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There Is a Preciousness in Life

God said:

As you keep climbing in Life, you wonder when you yourself will reach the peak you have been waiting for, or if you ever will.

Surrender, beloveds. Just climb. Keep going higher. You desire to reach the peak. You may well have reached it, and you find that beyond is another peak and another peak. Life features climbing. Peaks are incidental. The achievement is climbing. Life is made of climbing. Reaching peaks feels wonderful for a while. After awhile, reaching the peaks isn’t enough any longer.

Reaching peaks is a point of view. Reaching peaks is incidental.

Achievements are like mile markers on the road. You keep going. When you reach a peak, you keep going. No matter if you slide back, you keep going, one foot after the other.

The process of climbing matters. You are not setting out in Life to make a record. To be a high achiever is nice, yet this is not your purpose. Going forward is your purpose, not what the world may or may not make of you.

No matter what, look high. The Sun, Moon, Stars follow you. Let your eyes follow them and the Sky, the Blue Sky, Gorgeous Sky, Rainy Sky, Cloudy Sky, Thunderous Sky. While you are on Earth, be glad for all Earth’s Gifts. No matter the appearance of the Sky, the Sky is yours. You don’t have to ask for the Sky, nor are you ever without the Sky Above. Even in blindness, you know Sky exists. All this is already yours without fail. Notice all your free gifts that abound.

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The Occult Secrets of Language as a Method of Mind Control

Nathaniel Mauka, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The ‘spell’ in spelling was meant to create a magical trance over you – to obstruct the true meaning of the essence of the Creator. Many occult (33-degree freemasons, illuminati, cabal, etc.) secrets are hidden within spelling and grammar, but it doesn’t take much digging to reveal them.

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Is The Use Of Ayahuasca Helping To Raise Our Global Environmental Consciousness?

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Ayahuasca, a potent psychedelic plant medicine that has been used for thousands of years by many indigenous tribes in South America, has been gaining a lot of attention over the past couple of decades from Westerners seeking spiritual or physical healing.

More and more people are travelling to Peru, Brazil, and other South American countries hoping to find enlightenment or recover from various traumas. Ceremonies are often facilitated by expert healers, including curanderos, shamans, ayahuasqueros, and maestros, all of whom have been traditionally trained with knowledge passed down from their ancestors on how to properly facilitate healing ceremonies.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 10, 2017

There is a part of you that can connect with and anchor any energy that you wish to experience. As a beloved individuated aspect of Source energy, of All That Is, you have access to all that is.

Just as you can search your computer or a library for any topic matter under the sun, you can also seek to find whatever you wish to explore within yourself. It does not matter if the energy hasn't been used for a long time, or ever, it is still available to you.

As you evolve you will begin to play more and more with the energies that have always existed within you. You will move beyond your self imposed limitations by recognizing that everything has been there all along.

Enlightenment is when, with your free will, you decide to go deep into the exploration of Self and express yourself from the myriad of divine options you already hold, and that, Dear Ones, will be your most exciting and satisfying foray into mastery. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 8/9/2017

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People talk indirectly and problems are personal. And they talk philosophy; they ask questions like: How in Buddhism is egotism explained?

What nonsense! What has it to do with Buddhism? Egotism is your problem. Why make it indirect? If you make it indirect, you will miss. You will not be able to understand because from the very beginning you are deceiving. And you may be thinking that you are asking about Buddhism and egotism, then a theory can be given to you, a hypothesis, a philosophy, a system, but that won't help - because each individual has his own problem, and each individual has his own problem in a unique way.


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From Where Cometh Joy?

God said:

Where is your Heart going? Do you go with your Heart, or do you doubt the direction of your Heart? Do you follow your Heart all the way to your Destiny? Or are you under the subjection of your mind? Your mind may keep you stilled in place. Often, your mind follows a trodden path.

But, ah, your Heart. Your Heart roams. Your Heart takes you places where the Specialty of the Love within you flourishes. This is not pinning your Love on an object outside of you, not even to a Soul Mate. The Love We speak of is deeper, more like the art or music of your Soul. What makes your heart tick?

Your mind, as beautiful as it is, seems to corner you. The mind sure seems like a safe haven, yet, within the mind, ego may lurk. To be sure, ego carries its emotion, and your face goes red with it. No matter how strong mighty ego may propose to be, ego fears to let Love come out of hiding, for Love gets in the way of ego.

See your Heart as the Captain of Your Ship. See your Heart as the Truth of you. Your Heart isn’t a wild card that leads you astray. Your Heart isn’t synonymous with ego. Heart is strong. Ego is full of bluster because it is weak and has to pump itself up. No, don’t mix up ego with Heart, not even once.

In your Heart, you are in your element. Ego is something like a particle of grit caught in your eye. It momentarily blinds you as you seek to see. Ego clogs your Heart. Ego is by no means the key to your Heart. Love is.

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Welcome To Weedville: Pot Grower Buys Entire US Town To Create ‘Cannabis-Friendly’ Off-grid City - TruthTheory

By Matt Agorist via The Free Thought Project

A revolutionary new vision has just been set in motion to create a cannabis friendly town that will be energy independent. Welcome to Weedville.

Nipton, CA — In an unprecedented and highly unusual move, American Green Inc., a cannabis grower and product maker, plans on attracting new customers in California — by buying an entire town.

