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Birds of Desire

God said:

Beautiful Souls, there is something more to say about desires and their fulfillment. Yes, desire your dreams deeply. The fulfillment of your desires is on its way to you. Fulfillment of your desires rightly belongs to you. This is your birthright, no ifs, ands, or buts.

At the same time as you desire, let go of the necessity for your desires to be fulfilled. Don't push or pull them on their way. You lightly wish them well. You wave them on their way the same easy way the setting sun sets. Don’t be self-conscious or self-centered on your desires.

You have likely read in other places that, as you become enlightened, you are to become desire-less. What this means is that you release your desires in that you have your desires before you, yet you are not attached to them. You don't squeeze them. You embrace, yet you are able to let them out of your sight.

You may wonder how anyone can do this, to desire with all his or her heart, and let the desire fly on its own wings. You don't do it, beloveds. That is just the thing. You allow it. Your desire is something like a caged bird that you love. You free it from its cage. You welcome its freedom, and if the bird comes back, you throw a party for it upon its return.

Unattached to results, you let your Birds of Desire fly as they will. This is also your heartfelt desire, and so you free yourself as well.

The world is not obliged to serve your every wish. You are to be the freer of everyone and everything.

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Replacement Chemical In BPA-Free Bottles Also Disrupts Estrogen In The Body

by Karen Forrester,

A compound called BPA is being phased out of all plastic packaging due to fears it may disrupt our hormones--but its replacement may be just as harmful.

BPA, or bisphenol A, is often found in disposable water bottles and babies' milk bottles and cups. Small amounts can dissolve into the food and drink inside these containers. It is a dangerous chemical linked to health concerns from digestive problems to issues with brain development. It was previously found present in around two billion products in the U.S. that were used on a daily basis.

By 2009 it had the highest production volume and use in consumer goods, with 2.2 million tons consumed globally.

Because it's the most harmful on developing brains and bodies, children and pregnant women, it started to be phased out from the manufacturing process of plastics.

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This Beautiful Public Pool Is Totally Chlorine-Free & The First One Like It in the U.S.

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

In a world filled with so many manmade products, it’s refreshing to see alternatives to some of our favourite things harnessing the beauty and power of nature.

Natural pools, for instance, are stunning creations that use plant life, rocks, and various biological filters in place of cleansing chemicals to keep pools clean and therefore safe (and inviting, too).

Such pools have existed in Europe for decades, with the first ones being introduced in Austria and Germany in the 1980s. Today, there are 20,000 natural pools in Europe, with many offered to the general public. Such an invention serves as a wonderful reminder that toxic chemicals are not the only way to enjoy swimming in a pool comfortably.

But you won’t find it easy to come across a naturally-filtered pool in the U.S. Having a pool built from the ground up in your own backyard is a prohibitively expensive luxury to begin with, and few homes come with natural pools already built in.

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5 Paths To Encourage Spiritual Awakening - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

In times gone by spirit was the essence of life. All modern day science, health and arts have been derived from spiritual practice and it is only in recent times that we separated all the principles. Chemistry was derived from alchemy, astronomy from astrology and psychology from mysticism. In these times there was no separation, and the spiritual and physical aspects of these practices were one and the same.

When organised religion came along this created a middle man which sat between the people and god (spirit). Not long after this the principles started to become divided and compartmentalised. There is a famous saying from the emerald tablet, which is written by Hermes Trismegistus, who is thought to be the Egyptian god Thoth reincarnated saying- “as above so below, as below so above.” My short interpretation of this is there is no separation between the heavens, the earth and the underworld. There is no difference between the macro and the micro. The mind, body and spirit in its essence are one and the same.

Given this spiritual practice does not need to be just spiritual practice, but can be part of a mind, body and soul connection. Here are 5 things you can do to find this connection.


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The Creator Writings - March 2nd, 2017

The thought of beginning is not the same as the action of beginning.  Yes, it can be good to hold a picture in your mind as a starting point, however, without forward movement, there can be no beginning.  The co-creation process is one in which you can choose to participate.  If you choose not to join in, then there can be no growth.  Get up, get moving and create! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 2, 2017

We are encouraging you to dream big for a reason, Dear Ones. Dreaming big is a beautiful expression of your trust and faith in the universe and your own ability to create. When you focus on the co-creation of your greatest desires and self expression, you are anchoring the energy that your current concerns are already taken care of. They must be if you can already see beyond them!

Many people block themselves from their wildest dreams because they think they must resolve their immediate issues first. This keeps them playing in much smaller energy than is available to them. Understand that dreaming big energetically supports the manifestation of your immediate needs, as well as what you wish to move into in your future. It is creating beyond, into the land of great potential and possibilities, which is exactly what pioneers do.

