. Yes, my darling child, you are on the right path. ~ Creator

Rajneesh on Desire

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IT IS ONE OF THE MOST significant things to understand that the very desire for NIRVANA is the only hindrance. You can desire money, you can desire power, you can desire prestige, but you cannot desire nirvana; that is a contradiction in terms. NIRVANA simply means the understanding that all desires are futile – the desire for NIRVANA included.

Desire as such is absurd. To be in a desireless state is what NIRVANA is all about. Everybody who comes here comes with a certain desire. The people who come always come with a background. If they have been brought up to believe in God, they come in search of God. If they have been brought up with the belief in self-realization, if they have been taught that the most important thing in life is to know thyself, they come here to know their innermost being, their supreme self If they have been brought up and conditioned that the ultimate search is for MOKSHA, NIRVANA, enlightenment, then they come with that desire.

Everybody who comes is bound to come with a certain desire. That is natural, otherwise you would not be here. But once you are here, as you start getting deeper and deeper into understanding me and what is happening here, you start seeing that desiring is the root cause of all misery. There is no other misery than desiring. It is desiring that is covering your eyes like a veil. It does not allow you to see that which is because you are always concerned about that which should be. Desire leads you into the future, and the future is not yet. And whatsoever you desire comes from the past.

Absolutely Not - Knowing Whispers

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The absolute truth is not contained in any whisper.
Whispers are hints of what lies within us, like conscious guides and reminders of the truth we carry inside.
Do not worship the whispers like they are scriptures.  They are only echoes of the distant past wanting to remind us of our true identity.

Whispers are feelings rich in wholeness and encouragement for our journey home.

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Daily Message ~ Friday May 2, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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Dear Ones, the endless releasing process some of you have fallen into, where you look for things to release on a daily basis, is an aspect of doubt. Doubt that you have done everything you should and doubt that the universe will let you know if there is something you need to be aware of. If you are in troubleshooting mode all the time, you will always find more trouble to shoot. While we love you for your diligence and desire to be thorough, many of you have unwittingly placed yourself on a merry-go-round that never quite arrives at a whole, healed place.

Trust! Start each day with your highest intention, surrender to the flow, and know if there is something that needs your attention the universe will lovingly make you aware of it. Further, if the energies of the month of April taught you anything, it is that you are like self-cleaning ovens! You will release naturally if the time is ripe so long as you stay out of resistance. Stay in the Now and embrace your wholeness, and you will be experiencing greater and greater Now moments and your truth, which is beautiful, divine perfection. ~Archangel Gabriel

Singing To Self - The Creator Writings

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Imagine if you started recognizing your own worth; what would happen, what would that look like to you? The Universe has never created a mistake…….ever. When you indulge in self-depreciation, the only thing you are doing is telling your Inner Self that you are not worthy and deserving of The Universe’s faith in you…..and only for the comfort of others. 
There is always a reason to sing your own praises! This is not selfish or conceited, this is SELF LOVE! Appreciate yourself as I do; you are a perfect being created by The Universe to enhance your Earth plane existence. It has to start somewhere….why not with you? ~ Creator


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