Wes Annac

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Yes, Music is a Form of Meditation

Credit: Mariomorataya.tumblr.com

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I’ve been saying for a while that I think music is one of the most spiritual things we can do, and I’ll always stand by that opinion.

I have people like the Marley family to thank for this profound realization, and through their music, they’ve helped me see that we can use this incredible medium to connect with a higher aspect of our consciousness.

Music has been called ‘the language of God’ or ‘the language of the soul’, and for good reason. If consistently practiced for the right reasons, it can connect us with the Supreme in a way that nothing except meditation can help us achieve.

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Creativity and Social Acceptance

Credit: Blogs.psychcentral.com

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Whether or not we feel like we’re good at something, I think we should pursue it if it inspires us and lights our inner fire. We aren’t here to impress anybody – we’re here to elevate the collective vibration and have fun doing it.

All we have to do is believe in ourselves and our mission on this evolving planet to realize that we don’t necessarily have to be skilled at something to pursue it. We’ll want to hone our craft so we can use it to uplift and inspire others, however, and anything we want to pursue will require some work.

We can’t perfect something overnight, and even when it comes to things we have a natural talent for, we’ll want to consistently practice if we want to use them to help others.

Our society has pretty high expectations, and people only seem to listen to someone who has a lot of talent or has proven they can impress the masses. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this, and it’s good to aim as high as we can because it inspires us to develop our talent.

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Our Path is Our Path… But We Have Help

Credit: Intent.com

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Some people don’t think we should glue ourselves to the guidance we’ve been given from enlightened teachers, and instead of listening solely to any external advice, we should find our own way through the confusion.

It makes a lot of sense, and endlessly following a spiritual teacher who claims to be enlightened might be somewhat disempowering.

I do think we’re meant to create our own path, but in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with taking the advice we’ve been given from people who’ve elevated their consciousness and, as a result, have something valuable to offer.

Maybe we can change the way we see spiritual teachers. Instead of treating them like exalted masters just because some of them have found enlightenment (which, admittedly, makes them worthy of some attention), we can see them as brothers who want to help us raise our consciousness like they did.

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Liberate Yourself Today

Credit: Tigrebailando.com

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

It’s time to free ourselves from society’s rigid expectations. We need to become free again by enjoying life and pursuing things that help us feel happy, whole and awakened, and it takes the courage to break out of the crafted social shell that the mind tends to reinforce.

The elite don’t want us to be free. They want us to be content, complacent worker bees who stock shelves, follow orders and pay our bills. They don’t want us to realize that we contain (and comprise) an infinite spiritual universe, and they’d rather force us into conformity and complacent acceptance.

The best thing we can do for ourselves and our planet is to be free. Freedom is our inherent birthright, and we aren’t meant to slave away at dead end jobs we don’t care about. We aren’t meant to ‘pay bills until we die’ as the saying goes, and we surely aren’t meant to accept all of the crazy standards society pushes onto us.

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Self-Expression: Our Greatest Gift

Credit: Amix.dx

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Self-expression is one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given, because it allows us to connect with the spirit within (which, as we’re realizing, we’re already constantly connected with) and express how we feel about life, love, spiritual evolution or anything else that’s on our mind.

We can use these tools to share our perspective on everything that’s happening right now, and I think it’s important to use our voice and creatively empower ourselves. Everyone’s worthy of the opportunity to express themselves, and nothing, except ourselves, stops us from using these tools.

We stop ourselves when we fail to cultivate creative passion, and one of the best ways to use the amazing gift of self-expression is to use it passionately. We can’t do anything real or significant if we aren’t passionate about our work, and we’ll get the most out of our creativity if we’re excited about it.

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GMOs and Informed, Conscious Decision Making

Credit: Zazzle.com

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the choices we make can affect our lives for better or worse.

There’s a force on this planet that wants us to make choices that keep us unhealthy and unaware of the spiritual realities that exist just beyond our conscious perception, and the last thing this force wants is for us to become conscious.

Awareness is the last thing the ‘powers that be’ want for humanity, and they want us to be lazy consumers who don’t know enough not to sit on our couches, watch TV and eat bad food all day long (when we aren’t slaving away at a dead end job that benefits them).

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Don’t Suppress Your Negativity – Explore It

Credit: Inspirationinpictures.com

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I didn’t feel so great when I woke up yesterday. I felt tired, lazy, lethargic, and the last thing I wanted to do was write anything or post to the blog. When I explored why I felt this way, I realized that I still had some latent reservations about the role I’m playing in humanity’s awakening.

I convinced myself I didn’t want to spend so much time on the computer, which, as you can imagine, is a huge requirement when it comes to running a blog. After all, being on the computer is required to post, write articles, answer emails, or do pretty much anything else that reaches people.

I wanted to detach from the computer because I tend to feel like technology opposes the natural lifestyle I want to cultivate.

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The Voice Within: Love is at the Root

Credit: Anshsaransh.blogspot.com

An intuitive message by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

There’s an innate force that everyone can tap into, and this force goes by a lot of different names.

Some people call it the inner voice; some people call it the higher self, and some people call it universal consciousness. No matter what you call this omnipotent force that can express itself through you if you successfully transcend the mind’s overbearing influence, it’s very real and it has a lot to offer you.

If you’re willing to open up and see beyond the mental constructs you’ve created for yourselves, which can inhibit any real or genuine progress along the evolutionary path, you’ll realize that life is nothing like you’ve been led to believe.

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The Veil is Thinner Than Ever

Credit: Zodiac-heaven.blogspot.com

By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I enjoy writing reports about enlightenment, but some of the advice we’ve been given by spiritual teachers from the past isn’t quite relevant to the present.

Depending on which teacher you listen to, the veil was much thicker when they shared their teachings with the world. We’re capable of achieving a lot more in terms of consciousness exploration than when a lot of spiritual teachers were in their prime, and this is a liberating thing to realize.

The veil’s a lot thinner than it used to be, and all it takes is a small meditation to realize that we can glimpse a higher state of consciousness pretty easily.

Exploring our consciousness gets easier with every year that passes, and all we need to do is show a little effort to glimpse things that might’ve been unheard of in some spiritual teachers’ heyday.

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Transcend Desire with Understanding


By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

It’s no secret that desire is an obstacle on the enlightenment path, but how much do we really understand it?

Most of us have a basic, surface understanding of desire and the numerous other self-enforced obstacles that stand between us and enlightenment, but in order to truly transcend it, we have to understand it in a deeper, realer way.

The same can be said for any obstacle. Like we’ll learn here, we can’t just push them underneath the surface and expect them to go away or stop inhibiting us, and we have to embrace them (not in the sense that we feed them) and deepen our understanding of them.


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