When you are focused on your highest expression of self, the issues you are seeking to move beyond right now are automatically resolved, as their resolution is part of the path that gets you to that end result. So dream big, Dear Ones,and know that it supports you in all of your desires, immediate and future, and is a beautiful demonstration of your faith and trust in a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Monumental Bill Introduced In Congress Would Legalize Cannabis On Federal Level

By: Jay Syrmopoulos / The Free Thought Project  

Washington, D.C. – In an effort to push back against repressive federal control of marijuana policy, bipartisan legislation was introduced in Congress by representatives Tom Garrett (R-VA) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) to exclude cannabis from the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA), which absurdly lists marijuana as a Schedule 1 substance — a classification that denotes a substance being dangerous and having no known medicinal value.

Passage of this legislation would provide states with the exclusive authority to regulate marijuana how they see fit – without the ominous threat of federal criminalization. In a prepared statement, Rep. Garrett explained that states are “more than capable” of deciding what policies best benefit their own citizens – without the need for federal oversight. If passed, this bill would take marijuana off the federal controlled substances list – joining other industries such as alcohol and tobacco.

GFP Newsletter - 3/1/2017

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Love knows no failure. Intelligence knows no failure, failure is only for fools.

Humor knows no failure.

If a man who has some sense of humor slips on a banana skin and falls down, even he will laugh - he is capable of laughing at himself too. That is a true sense of humor. To laugh at somebody else slipping on the banana skin is not much - anybody can do it.


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The Miracle of Life on Earth

God said:

There isn't anything I can't do. There isn't a miracle that I cannot perform. I perform what the world calls miracle after miracle every day. You may be sure that this whole Life on Earth is a miracle. All of it.

This wealth of wonder on Earth does not mean, dear ones, that I will always give you what you want when you want it. When I don't seemingly come to your aid, you may think this means I don't love you. I love you all right. My Love is not at issue. I serve you, yet I don't always follow your will. Did you think I am always supposed to?

Your Life is not separate from everyone else's. Don't take any hurt that you feel or neglect that you may feel as evidence that you are not loved. We serve each other, you and I, and yet Our relationship is not quite a matter of keeping up with each other. We are reciprocal, yet you can be remarkable and still not be rewarded as you envision reward. I am a Giver of Gifts, yet I am not Santa Claus.

All your desires do not always come true. All your desires do not have to come true. Desire deeply all that you desire. Desire all you desire, yet you don't have to have the realization of every desire. You do not have to depend on Me to fulfill your every desire. Our relationship is not about a trade.

You may not know what is opportunity and what is not. You may think you know what is in your best interest. You think you do. You know what you would like.

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Civil Disobedience - Questioning the Laws We Take for Granted

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ~Voltaire

There are many different types of addiction, but perhaps the worst type is an addiction to unquestioned laws passed down from our forefathers and blindly followed. This type of addiction is detrimental, as it affects the world negatively in so many ways. When laws go unquestioned, there is a tendency for the power behind the laws to become entrenched. There is the tendency for people to become ignorant, complacent and even apathetic to the ways in which power corrupts. When laws go unquestioned, those with the power to write laws can use the monopoly on power to force the majority into believing in laws that would, under scrutiny, be viewed as invalid, unhealthy, unsustainable and even immoral.

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Great Changes

Are you ready?  All the work you and I have been doing up to this point has been in preparation for great changes coming to your Earth plane.  It is important to keep your thoughts and actions focused on the positive and know that you will be taken care of.  Some of the experience may be bumpy and uncomfortable, but the end result will be worth the time and effort! ~ Creator

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Thousands Of Mics And Cameras To Be Installed In San Diego For ‘Data Harvesting’

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

There's an unanswered question about what this means for personal privacy.

General Electric, in conjunction with AT&T and Intel Corp, is set to install cameras, microphones, and sensors on 3,200 streetlights in San Diego this year, beginning in July. The installations are part of a new “smart city” scheme that aims to monitor traffic and crime.

With this news has also come many questioning whether this is an overreach into personal privacy, which is something that wasn’t properly investigated prior to approving this plan. Jen Lebron of the mayor’s office said, “it’s anonymous data with no personal identifiers,” since apparently the video quality will be low enough to individual identification.

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Disrupt Censorship! How To Keep Seeing News That Matters To You

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Is it algorithms? Or maybe censorship? Or do people just not care anymore? These are the questions going through many people’s minds as it becomes increasingly more difficult to stay informed in our world.

Facebook became the top source for driving news and information to people in 2015. According to’s chief technical officer, Andrew Montalenti, latest estimates show that social media sources (of which Facebook is by far the largest) accounted for about 43% of the traffic to the network of media sites, while Google accounted for just 38%.

Now you might also have been hearing how Facebook’s algorithm has changed and many publishers are now seeing a decline in traffic from Facebook. There are likely a number of reasons for this and we will get to them shortly.

GFP Newsletter - 2/28/2017

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I have never taken anything seriously. This was not a decision on my part; otherwise that decision would have become serious. Just looking at life I found it was so humorous, so ridiculous, that if you cannot make yourself giggle and laugh you are just an idiot, and missing such a great opportunity.



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