
Discount Store Spirituality - Knowing Whispers

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Many try to sell spirituality. It is all dressed up and made to look like the newest solution to the oldest problems of mankind. They use marketing and promotional techniques of successful companies.
Are they not just marketing themselves? Are they not asking for followers to which they sell products for profit?

What does any of it have to do with awareness and awakening? They create gimmicks to lure the innocent, under the guise of instant enlightenment, when no such thing exists.
Awareness does not need to be promoted.  It already touches the hearts of those who are ready to listen. It sells truth to the heart that is awakening.
Making money is not wrong, but promising awareness, enlightenment, healing and expanded consciousness by promotion is a form of ... well, spiritual prostitution.

Awareness sells itself, because it is grounded in the truth of existence and ourselves. It should be shared, not promoted, and centered on the truth within the heart -- not used as a money-making opportunity.


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Daily Message ~ Monday May 12, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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Are you afraid to be really, truly happy for fear you will jinx yourself? Do you feel if you are too happy something bad will happen? Let us look at that belief for a moment.

Happiness is a state of alignment and beingness. It is being fully satisfied with the Now moment and feeling appreciation for that state. If you understand that you draw what you hold, how could you attract anything less than more of the same?

What likely has happened is before you understood the power of consistent focus, you experienced happiness, and then unconsciously created something else. Or, you have been taught that happiness, at best, is fleeting. Wherever it came from, you have simply adopted a belief system that says not to get too happy because if you do you will pay for it. Do you see how that is giving your power away and settling for so much less than your full potential?

Dear Ones, do not cap yourselves in anything! Understand that belief systems are true because you make them be so. Change those thoughts! What about the idea that happiness leads to more happiness, which leads to more happiness, which leads to complete and total bliss? As a conscious co-creator you get to choose, and choose, and choose again. ~Archangel Gabriel

As I Began to Love Myself - Kim & Alison McMillen

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As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.

Today, I know, this is "AUTHENTICITY".


As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody as I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me.

Today I call it "RESPECT".


As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow.

Today I call it "MATURITY".

What Do You Stand For? - Emotionally Resilient Living

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Throughout your life you will embrace many different values, but within you there will always be core values that represent what you stand for and all that you personally hold dear.

What do you stand forHave you ever experienced a moment in time, when you felt that something was wrong or missing in your life, but you just couldn’t figure out what?

More often than not, that uncomfortable feeling is a message from your inner self trying to tell you that you are off balance somehow, and living life by default rather than according to your core personal values.

This feeling can be unnerving if you’ve never actually taken the time to become clear about what your core values are; but especially disturbing if you come to realize that over time the values you once held dear have been suppressed, compromised or ignored completely.

Read the full version here... (

The Garden of Ego - Knowing Whispers

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The physical, material world is all about control, it has become “The Garden of Ego”. 

Law, countries, the monetary system, and even religion are all creations of ego and mind.

They rape the land and allow the impoverished to starve. They pollute the air for a price and rob future generations of their health, all in the name of technology, science, the military establishment, and for those who live for power and wealth.

They do not know how to live with existence and follow the whispers of the heart. They cannot fathom the serenity of a waterfall, or know the plan and purpose of Mother Earth.

They steal and call it progress, hoard and [try to] make it theirs forever.

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The Story of The Little Red Hen

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Has humanity learned to work together yet? I've noticed that so long as people operate like slaves, so long as there's a boss, government, or some other authority figure telling people specifically what to do, there's the appearance of working together. When it's up to people to be self-motivated though, it seems this quickly falls apart. When there's no obligation to help, and no immediate reward, people tend to be lazy. I'm not just theorizing here either, I know this from my own experience on organic farms and in volunteer organizations. When it's voluntary, a minority of the people tend to do the majority of the work.

If people really want positive change in society, this is going to have to change. Working together is something people should have learned in kindergarten, it seems such a basic part of being a mature adult, yet it's a rarity in our society. People are not self-motivated, so they just go along with the patterns of the past. People wait for the government to change things, yet the people who control the government have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are.

Sometimes there's more truth in children's books than in spiritual messages. I enjoy the ones where you have to understand the message for yourself instead of just being told what to think. It takes some self-motivation instead of just passively believing. With that at heart, I present the story of The Little Red Hen:

Mirrors - The Creator Writings

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On mirrors; you have many lessons to learn.  There will be people that show up in your life to ‘push your buttons’ and make you feel uncomfortable enough to heal those parts of you.  However, do not disregard those that show up to mirror the best parts of you back to you.  Those are the people put in place as reminders that, yes, you are part of The Divine.

Are Our Lives Pre-destined? - Sabrina Reber

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QUESTION: Are our lives pre-destined, or if we are meant to travel in a particular path can anything we do always direct us there?

ANSWER: Our lives are not pre-destined because we have free will. However, we do set forth a plan and the soul will bring forth certain vibrations in their energy fields that will naturally attract certain qualities, lifestyles, jobs and people to them. For instance I have the vibration for art, writing, design, organizing etc… but I currently do not have the vibrations to be a singer, gymnast, mathematician etc. Our souls naturally desire to do the things we have vibrations for. I would never desire to be a math teacher in this lifetime because if I lack the vibration for it, it will be too hard for me to accomplish and my heart simply will not be into it.

In addition, as a soul we incarnate with certain attributes and spiritual guides that will help us fulfill our soul contracts. The genetic lineage we choose to incarnate into also plays a huge role in helping us fulfill our souls dreams...

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Accepting What Is - Not Just A Blonde

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Stop fighting what IS. It IS your now. Be present with what IS and take note. What IS will never be again.

This moment will pass and what IS will not be forever. What IS will pass and become what WAS and what WILL BE will take care of itself. When we learn to accept what IS, let go of what WAS and not worry about what WILL BE…
we will find peace!

It is what it is.

❤️Ann ‘Not Just A Blonde’


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