God said:
When there is clutter in your mind, there may well be clutter in your Life. Dispense with clutter. Clean your plate. Clear your slate.
Are you more at peace in the world surrounded with objects just on principle? Do you dust these objects frequently? Do you admire them? Do you really treasure them? If they are not treasures to you, ask yourself why you covet them. What do these possessions mean to you, and why must you keep them? Are they like worry beads for you? They must mean something to you, but what?
Everything on Earth is an idea. Everything you fumble with is an idea. Could collecting possibly be a way to help you forget who you really and truly are? Surrounding yourselves with things could be a way to block yourself from your True Self who ascends far higher than the surface of Life. It's possible that attachment is a way to distract yourself.
You, who are a powerful Being, may veil yourself with all manner of things. You collect. You may even scurry to collect. Love human Beings, beloveds.
Beloveds, get away from hoarding anyway. Give instead. Certainly, do not hoard Love. Circulate Love. Love is not a distraction. Love is IT. Love is alive and moving. Love does not sit on a shelf. Love is always. Love is omnipresent. Living is meant to be about Loving and nothing but Love.
You don’t conjure up Love. You expand Love. Love is fluid. Love moves. There is nothing more vital than Love. Love gives. Love does not take away.