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Leo Solar Eclipse: Revolution, Healing and Collapse of the New World Order

by Lance Schuttler ,The Mind Unleashed

Astrologer Laura Walker of Oraclereport.com has put out an 8 minute audio recording of her take on the Leo total Solar eclipse on August 21st, 2017 and why she believes this event will be supremely positive for the world and will further accelerate the downfall of the political/banking cabal.

The audio recording is titled “All Roads Lead To Liberty 2: The Recapitulation of Renaissance” and can be listened to at Oraclereport.com, seen in the upper right hand corner of the website. Below are highlights from the recording, though it is highly recommended to listen to the entire 8 minutes of it. 

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Pay Attention: We’re Heavily Empowering One Industry To Destroy The Environment

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

The government, mainstream media, and multiple environmental organizations are constantly driving our attention toward oil and gas, transportation, and many other industries that contribute to environmental degradation and destruction. How often do you hear that animal agriculture is the leading force behind all of this?

The environmental destruction that occurs as a result of animal agriculture is alarming, yet it tends to be swept under the rug. Environmental organizations often refuse to address this issue because it affects so many people and our understanding of how we live and thrive. Meat is a staple found on the tables in most houses, and it’s a huge money-maker (with a value of $1.4 trillion, to be exact), so many organizations choose to avoid the topic altogether.

GFP Newsletter - 8/12/2017

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Masters are unreasonable and unexpected. You cannot predict them. They are like the wind, or like the clouds moving in the sky. Where they are going nobody can say, because they don't follow any map. They simply go wherever the wind moves. They have no goal, they have no direction. They simply live in the moment. You cannot say what a Master is going to do - never. A Master is unpredictable because he is not planned for the future. He is not prepared in any way. He moves in the moment, looks at the situation, and responds.


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The Grand Inquisition!

God said:

How do I, God, located as I am in Heaven, help you, My Children, to remove any and all obstacles to Love? And how in the world do I help you step over the act of judgment, for, of course, I have made it clear you are not to judge.

You might say: “Whoa, God, You find me wanting. Isn’t that judgment pure and simple?”

I understand how you feel.

You wonder: “Why would God try to have me see differently unless God finds fault with me?”

As you see it, from one side of My mouth, I say: “You are perfect.”

As you see it, from another side of My mouth, I say: “Yoohoo, get better. Smarten up.”

You have a point.

Yet I wonder, Dear Friends, in words, how can I want you to partake of greater happiness unless I see your turmoil from the way you see it, ahem, from a limited point of view?

Certainly, you feel: “If You, God, see me as perfect – You keep affirming and affirming I am – then what are You talking about, God, huh?”

I see your qualms and dilemmas and outright unhappiness, and, yes, I want you to be without them. I see you with energy and joy and making choices that benefit you and those around you, and those far from you as well. Beloveds, at the same time, excuse Me, I also see through you and all your shenanigans.

And, Yes, I see further than you do see.

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3 Ways To Find The Beauty And Wisdom In Silence

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

Are you comfortable with silence? Could you sit in a restaurant with friends and not say a word, without feeling awkward? We talk all the time but we are not always saying anything of value. Sometimes we just talk because we think remaining silent is a bad thing. We fill up our day-to-day lives with noise, but do we ever take a break and just…be?

“Speak only if it improves upon the silence” – Mahatma Gandhi

Perhaps it would be wiser to talk less and say more. By immersing ourselves in moments of silence we can collect our thoughts and take a break from the noise. When our mind is quiet, we can think deeply and our inner voice is able to speak to us. It’s only in these precious moments do we experience our own divinity. There is a lot to learn from being still and quiet.

Aspects of our daily lives are filled to the brim with noise. The hectic commute to work, the never-ending list of things we still need to do and everything else in between. If we embrace our silence, perhaps we can alleviate some of our stress, even if it is just for a few moments. There is so much value and wisdom in being presence. We can learn so much about ourselves, as well as the world around us without the need to utter a single word.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 12, 2017


As many of you are experiencing change, particularly feeling drawn to stepping into service, or changing your service, you may feel the need to find the one thing you should be doing. We are going to encourage you to look at things a little differently.

Most of you were raised to find the one thing you would like to do. You were asked often as a child what you would like to be when you grow up. There was an expectation that you would have clarity about what the one thing would be and would work toward that goal so you could be that one thing stepping out into the world as a young adult. To be too varied in your interests was deemed frivolous or flighty.

