Planet Earth is a living being,it has its own aura,which was damaged by people's arrogant attitude and behavior. People's actions brought to major disruption of climate,and not only climate,damage was done on the overall plan. They did so many wrong things to this Planet,which is why we have so many bad things going on in our lives. People have forgotten that they are not alone in the cosmos and that some other higher power rules us from above,which can be called by various names. It is God,or universal Mind,as we can read often in it whatever you want,God is one for all and we are all very closely connected. As representatives of this civilization,people have alienated themselves from God. Their level of awareness is low, they run only for profit,forgetting to be compassionate,to help the weak,they are turning greedy.Hence,they do not work on raising the level of personal spirituality,as a civilized moment demands.The man is almost completely alienated from nature and does not function according to natural,cosmic laws which have been given to this civilization as a code. Another reason is the full materialization of the world, money is the most important thing, spirituality is generally a matter of one's image, not the essence of being.Therefore Planet punishes with floods,cyclones,misery,fear,illness..