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question about meditating

nismo's picture

I have been meditating regularly every night before i go to sleep for and i feel like i am in a different body. One that is alot taller then me and skinnier then me. Like my body is not portioned to my body height at all. Also when i meditate i feel like my third eye wants to open but it dont. I get this plus symbol that i see that is crooked but not like a swastika. I would like wome help going father and would like to know if anyone else feels this and if im on the right path.

Love and light to all



snflwr's picture

UFO's spotted in Tampa and Cape Coral FL last night. Nov.17th 2012


12/21/12 Galatic Dark Rift alignment, what it means.

pegion-child's picture

Any advice on focusing on my breath?

birdmandmr's picture

Hey, I've been trying to focus on my breathing for a little while now and can't seem to figure it out. I'm really just looking to focus on the breath in its most natural state but I ususally end up forcing the breath and it creates tension. Any advice on on what I should i be doing mentally or physically before doing this and others ways to attain this? I'm hoping to use it to be in moment more often and to help allieveate stress to keep me going throughout the day. 


for everyone who has sparked their twin flame:

LightBiscuit86's picture

im just curious... is it okay that i dont feel my twin flame is here on earth with us?
some of you may know of the experience i went thru, when my twin flame was sparked and lit up before my eyes on a very physical wall lol, but i have noticed couples claiming they are the twin flames finally together. soul mates as i used 2 understand it. 

but this is my love story, i hate to type it out but i have to reference a couple things about it to make sense with why i wonder about this the way i do. i have been single for... i mean at least 4 years, ever since my spiritual awakening was triggered thru that near death experience, (which i also posted on this site lol) i havent had a relationship like i grew up used to, my teen years and even in middle school i was always a loyal boyfriend and dated long term. my shortest relation ship was 3 months, which in middle school is a LONG TIME LOL but anyways! hahaha... NOW i have had one or two attempted relationships since 07, and they were very short lived, i am talkin just a few days and no more than a week.. or two. and the fact that sex alrdy was a chore for me by the time i was 17 living with my fiance.. (yep. true story! im tellin u i rushed thru life so quick lol!) only added to the fact that i must for sure really either enjoy being single and not getting involved in those relationships anymore, or maybe, which is what i relistically accept finally, i am meant to be where i am right now, and i lived thru lifes harshest experiences so soon to prepapre me to be able to do what i gotta do now... and my sparked twin flame incident was my sign telling me that i am in a very active relationship, indeed with my soul mate, she/it (lol i am sorry! dunno how to reference light beings in this scenario hehe.) just doesnt exist with me on this plane of existence.. could i be correct here?
dead-on, even? ;D 


There is not going to be the end of civilization in 2012!

Planet_Earth_is_a_living_being's picture

 Planet Earth is a living being,it has its own aura,which was damaged by people's arrogant attitude and behavior. People's actions brought to major disruption of climate,and not only climate,damage was done on the overall plan. They did so many wrong things to this Planet,which is why we have so many bad things going on in our lives. People have forgotten that they are not alone in the cosmos and that some other higher power rules us from above,which can be called by various names. It is God,or universal Mind,as we can read often in it whatever you want,God is one for all and we are all very closely connected. As representatives of this civilization,people have alienated themselves from God. Their level of awareness is low, they run only for profit,forgetting to be compassionate,to help the weak,they are turning greedy.Hence,they do not work on raising the level of personal spirituality,as a civilized moment demands.The man is almost completely alienated from nature and does not function according to natural,cosmic laws which have been given to this civilization as a code. Another reason is the full materialization of the world, money is the most important thing, spirituality is generally a matter of one's image, not the essence of being.Therefore Planet punishes with floods,cyclones,misery,fear,il​lness..


AMAZING!!! Mayan explanation of what will happen on 21st December 2012

LightBiscuit86's picture


i just watched the entire video and i realized... i am doing so much more work than i think sometimes... and its going to be alot easier to live TRULY happier now! 

but man, this kinda makes u wonder you know? what kinda actions should we REALLY take when we are so aware and conscious for those "8 minutes" ?! i never realized how much control money has over our people, nobody will wanna pretend they can live without money, you know? alot of people are not willing to change evn their hair cut, what can we do to motivate them when they get those ideas, to do something about them rather than dismiss them??

amazing video... nonetheless. for sure. fasho. whatever the kids r saying these days lol. 


love and light to all of GFP especially today! love yall!


Looking for Helpers!!!!!!

areil1981's picture

Hello Light and LOVE,

Ive been working really hard trying to finde helpers to help me grant a christmas wish for a family.This is what I do.I help otheres.I was able to help three families last year it was amazing.This year I only Have one family and cant finde anyone to help.Im not one to give up So I come here to my Light Family.If you cant help dont worry,But if you can please let me know.My friend knows that I help those who  need it and she told me about this family and i actualy got to meet them.There Amazing and very loving.They went threw some really hard times this year and most of it all at once.The only thing the parents want is to make sure there kids get to have a christmas..And the kids so there not worried they just want to make sure everyone in there family is happy.So What i usualy do is have the ones that help me purches and reserve gifts or gift cards at the local shopping stores in the families area make sure they have ID to pick it up so that way you know they was the ones that got it and no one else.Or you can mail it to the family either way never send money thats a no no.So preasents for the children,A christmas tree with lights you know what would be cute if you could like make them a christmas card would be awesome cause you made it.And possibly a christmas dinner. Im going to decorate the families home when there not home and there yard....My friend is going to make sure i can get in to do this.I have tons of decorations this family is in for a wonderful surprize when i decorate i really decorate and its always preaty amazing.So I need some helpers,Let me know If you can help and I will if you wan give you my number so we can talk or you can email me.I love putting smiles on childrens faces a twinkle in a babies eyes and warm harts of everyone.This is what I love doing its my mession and I cant do it alone i need help,Thanks Light and Love


ughhh! i guess here is where i must confess.

LightBiscuit86's picture

i dont know why i feel so drawn to this site when it comes to talking about my experiences and growth, well, i know i receive amazing advice from awesome people, and i misinterpret things at first due to excitement overwhelming me when things CLICK and finally piece themselves together. im blinded by the light i guess i would say these days, ahahaha =p  but "they" always make sure i straighten myself out and understand where i am mislead fromt he joy lol. its embarassing but its funny, im sure yall know what im talking about =p  

anyways. im here to confess something, im pretty aware but these times get pretty rough. its weird how "rough" has taken on a whole new meaning these days, but anyways, i have noticed i do these cycles, i go thru periods of time that i refer to as full circle periods except, i visualize it spiraling upwards and getting bigger and wider as each full circle cycle completes for me.  



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