God said:
It may be your custom to wake up in the morning and to think about what you have going on today. That's fine. Think what you look forward to doing or happening. Just don't wake up in the morning and think about what you don't want to do or even what you might dread doing. What a difference it makes what you think of and how you think about it when you wake up in the morning. It could even set the pattern for your day.
Do you want to be disgruntled all day? Well, maybe you do. If not, I say to encourage joy.
Activate yourself to start off your day with joy even if it isn't tremendously special. Surely you look forward to eating.
If you feel like you are coming down with a cold, look forward to getting better.
If you, for instance, are having surgery today, then think about how much better you will feel when you wake up to find you are still alive. Actually, of course, if you don't wake up to find you are still alive in the world, you will, indeed, feel better than you have felt in a long while. You will more than feel. You will be surrounded with the equivalent of All Joy in Heaven.
Getting back to today, if you do not see something in this day to lighten your heart, then add something to this day that gives you at least a modicum of joy. Joy does not have to be flung at you. You can insert joy yourself.