You are now experiencing multi-dimensionality, both within yourselves and with your interests. You are recognizing you are not just one thing, but rather, multi-faceted beings with many interests and talents. You are also most focused on expansion, growth, and pioneering, which involves the exploration of many different paths and activities.

This serves you well, as being drawn to many different types of activities, or offering different types of services allows the universe to provide a stream of abundance to you whatever the energies might be supporting.

GFP Newsletter - 8/11/2017

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How much you are addicted to words! A single word, and the whole situation changes? And what is a word? Just a sound with no meaning really, because meaning is just a contract of the society, between people: We will mean this by this. It is just a social contract.


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When You Follow Your Heart, Love Wins - Waking Times

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

When you hear the words “follow your heart,” what do you think? As it turns out, that expression is a lot more literal than you might conceive. As revealed by the non-profit research organization Institute of Heart Math, the heart is actually a complex intelligence system similar to the brain. In fact, research has concluded that the heart is more powerful at a degree of over 60 times electrically and 5,000 times magnetically than the brain.

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 11, 2017

Do you have a deep distrust of when things are good? Do you feel if wonderful things happen it must be fleeting? Do you immediately wait for the “other shoe to drop”?

You anchor things into your awareness through acceptance. If you immediately distrust when things are “too good”, you will instantly throw constraints on your flow. You will block yourself before the full beauty of what the universe is trying to deliver you can be fully assimilated and enjoyed.

Dear Ones, it is ok to trust in the good, in fact, it is highly recommended! If something works for you, give thanks to show your approval and acceptance and then open yourself up to the next wonderful thing that is now possible.

Understand if you have stepped into an energy of what is wanted, it is because that is what is in alignment with you and you can now see what else is possible from that alignment and take the next step into even better.

There are no limits! You get to choose, and choose, and choose again, all based on what feels good to you and opens up to you as new possibilities, as an empowered co-creator of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel


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The Animal Kingdom

God said:

Animals on Earth are sentient creatures. Of course, it is said that humankind is the most advanced of all. This gives humankind responsibility. You already know that the most learned human Beings learn from the beautiful animals on Earth. Blessed animals are often good models for you. Many-layered are their abilities to guide you.

Beloved animals have their instincts as do you. Mother animals have great connection with their young. They clearly know how to raise their young. Their instincts are simple and strong. Instincts vary, of course, from one breed to another. Human Beings tend to have more individual inclinations.

Monkey babies cling to their mothers’ underbelly, and the monkey mothers take this as a matter of course, for this is their God-given way to take their one-at-a-time baby with them up and down trees and across roofs. Kangaroos carry their babies in an outside pouch. How exquisite is Nature!

Of course, the raising of animal babies is so much simpler than the raising of human children. Of course, this is no secret. Animal babies have no outfits to choose and put on and no concern about style; no schools, no homework; and blessed animal mothers know when to let go of their children. It is all mostly built-in for Our beloved animal friends.

Elephants are known for their memory, yet they do not hold grudges. They do, however, remember well all the goodness and mercy given to them and will return to show gratitude.

Animals don’t think again and again about injustices done to them.

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Meet The Doctor Who Prescribes Fruit And Vegetables Instead Of Drugs!

by Amanda Froelich, TrueActivist.com

Instead of suggesting surgery or drugs to remedy a patient’s problems, this doctor makes nourishing food the first priority.

Although it was Hippocrates, the father of modern day medicine, who so famously stated “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food,” few conventional doctors take seriously those words or wisdom and make wholesome, nutritious living the foundation of their patient’s treatment plan.

But in Houston, Texas, a progressive doctor has begun prescribing fruits and vegetables instead of pharmaceutical drugs, as he and many others believe nourishing food is an essential requirement for becoming ‘well’.

After years of treating patients’ modern-day ails, such as Diabetes and high blood pressure, Dr. Garth Davis discovered that diet and lifestyle are truly the best tools for helping a body become vibrantly well.

GFP Newsletter - 8/10/2017

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Every individual is so individual, so authentically individual, unique, that you cannot help an individual by a general theory. No, it will not suit. Every individual needs a direct approach.

Never ask a philosophical question. It is useless. Just ask a personal question, just ask directly.



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