God said:
Many of My Beloved Children have the idea that they have been cheated in Life. Granted, in your way of looking, this may be true. You may indeed not have received all that you desire and all that you deserve. This may be so in terms even of the entire relative world.
What I am saying to you is that, true or not, the idea of having been denied, gypped, overlooked, hamstrung, neglected is beside the point. Across the board, this isn’t a helpful premise for you to come from. This idea of being owed is a concept that keeps you mired.
You see this, don’t you? No longer keep yourself chained to believing you are owed something. True or not true, you don’t want to keep even one downward-spiraling thought one second longer.
From the worst of circumstances, Beauty arises. This is also true. There is no end to possibilities, Beloveds. There is no end to the possibilities for you.
What do you think it means to be boundless?
Let go of seeing yourself as neglected. Let go of seeing yourself as vanquished. In case you may never walk again, let’s say, you are here on Earth for more than walking. If you have been seeing yourself as downtrodden, then begin seeing yourself blessed. If you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, then pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
Here’s the thing: You are as you see yourself.
See yourself as victimized, then you are. See yourself as a Knight on a White Steed, then your Light will shine through, and you will be a new person.