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Incredible Facial Reenactment Technology Can Manipulate Trump & Putin Videos In Real Time (VIDEO)

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Imagine what this could be used for.

The world of technology just got a little more interesting. Researchers have developed a pretty mind blowing new piece of video technology that allows a person the ability to transfer their facial expressions on to another person in real-time – creating a video that looks real enough to convince almost anyone.

The technology comes out of a collaborative effort between Germany’s University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, and Stanford University in California. The incredible technology has already being tested on George W Bush, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin.

The study, Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos, “animates the facial expressions of the target video by a source actor and re-renders the manipulated output video in a photo-realistic fashion,” according to the researchers.

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Solar-Powered Floating Farm Could Produce 20 Tons Of Vegetables Daily

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

The future of agriculture is here with what’s being called a Smart Floating Farm, designed by Forward Thinking Architecture, that could produce 8,000 tons of vegetables annually. The concept was selected as one of the Winners of the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award 2016 (SEA) in the category of Lifestyle and Culture.

The modular floating farms are not a reality yet but the concept behind it is sustainable and highly necessary with the rapidly growing human population and the equally declining access to natural resources.

As the move away from traditional farming on land, there have been a number of farm concepts, such as vertical hydroponic gardening, that have taken off in urban settings to create a more sustainable future. The Smart Floating Farm (SFF) is joining the ranks in replacing land farms and its high crop yield could make it a serious contender for what comes next in food production.

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Giant Manta Ray Approaches Divers To Ask For Help With Untangling Herself [Video]

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

Animals are wonderful creatures who are often smarter than humans believe them to be. No matter what species it is, most creatures have done something that’s amazed researchers or regular witnesses, including going to humans for help with problems they know they can’t solve.

That’s exactly what a giant manta ray off the coast of Costa Rica did after she was caught in a fishing net that was cutting into her skin. Divers that were exploring the surrounding waters were amazed when they saw the manta ray in the distance coming towards them but were shocked that she made a beeline towards them without diverting off-course.

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Good News: 5 Ways The World Is Doing Better Than You Might Think

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

With so much chaos and uncertainty around the world — war, terror attacks, racial division, health concerns, and more — it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the negativity of it all, to wonder if things will ever change and if we should even bother trying to help what seems like a lost cause.

But sometimes a shift in perspective can really go a long way. Instead of focusing on what is going wrong in the world or your life — which is not the same as ignoring it or pretending it isn’t real — focus instead on what is going right, such as the gift of being alive, the ability to access information, or the support of your friends and family. Practice gratitude for the beauty in this world. Regardless of how small the thing you allow yourself to feel grateful for, practicing gratitude can create a huge shift in yourself and those around you. It’s truly infectious.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the amazing and positive events that are currently taking place on our planet. After all, “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”

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MSNBC Anchor: ‘Our Job’ Is To ‘Control Exactly What People Think’

By: Tyler Durden / ZeroHedge   During a lively discussion centered on fears that President Trump is “trying to undermine the media,” MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski let slip the awesome unspoken truth that the media’s “job” is to “actually control exactly what people think.”

SCARBOROUGH: “Exactly. That is exactly what I hear. What Yamiche said is what I hear from all the Trump supporters that I talk to who were Trump voters and are still Trump supporters. They go, ‘Yeah you guys are going crazy. He’s doing — what are you so surprised about? He is doing exactly what he said he is going to do.’”

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Now is the time, my dearest, to be gentle with yourself.  Many, many, changes are coming to your Earth-plane, uncertainties abound and make it challenging to keep a clear head and loving heart.  Keep in mind that your society, as a whole, is re-balancing and may appear to be chaotic…at best.  (Smiling)  Do your best to stay as centered as possible and know that all will be well. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 2/22/2017

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When I say be selfish, I am really trying to help you to become as unselfish as possible; that's the only way.

Be selfish.

Find out your truth, your love, your compassion - all that you have brought into the world with your birth.

And start giving it to those who need, to those who do not need; to those whom you love, to those whom you don't love. You should not make any distinctions; only then can you expand. When there are no distinctions, no categories, you start expanding.

And that expansion is the truth; That expanding consciousness is the truth.

And it is right this very moment within you, you have not to go anywhere else.


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Give Yourself a Treat Today

God said:

It may be your custom to wake up in the morning and to think about what you have going on today. That's fine. Think what you look forward to doing or happening. Just don't wake up in the morning and think about what you don't want to do or even what you might dread doing. What a difference it makes what you think of and how you think about it when you wake up in the morning. It could even set the pattern for your day.

