Sheldon Nidle

Sheldon Nidle's GFL updates.

SHELDAN NIDLE’S UPDATE ~ Concur~ Intense Amounts of Energy Pouring into the Planet

Lia's picture


AUGUST 6, 2013


Dratzo! We return with more to discuss with you! At the end of your Gregorian year of 2012, a large dose of heavenly Light showered down upon your realm, and then on July 29th of this year, triple that amount was applied to your world by means of the special astrological alignments on that date. This is setting the energies for what is about to occur. The dark’s long stranglehold on your beloved planet is at an end and the time has come for you to rejoice and for those changes which officially shift your reality to the Light to take place. The first act in this cavalcade of events is, of course, the release of the various funds which mark the segue of your globe’s monetary setup from dishonest fiat currencies, so prone to unbridled speculation, to those backed by precious metals. These new true-value currencies are to trigger a global re-evaluation, and indeed, the first of these is ready for distribution. Further, the initial rounds of the prosperity disbursements are also ready to be launched. These financial adjustments will effectively drive the old interests from power and allow the inauguration of legally based de jure governance. As you know, these are only the opening moves of what is to come.

Sheldan Nidle - July 9, 2013

MomT's picture


6 Ahau, 8 Kumku, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return with more information for you. Your reality is shifting! The dark cabalists panic and search for ever-more-desperate ways to resolve their mounting dilemmas. As we have pointed out many times, there is no way for them to extricate themselves from their worsening situation by using their old devious methods. The Light is in the process of irresistibly taking back this realm and returning it safely to Her kindly direction. This direction has so far led to a number of decisions which are permitting the Light's diverse forces to prepare a new financial system and new governance for the peoples of surface Earth. Gaia is very pleased with what has been accomplished. Your Ascended Masters are backed by a group of individuals dedicated to pushing the dark from power and instituting a new epoch for all. The next stage involves a series of proclamations which permit the new gold-backed currencies to formally terminate the age of fiat money and end the tranching mechanism designed to help the few to accumulate vast riches over the backs of the many. This, however, is merely one of numerous reforms which are incorporated within the new financial system.

~ Update from Sheldan Nidle~ The time comes for the great shift

Lia's picture

12 Ben, 1 Kumku, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! We come with much to tell you. At this time, an exchange of legal documents is underway which paves the way for the final exchanges sanctioning the various prosperity programs to be fully funded by the Dragon families. It also authorizes Quan Yin and St. Germain to sign disbursement papers for each of their world trusts. The individuals who make up these international boards of trustees are similarly immersed in these complex-signing procedures. Concurrently, the many organizations set up to distribute these funds are alerting their regional trustees that the time long awaited by all is fast approaching. This final flurry of activity owes its legitimacy to a very special set of legal protocols, and its implementation at this time is made possible in part by the First Contact Board's sagacious use of what we call the galactic option. This is simply the power behind the Light to get things done. It has allowed favorable legal decisions to be secretly handed down and these are now ready to bring our long journey to a most marvelous moment of manifestation!

~ Update By Sheldan Nidle~ As the Light Has Decreed

Lia's picture

5 Cimi, 14 Kayab, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We arrive today to discuss your prosperity! Throughout your world a massive switchover is underway. Eons ago your reality was usurped by the dark and these ones created a ruling caste of minions who have run your planet for millennia pretty much as they pleased. We come now to tell you that this unruly free hand is over. The Light has not only decreed but also explained fully to all concerned that this world is to make a wholesale shift to the Light and each of you is to be transformed into fully conscious Beings of Light. This will be preceded by a series of special broadcasts which will announce our benevolent presence and explain the reasons for the spread of universal prosperity and freedom which you so richly deserve. We come in this moment to declare this to you and to be the heralds of a new realm predicated on the divine ways of Heaven. Our ships encircle your world and are stationed around every planet in this solar system. Your dark ones have tried to make it more difficult for us to complete this sacred mission but their many attempts have failed. The dark must leave shortly and relinquish their minions to the fate that Heaven has chosen for them.

Sheldan Nidle update ~ June 18 2013 ~ the immense significance of this most unique and precious moment

Lia's picture



7 Kayab, 11 Cauac, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We return with much to discuss. As you can see, your world is still subject to the last fading antics of the old reality. Each passing moment brings the dark cabal closer to its inevitable demise. We watch with compassion as it comes to recognize and grapple with the outcome of its choices: the total collapse of all it has known. Those of our associates involved with this aspect are wrapping up the operation which will render these dark ones powerless and a mere shell of what they once were. The new governance which will succeed the old order is to explain the master plan for change and the approximate schedule, and some of it is likely to astound even those of you who are most informed. These broadcasts will lead swiftly to a full disclosure of our benevolent existence and our reasons for being here. Once done, we can then work with the Ascended Masters and present to you a chronological outline of your origins and history, and an introduction to the wonders of full consciousness. Our primary mission is to return you to a state of union with your Self, and this will be completed once we have landed and you have been introduced to your Inner Earth family.

Update from Sheldan Nidle~ Increase In Daylight Sightings for Disclosure

Lia's picture

10 Chicchan, 13 Pax, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We return with important things to discuss. The most important is about first contact. In the past, we decided to rely heavily on a formal disclosure announcement from your new governments. Now, what we intend to do is increase the present level of daytime sightings to supplement the general disclosure policy of the new governance. It is of course simple to sit back and let the current scenario play out. However, we intend to create a more conducive environment for these announcements by more actively preparing the ground for them. We are committed to demonstrating that we are both benevolent and dedicated to a full disclosure. We are aware that many of you do not comprehend what these flyovers are leading up to: namely, the global mass landing of our craft and the formal introduction to each of you of your own personal mentor. Each dearly wishes to meet you and begin the teachings which prepare you for your wondrous shift into full consciousness. There is much for you to learn: an entire new history of your branch of humanity; a new understanding of physicality; and a working knowledge of how Heaven operates.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update from the GFL ~ The Light is working Sacred Magic

Lia's picture

6 Etznab, 3 Pax, 9 Eb

Selamat Jarin! We come with many things to tell you! The dark cabal continues to search for a way to escape from its many predicaments, but every turn they take leads them into a dead-end. There remains no way for these dark ones to resolve their ever-deepening dilemma. Meanwhile, the world their ancestors built proceeds to crumble around them. We continually draw their attention to the new economic and political reality that is starting to manifest before them. Truly, their only hope is to surrender and place themselves at the mercy of the Ascended Masters' sacred secret societies, in whose keeping they can confess and seek the inner remorse that can provide the relief each one of them so dearly seeks. This course of action is also truly compassionate considering what they have perpetrated on humanity. If they spurn the offer of surrender, their deleterious activities marks them for a dark fate if they choose the option of a civil arrest and likely vengeful prosecution. As their powers decline, these groups need to take a good look at where they now stand and acknowledge the spiritual assistance being offered. But the cabal seems frozen in its tracks and unwilling to compromise with the inevitable.


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