
Smart Ways to Deal with Toxic People - Marc Chernoff

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Stop pretending their toxic behavior is OK.

If you’re not careful, toxic people can use their moody behavior to get preferential treatment, because… well… it just seems easier to quiet them down than to listen to their grouchy rhetoric.  Don’t be fooled.  Short-term ease equals long-term pain for you in a situation like this.  Toxic people don’t change if they are being rewarded for not changing.  Decide this minute not to be influenced by their behavior.  Stop tiptoeing around them or making special pardons for their continued belligerence.

Constant drama and negativity is never worth putting up with.  If someone over the age 21 can’t be a reasonable, reliable adult on a regular basis, it’s time to…

  Speak up!

 Stand up for yourself.Some people will do anything for their own personal gain at the expense of others – cut in line, take money and property, bully and belittle, pass guilt, etc.  Do not accept this behavior.  Most of these people know they’re doing the wrong thing and will back down surprisingly quickly when confronted.  In most social settings people tend to keep quiet until one person speaks up, so SPEAK UP.

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Just Because - Knowing Whispers

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Just because we believe something doesn't make it true. 

The mind can create any image and the will of the ego can apply extreme effort, but the results are something beyond both. The future has no guarantees, because fate is not in our hands.

The con man and the charlatan both pray on the vulnerability and hopes of humanity. They promise by influence, but have no real power to produce results.

They are emotional manipulators, trying to sell what they cannot give. They pick our pocket emotionally and leave us without comfort in our hour of need.

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Can The Ego Create An Illusion Of Happiness Within Us? - Sabrina Reber

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QUESTION: Can the ego create illusions of happiness or anything positive for that matter.

ANSWER: Yes, never underestimate the tricks of the ego. The ego will help you remain in denial about the things in your life that need healing by helping you put on a fake mask of happiness, health and contentment. The ego will keep you fearful of change and it will help you justify your repetitive patterns that truly no longer serve your highest good. Our egos blind us and keep us in the darkness of lower self re-creations over and over again making it difficult for us to access our higher consciousness because we are too busy projecting our issues outside of ourselves onto other people. Instead of spending time in inner reflection really connecting with our true being allowing ourselves the time to SEE and FEEL what is going on in our own life, we are more interested in looking at the chaos, dysfunction and pain in other people’s lives so we can keep ourselves distracted and feel better about our selves.

The Obstacle - Knowing Whispers

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The idea of God is an attempt by mind and ego to avoid connecting with the authentic self and the true nature of existence.

The mind and imagination have created all manner of fictitious imagery in an attempt to satisfy the loneliness of the mind and ego as they attempt to fulfill themselves.

The reason why spirituality does not fulfill is because a belief does not reach into the core of existence to reveal the essence of our true nature. Beliefs are like toys in a child’s sandbox. They imitate the real, but are not real.

It is a fruitless quest to seek God, until we have found the true nature of God within us.

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God See Flowers When We See Weeds - Not Just A Blonde

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Often what we see as out of place or unwanted, God sees as beautiful and good! Who or what is the weed in your life?

The weeds in my life are often people that press my ego’s buttons! They annoy me, insult me, or hurt me! I feel like they are ruining the beauty of my life’s lawn… I want to pluck them right out and toss them in a bag to the curb!

Yet… these weeds are often people God has placed in my path for a reason. He wants me to learn tolerance, forgiveness, humbleness and… to learn to see the lovability of others as He sees what’s lovable in me!

Often it’s just a matter of perspective… stepping back and looking at the beauty in the big picture. It’s a matter of understanding that sometimes our biggest blessings are flowers that look like weeds. We can finally see their beauty if we let go of our earthly perspective and take a look through the eyes of God.

❤️Ann ‘Not Just A Blonde’

Daily Message ~ Thursday May 8, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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We find it interesting that humans seem to have slotted themselves into certain beliefs for different times of their lives. Fun is for when you are young. Adventure is for when you are single. You will start to live for yourself once your kids are grown. You have wisdom when you are mature. If you are lucky you will find peace before you transition. What limiting rules you have set for yourselves!

Dear Ones, we want you to have the whole experience. How sad it is that you think you have to put aside fun in your adult years! Live! Know that the only rules that apply are the ones that you set for yourselves. Open up to the endless possibilities that exist for all of you and have the whole experience! You can create the life expression of your dreams at any age or phase of your life. ~Archangel Gabriel

Division - Knowing Whispers

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The mind holds our attention to the outer world.  Feelings are what reveal the true nature of ourselves and existence.

Only mind and ego creates separation.  There is no separation in life, or existence, and we discover this through our awareness and our feelings.

We investigate through thought images of the mind that stand outside the nature of reality and existence. In our feelings, through awareness, we discover the wholeness of existence and ourselves.

There is no division within our being, or existence.  Only mind creates division and imagination pollutes the purity of consciousness.

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Did that Really Happen?- May 2014 Energy Forecast - Emmanuel Dagher

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Did that Really Happen? 

May 2014

Blessings My Friend,

How have you been since we last connected, at the beginning of last month?

In April's Forecast, I shared that there would be several celestial alignments that would inspire rapid changes to occur in our consciousness, and that a big part of this change would include a profound purification of our mind, body and emotions.

The Solar Eclipse at the end of April was the exclamation point that closed the doorway to what was probably one of the most intense yet transformative times in the last 10 years.

If you glided through the past month completely unaffected by the intense energies, then you've probably reached a point of great balance within yourself.

Bring In The Light - The Creator Writings

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Each of you carries a bit of darkness inside; whether it is from negative experiences or things you feel you may have done wrong in the past. Today, you are invited to take a closer look at that darkness and how much space it takes up within your being. If you chose to release that darkness, can you see what an incredible amount of space would be available for Light?! Just as like attracts like, Light attracts Light like a magnet. For every ‘dark moment’ you release, The Universe replaces it with ten times the amount of abundance and joy. Look at those moments honestly, allow yourself the forgiveness you so richly deserve and bring in the Light! You ARE worthy of this and The Universe is willing and able to oblige. ~ Creator

Love Links Us - Not Just A Blonde

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We weren’t created to be self-sufficient but to need each-other. We each need love. Love is something that is meant to be shared with each-other. This need is something we each have in common and should never bring us shame.

Love is Divine energy. Love is a living moving thing! Love is always going somewhere. Love is always doing something. Love links us to the heart of God.

When love seems still it is not. Although it holds us in the stillness, it’s energy is swirling around us in a holy embrace. Although Love is present in solitude, it feels most at home in the company of others.

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