The tiny desert town of Nipton, California was acquired by the company for $5 million. According to the company, they plan on investing an additional $2.5 million in the town to turn it into a pot-friendly tourist destination. Among other smaller buildings, the town includes 120 acres of land, a general store, a hotel, a school, and mineral baths.

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The “Poison Papers”: New Documents Expose Monsanto, The EPA & More. We’ve Been Lied To

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

The Environmental Protection Agency’s mission statement reads: “to protect human health and the environment.” Ironically, while the EPA has done some strong work in the past, the agency has also helped corporations destroy the environment and threaten human health through pesticide usage and adding neurotoxins to our drinking water. These are only two of many examples of the EPA doing an inadequate job of protecting human health and the environment.

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The Messages of Feathers

by Jessie Klassen

For our ancestors, feathers were a symbol of Divine connection.

As birds are able to fly high into the heavens, collecting feathers and wearing them in your hair or on your clothing, or using them in sacred ceremonies, were all practices that brought one closer to the gods.

It is also widely believed that finding feathers means that you are receiving messages from angels, or proof that they are near you, or that you are being watched over by deceased loved ones.

For myself, I never miss an opportunity to pick up feathers.  And as I have found, the more that I invite them into my life, the more that I find them, even in the most unlikely of places.

And it seems that we all have feathers gifted to us primarily from a certain type of bird.  This is so that we can be taught the lessons that this particular bird has to teach us.

Since I was a small child, I have been finding Hawk feathers.  Red-tailed Hawks are an impressive predatory bird that I have always admired.  They can be seen on hot summer days, effortlessly floating upon the air currents, high above the rest of us plodding around here on the ground.  They make flying look easy.  They fly with style.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 9, 2017

Dear Ones, stepping into your own mastery means trusting your ability to be the empowered expert on you. Other people may have many ideas about what you should or should not do. Most of that advice will come through the filter of what would be right for them. Feel into their advice, thank them for caring, but always do what feels right for you. No one will ever know your own path and soul's desires like you do. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Peace And Calm

Your Earth-plane may seem like a scary, violent, uncertain place at times. Everywhere you look you may bee confronted by danger and darkness.Never fear, my darling one and remember your power! You have the opportunity in these supposed ‘dark times’ to make, send and grow light more than ever before. The Universe is not asking you to ignore the obvious; It is asking you to change it for the better.You create, you create and you can create a place of peace and calm wherever you are simply by being you. With enough of you participating, you change shift the reality to something you wish to see. Believe, see it as done and it will be. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 8/8/2017

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Try to see your own ego. Just watch it. Don't be in a hurry to drop it, just watch it. The more you watch, the more capable you will become. Suddenly one day, you simply see that it has dropped. And when it drops by itself, only then does it drop. There is no other way.

Prematurely you cannot drop it. It drops just like a dead leaf. The tree is not doing anything. Just a breeze, a situation, and the dead leaf simply drops. The tree is not even aware that the dead leaf has dropped. It makes no noise, it makes no claim - nothing. The dead leaf simply drops and shatters on the ground, just like that.

When you are mature through understanding, awareness, and you have felt totally that ego is the cause of all your misery, simply one day you see the dead leaf dropping. It settles into the ground, dies of its own accord. You have not done anything so you cannot claim that you have dropped it.

You see that it has simply disappeared, and then the real center arises. And that real center is the soul, the Self, the God, the Truth, or whatsoever you want to call it. It is nameless, so all names are good. You can give it any name of your own liking.


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25 Health Benefits Of Marijuana You Won’t Learn From Mainstream Media

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Did you know? Even though there are now 100 peer-reviewed studies proving components of the cannabis plant — primarily cannabidiol (CBD) — can eliminate cancer, the herb is still classified as a Schedule 1 drug in the United States. Indeed, it’s in the same group as LSD, Heroin and Bath Salts — even though it’s killed 0 people in history.

Confusing as it may be, the misclassification hasn’t stopped the herb from being legalized for both medicinal and recreational purposes in the United States. In fact, as of June 2017, 29 states in the U.S. have legalized medical marijuana. Though use of the plant may still be considered taboo in some communities, it is losing its stigma as citizens learn about its variety of uses and medicinal benefits.

Following are 25 health benefits of marijuana that you won’t learn from mainstream media:

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Adrift on the High Seas of Life

God said:

I hear you cry out from the wilderness:

“Dear God, I write to You during February, the month of St. Valentine’s Day. God, do You give us Life on Earth so that we will experience becoming attached? A hazard of Life is that we hold on tight. And then You sprinkle death around so that we will learn not to become attached but rather to free ourselves from attachment.

“In all due respects, God, this is like a trick, and the joke is on us. St. Valentine’s Day came and went and left so many of us high and dry. Our hope is so great we fall for it every time.

“Certainly, You want us to Love, and we want to Love, yet in this world, we seem to only know how to grab on even when the grabbing on is on the mental plane.

“And, then, when our loved ones leave for one adventure or another, our whole foundation seems to shatter and scatter. We are adrift until it seems we build a certain crust or scab on our hearts. We try to make our hearts more stern, more above it all. The despair we find ourselves lost in is too painful to bear ever again. Alas, to be vulnerable to Love and not find Love again.

“We understand very well that there are no replacements for our deeply-loved ones. If we are lucky, we have a father and mother on Earth. Yet one way or another, they leave, and we are left behind, or we leave, and they are left behind.

“There can be other Hearts we Love, yet never others quite like the ones who have gone onto greener pastures.


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