
Justice: A Stepping Stone to Peace - Wes Annac

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Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness

Justice is important for a lot of reasons, and one of them is that it’ll enable our society to practice forgiveness in a very big way. The collective vibration needs to lighten, and we need to be willing to lighten it ourselves by expressing the qualities of a new paradigm – forgiveness being one.

The cabal has done a lot to keep the old world in motion, but all of humanity is responsible for our planet’s condition.

If our collective vibration wasn’t as dense as it is, the cabal wouldn’t be able to get away with anything. If complacency hadn’t replaced the drive to hold government accountable for everything they say and do, we wouldn’t be in this unfortunate mess in the first place.

If we were in a different collective state of mind, the awful things that are allowed to happen wouldn’t happen. I think we can and should raise the planetary vibration by forgiving the forces who’ve worked so hard to dominate the rest of humanity, and when we’re able to forgive them, things will start drastically changing on this planet.

It’s essential that the cabal’s brought to justice for their crimes, but it’s also essential that we don’t adopt an old paradigm mindset when they’re held accountable. What will we change by adopting the mob mentality and grabbing our torches and pitchforks? Absolutely nothing.

If we aren’t willing to forgive the cabal, we won’t be able to create the changes we want to see. If our collective vibration remains where it’s always been, any changes we make to the manner in which this planet functions will only be temporary.

Forever Young - Pete Seeger

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According to my definition of God, I'm not an atheist. Because I think God is everything. Whenever I open my eyes, I'm looking at God. Whenever I'm listening to something, I'm listening to God.
-Pete Seeger


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Gratitude unlocks the fullness of Life, it turns what we have into enough and more! It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a Friend! Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings Peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Even if the lyrics are sometimes messed up. Life is still and always will be like a Beautiful melody! Beloved Brothers and Sisters, the only place Your/my past lives is in Your/my memory and the only power the past has is what You/me give it. The only way to change the future is is by presently doing it....BEING IT. God/Goddess has called You/me by name and God/Goddess has chosen You/me and also knows You. What ever has began within You/me is a's'growth and it is so important for us to trust within this process of growing, every day! It is not for use to wait for circumstances to change....but we ourselves to be the walk by Faith of a way of Life. God/Goddess lives within our hearts and God's/Goddess's Love for each child(us) is unconditional....You are created Perfectly and there is truly nothing that You short because You/me have everything within us and so much more! So, let's'go ahead and choose to fill our cup of Life with endless(Infinite) Sunshine and Laughter? Never a dull moment, only a heart filled with Infinite Gratitude for every experience for the good of every soul.

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Fear - Knowing Whispers

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 Fear is the idea that beyond thought, we do not exist, and the belief that without mind, we are not.

Fear is the anger the ego experiences when it cannot be real, or fulfill, itself.  It is the self-doubt of the ego crying to become whole and to be real. It is the realization of the ego that it is not in control.

Fear is simply an idea in the mind and unconscious that blocks the reality within our being from shining into our hearts from the soul of existence.

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What Motivates You? - The Creator Writings

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What motivates you? Today, you are invited to take a very close look at your perceptions and how they influence your everyday decisions. Are you motivated by chaos, fear, discomfort or loss? Or….. are you motivated by love and joy? Allow yourself to look at your inner patterns and programming, see what you can stand to change and change it. Free will is yours. ~ Creator

The Story of Diogenes and Alexander

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It happened: Alexander was coming towards India. He met Diogenes on the way. Diogenes was a rare Being – if Diogenes had met Lao Tzu, they both would have sat and laughed and laughed and laughed. They are of the same quality.

Alexander was passing. He heard that Diogenes was just nearby so he went to see him. Even Alexander was impressed by the man, even Alexander felt puny before him. Diogenes was a naked fakir, he had nothing, but his being was such – so magnetic, so powerful – that Alexander was impressed, very impressed. In fact it is said that he was never impressed again by any other man.

He asked the secret of it: ”How have you become so powerful, not having anything? And I am a world conqueror, I have almost won the whole world. Just a little more is left; soon I will finish. And you – a naked man, having nothing – what is the secret of your happiness?”

Diogenes is reported to have said, ”I renounced hope. That is the secret. And I tell you, you also renounce hope; otherwise you will always suffer.”

Alexander said, ”I will come to you to learn the secret, but not now. I am on the way – half the world, more than half the world I have won, but there is a remaining part. I have to become a world conqueror, then I will come.”

Diogenes said, ”Nobody has ever been a world conqueror. Something or other always remains to be done. The dream is never complete and the desire is never fulfilled. If you really understand me, and if you really see that I am happy without bothering about winning the whole world, then you can also be happy without it.”

Logically, intellectually, Alexander understood it. But he said, ”I will come later. This is not the right time for me.”

Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 13, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics

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Many of you have heard the quote, “Violence begets more violence.” We couldn’t agree more. What you be is what you get more of. It is basic energetics. So, why then, would this not apply to happiness? Joy? Love? Dear Ones, so many of you have just come to accept that anything good feeling is fleeting, yet somehow bad things will persist. Why? Can you see how that is flawed and constrictive fear based thinking? Be what you wish to experience more of and know that you will absolutely get more of that very same energy. It is as simple as that. ~Archangel Gabriel

Why You Aren't Attracting The Right People - Aligned Holistics

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One of the questions I often get from clients is “As I shift into my true self, how do I attract people who mirror the new me?”

It’s an interesting issue that got me thinking about my relationships and business. As I began to align with my authentic self, my life transformed. Many of my unhealthy and codependent relationships fell away, but some still remained. Why was that? Was it preventing me from creating space for the right people? How could I clear that out to attract bigger & better?

The answer is that attraction is a 2 phase process:

Phase 1: Remove The Obstacles

There are 2 Principals that inform where we are before we can work on attracting new people:

  1. We attract people who mirror where we are.
    Whether it was in my business or relationships, everyone who came into my life mirrored and confirmed where I was in my journey and my beliefs about myself. I had to shift my perception of myself in order to move through this. 

  2. We accept the love we think we deserve.
    Ugh. This one was big. Even though I was getting healthier, I didn’t think I deserved any better. I was in a cycle of thinking that drama-filled love and flaky clients was all I truly deserved. A strong self-love practice helped me to cultivate better self-esteem.

As you begin to see yourself more clearly, you can get rid of old baggage and create space for new people to come in.

Read about Phase 2 here... (

The Lost Gods - Knowing Whispers

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We are gods, lost in mind and imagination.  Our identity is diluted by our “attention” to mind and imagination. We have forgotten who we are, from the distortion of our attention.
We further diminish our identity through a worship of images in the mind and imagination that mimic our true identity in consciousness.
Silence brings our attention back to our center.  Here, we realize through awareness, the truth and nature within.
We are far more powerful than we believe.  We fear to realize this, because the responsibility of “knowing” falls into our hands.
There is no evil and no devil. We are our own creators … and destroyers.

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Mutual Love, Respect and Dignity - Christi International

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Mutual Love, Respect and Dignity – this is the key for all new forward growth to reap flourishing and fertile rewards. All too often, there is a singular focus on the self or another, on a person or spirit, on the people or the planet. Yet, the only way to create win-win situations and move into a new paradigm is to begin to think in terms of AND, both, mutual, reciprocal. We emphasize this new thought patterning as a key because when you begin to shift focus to both the self and others, you will naturally begin to seek different opportunities, solutions and ideas.

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