Do you want to be disgruntled all day? Well, maybe you do. If not, I say to encourage joy.

Activate yourself to start off your day with joy even if it isn't tremendously special. Surely you look forward to eating.

If you feel like you are coming down with a cold, look forward to getting better.

If you, for instance, are having surgery today, then think about how much better you will feel when you wake up to find you are still alive. Actually, of course, if you don't wake up to find you are still alive in the world, you will, indeed, feel better than you have felt in a long while. You will more than feel. You will be surrounded with the equivalent of All Joy in Heaven.

Getting back to today, if you do not see something in this day to lighten your heart, then add something to this day that gives you at least a modicum of joy. Joy does not have to be flung at you. You can insert joy yourself.

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"Walking Trees" Can Move Several Centimeters Everyday In Search Of Sunlight

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

Nature has proven to be quite amazing and resilient, and many plant, animal, and insect species have been around much longer than humans, though they have evolved over time. Just as the bodies of humans and animals change over time to accommodate a changing world and to give creatures a better advantage over the challenges they face, plants do the same in their own way.

One such plant is the Cashapona palm, a tree native to Central and South America in the rainforests. The palm is often referred to as the “Walking Palm” because of its unique leg-like roots that appear to be walking when observed over time.

Unlike most trees, the roots of the Walking Palm protrude from the trunk above ground and are thick and visible. They are called stilted roots because of the way they “stand” and they have a special ability to move towards the sunlight.

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Civil Rights Commission States Flint Water Crisis Was Caused by Systematic Racism

by Amelia Kinney, True Activist

A new report issued by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission cites systematic racism at the root of the Flint water crisis. The report states:

Reviewing the historical governmental actions impacting the living and health conditions of Flint residents… was sobering and left a deep impression. We must come to terms with the ongoing effects of “systemic racism” that repeatedly led to disparate racial outcomes… This can no longer be ignored”.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 22, 2017

Dear Ones, fear can come up in many ways for human beings. In some ways fear serves you by keeping you safe from danger, but in most cases fear just keeps you in a state of stagnation and contraction. One of the most common fears people experience is fear of judgment.

Fear of judgment has been well ingrained in you over the years – fear of the judgment of an angry, vengeful God, fear of being judged for your spirituality or gifts and either put to death or tortured for it, and fear of judgment from others resulting in you being shunned.

Feel how old that energy is! As an enlightening human being on an ascending planet, not only are you safe to shine in your truth and divinity, it is your sacred calling. You are in times, right now, that support you in that mission more than any other time you have been on the planet.

So how do you know if you are holding yourself back from doing something out of fear of judgment? Simply ask yourself what you would do if you didn't know one single person on the planet. That will help you discern very quickly what your truest desire is, and if you are holding yourself back based on what others might think.

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This Electromagnetic Field Around Every Person Is Depleted In Those Who Are Unhealthy

by Josh Richardson, PreventDisease.com

Since ancient times we have seen pictures and paintings of different spiritual leaders across various traditions but one thing that is common among all of them is the halo that surrounds their head which is known as the Aura- energy field. Many have dismissed Auras, especially those professed to be experts in natural sciences. However, with the assistance of highly sensitive cameras scientists have been able to photograph this field some experts believe could become a tool for use in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

This aura represents your physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual energies. The aura is often seen a mix of fine coloured frequencies where each colour defines its own individual nature and characteristics.

The vibration of this aura is very fine and subtle so we need very fine instruments to detect it and also to interpret the different colours and shapes in the aura which can reveal us a lot of unsaid information.

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Why Empathy Is So Important in Everyday Life (Video)

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

You’ve surely heard the saying, “You can’t understand someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” The person who first offered this wisdom is lost to history, but it’s become so ingrained in our vernacular because of the importance empathy has in life.

Because each and every one of us is an individual, with our own unique outlook on life, it can be incredibly easy to disagree; to misunderstand; to offend. Think of a time you were crying, and someone couldn’t seem to wrap their head around how your emotions matched the situation. That alone is enough to make your tears flow harder.

GFP Newsletter - 2/21/2017

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Whomever it may concern, you simply give. Don't be concerned about the address, you simply go on sending love letters. Somebody will receive them somewhere. And the more you go on sharing, the more goes on entering you from unknown sources. A man is just like a well...



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