God said:
As you well know by now, you want to divest yourself of your troubles. You don’t want to highlight your scourges. No matter how dire and how huge, you already know that there is no profit in keeping on about your troubles. You would give up commentaries on the difficulties you experience if only you could let go of them.
I am telling you how. You already know how to dwell on complaints. You fell into that. I do not tell you to kid yourself that all is hunky-dory. I, God, say to release the thorns in your side.
When a situation concerns a loved one’s leaving Earth, this is on a different scale. When it is a loved one, you want to keep that which you have to let go of. You know you have to let go. You have to reach a new balance. By comparison, when it’s a case of a loved one, it’s a whole new world.
Now We speak of lesser difficulties that weigh on you and that you don’t want.
Certainly, you are not a Pollyanna who seems to pretend her difficulties away, yet, bless Pollyanna, for she knew enough to divert her attention from difficulties.
Okay, if you want to know a secret on how to let difficulties go, begin by not regurgitating them. Certainly, you deplore difficulties. You don’t love them. You don’t like them. You can’t stand them. They get in your way. They are stumbling blocks. They catch in your craw. You might say you would give anything to not have difficulties.