
Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 7, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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Many of you dislike to accept gifts or assistance because you feel like it will leave you indebted to the giver and you don’t want to owe anyone. So let us present this thought. If you understand that you are the co-creator of your life expression and that you draw to you what you experience, don’t you owe it to yourself to accept all that love and assistance? ~Archangel Gabriel

Smoke in Our Hands - Knowing Whispers

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The ego needs props for an identity born of ideas, images and thought. 

It searches for perfection through the mind – for an identity that never dies.  This process is like trying to catch smoke with your hand.

The ego is driven by a will to dominate and control, with no consideration for others. It needs to be somebody, because it cannot bear to be nobody.

It is a false identity that exists only within the mind and it dissolves without attention.  It is only illusion that we exist, separate from existence -- we do not.

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Rajneesh on Transcendance

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Tantra says don’t fight. If you fight you may continue your fight for many lives and nothing will happen out of it, because in the first place you have missed – where you have seen two was only one. And if the first step has been missed, you cannot reach the goal. Your whole journey is going to be continuously a missing. The first step has to be taken absolutely rightly, otherwise you will never reach the goal.

And what is the absolutely right thing? Tantra says it is to see the one in two, to see the one in many. Once you can see one in duality, already the transcendence has started. This is the royal path.

Now we will try to understand the sutra.


To transcend, not to win – to transcend. This word is very beautiful. What does it mean, to "transcend"?

It is just as if a small child is playing with his toys. You tell him to put them away and he becomes angry. Even when he goes to sleep he goes with his toys, and the mother has to remove them when he has fallen asleep. In the morning the first thing that he demands to know is where his toys are and who has taken them away. Even in the dream he dreams about the toys. Then suddenly one day he forgets about the toys. For a few days they remain in the corner of his room, and then they are removed or thrown away; never again does he ask for them. What has happened?

Rock Bottoms & Quantum Leaps: The Cycle of Evolutionary Catharsis - Aligned Holistics

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I love the way that when we remove ourselves from a situation or our surroundings, we gain a whole new perspective. I'm on vacation right now and as I look back on my 20s I think back to the good, the bad, and the straight-up ugly. Somehow, I don't see these moments as distinct experiences, but as a flowing cause and effect cycle. Were all the moments of clarity due to the challenges? Did I need those in order to grow? Or were the painful experiences part of the natural growth process?

Often, we grow in waves, a cycle known as Evolutionary Catharsis. This is the repeated upheaval and cleansing of our lives. More specifically, it is the disruption, intensification, and release of the habitual mental, emotional, and physical patterns we operate with. The end result is that kickass “Aha” moment where our brain is reorganized into a new, more evolved state. This is what allows us to have a greater perception of our lives.

Read the full version here... (

Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 6, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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We understand that the energies of April were very energetically challenging for you. Just like the stone that tumbles to be polished, you will find yourselves losing your hard edges. Know you will find a state of energetic refinement where you are feeling calmer, where you are feeling peaceful, where you are finding that a balanced, calm, very present energy is where you feel most comfortable.

What is so remarkable about that, and what none of you have quite recognized yet, is it means you bring your peace with you everywhere you go. It is not dependant upon another human being. It is not dependant upon things looking a certain way in your world. It is not dependant upon wearing the right outfit, or being in a specific locale. Do you see? This is how far you have shifted and this is exactly what you have been wanting to create for yourselves – a deeply peaceful way of being that has become your very own foundation. ~Archangel Gabriel

The Great Loom Of Life - The Creator Writings

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Never underestimate or minimize the impact you have on those around you. For every act of kindness, every moment of generosity and each time you choose to help another, however small it may seem, there is a ripple of Love that goes forth into The Universe.

Those seemingly minuscule things become great waves that are returned to you and those around you. Allow yourself to recognize and know those single threads have been woven into the beautiful tapestry of your Earth-plane existence. ~ Creator

The Belief That Jesus Is Accountable For ALL Of Humanities Sins Is Ludicrous, Spiritually Immature and Irresponsible - Sabrina Reber

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fbac304e57142ab3b8df54ef8dcaa43dHumanity has an inner opponent and it is called the human ego. The human ego was created during the fall of man when we chose to descend in consciousness, which led to a perceived separation from our Creator. Although we are never truly separated from the Creator Of All That Is, this fall in consciousness made us feel we were no longer connected in oneness to every other soul or to our Creator. Our consciousness began to fragment as we fell into duality and separation consciousness, which brought forth a great deal of fear within our being. Our souls were accustomed to living in oneness and the full embrace of the Creators love – we had never experienced this kind of fear before. Because we felt we were separated and powerless, our fears created an alter identity called the ego or the lower self. The ego is a fear filled extension of our souls and it is not connected to the loving guidance of our true selves that reside in a higher vibrating dimension within our energy fields. Out of desperation and confusion our souls allowed our egos to become the dominating source of guidance within our beings, which has created blocks and barriers between our incarnated soul and our true selves/spiritual selves.

Blooming - The Creator Writings

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From the beginning to the end, I have been with you. When the conscious realization of this blooms in your mind, separation disappears and fear dissipates until only Love remains. This has always been my greatest desire for you; to know your True Self, the Divinity within and that you, My most beautiful creation, are powerful beyond measure! ~ Creator

The First Step - Knowing Whispers

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The first step toward awakening is to ask the question, “What am I feeling?”
The second step is reflecting inward on what we are feeling. This is the door to knowing self.
Our feelings reveal the harmony or discord we have within ourselves, and also the harmony or discord we have with existence.
Our lives are an expression of the harmony or discord we have with existence. It is also true to say that our lives are a reflection of the harmony or discord we have within ourselves.
We do not just experience truth or existence -- we create within it. We are dependent and independent within our truth. We mold our destiny at will in partnership with existence.
The more aware we become, the more clarity we have over our destiny.

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