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The Gender Ending Agenda …or the de-sexing of man and woman

by Julian Rose

“To those who are entrained to oppose, repress and suffocate the life force which stands behind Creation, sexuality is indeed dangerous.”

The Universe is sexual. Electric. Sexual-electric. Its electricity produced by a state of polarity. Polarity which causes friction. Friction as the fundamental life force. The life force which catalyses birth. Birth: an act of procreation; ‘pro-creation’. A Divine act. The birthing of the Universe as Divine Action. 

An action brought about by the mutual attraction existing between two interconnected, gravity enhanced polar opposites. Negative/positive; day/night; yin/yang; male/female. No life without duality. No duality without polarity. No birth without duality/polarity. No evolution without procreation, and no procreation without the sexes.

Sexuality is sacred, an eternal fountain of the profoundly creative: therefore, in a monotone world, where survival depends upon materialistic uniformity of thought and sterile conformity of inaction, sexuality is dangerous.

That danger has led to an attempt to neuter our electrically charged reality, and render obsolete the role of man, woman and even procreation itself, so as to make way for a robotic cyber race and subsequent trans-humanist take-over of this planet.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 12, 2017

All great changes happen a little bit at a time. If you find an area of your life very out of balance, (common examples are the areas of self love, giving/receiving, relationship dynamics, and appropriate boundaries, or any other area where you consistently give your power away), it is very stressful, daunting, and often unrealistic to expect yourself to suddenly swing into a perfectly healthy expression of that particular area. It took a while to get that out of balance so it will likely be too much to expect yourself to right it all in one swoop.

But what you can do, is start to integrate healthier, conscious choices, bit by bit, to move yourself towards your goal. This will help you to gradually become more comfortable with moving into and assimilating those energies, and before you know it you will have created healthier habits that accumulate into profound and empowering healing and change that are so much more in line with what you desire and deserve.

Evolution is a process, Dear Ones, and one that can be done bit by bit to ensure your comfort and success. By taking it a little at a time you will give yourself practice and experience which will, in turn, create positive momentum. What small changes can you start to incorporate into your life on a consistent basis that would honour your tender soul and your highest intentions? ~Archangel Gabriel


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6 Ways To Start Your Own Personal Revolution - TruthTheory

By Luke Miller Truth Theory

We live in a world where we often pass the buck when it comes to responsibility, especially when that responsibility comes at the cost of changing our behaviour. However it is very possible for us to change part of the external world we live in by simply changing our inner world. This is how we create our own personal revolution.

The analogy I like to use for this is that we are all light bulbs, we all have the ability to shine bright, the problem is we are often surrounded by other bulbs that are not shining. When we switch on our light, not only do we realise we have the ability to shine bright, but those around us also realise that they have the ability to shine full beam. We all have this in us it is just a question of activating our light.

There are many ways we can be that shining light in a world full of dormant bulbs here are 6 ways-

Love Unconditionally

You can always share things with people, the paradox here is it can often be hard to share your feelings with those you love, however we always have that inner ability to do so. Tell someone they are beautiful without conditions. Smile at someone when you pass them in the street. Love everyone without expecting them to do so in return, because when you do- all that is love gravitates to you and this allows others to do the same.

Spend Ethically

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10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Possible Extraterrestrial Visitation & UFOs Discovered In India

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Our ancient world continues to become more mysterious by the day, as 10,000 year old rock paintings depicting possible extraterrestrials and UFOs have been found in Chhattisgarh, India. These can be added to the long list of mysterious and unexplained “ancient art” that seems to lend to the belief that our ancient world and the people who lived at that time had contact with beings that did not originate from this planet.

According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings depict extraterrestrials. The Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture is planning to seek the help of NASA and ISRO for research regarding the paintings.

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Crystals For Beginners! Here Are The Top 10 Essential Crystals & Their Uses

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Are you new to the wonderful world of crystals? Has something drawn you to them, and do you have an incredible urge to collect as many as possible, but have no idea where to begin? There are thousands of different crystals and stones with many different properties in existence, and aside from being very beautiful, they all hold tremendous healing potential.

In the past, I never really understood crystals. I had friends who would hold them and immediately begin to feel their “power” or properties, saying things like, “Oh wow, this one feels very energetic,” or “This one is a very loving, protective stone,” etc. While I believed in the potential power of crystals, I felt as though I was not intuitive enough to feel it, or my friends  were exaggerating, or perhaps that crystals only worked for certain people.

GFP Newsletter - 2/11/2017

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Truth cannot be expressed through language; the moment you put it into words something goes wrong.

It is just as when you take a completely straight staff and put it in the water halfway: you will be surprised that the straight staff is no longer straight. Where it meets the water - half of it is out, half is in the water - something has gone wrong, it is no longer straight. It has taken an angle, it is crooked. You take the staff back out of the water ... and it is a miracle! - it is again absolutely straight. Nothing happens to the staff in water, but the nature of water and the nature of air cause them to function differently. The straight line becomes no longer the same; it is under different laws.

The same happens to truth the moment it enters the world of language.


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Catch Yourself in Peace and Happiness

God said:

In every breath, you perpetuate yourself on Earth.

You are a willing partner in your Life. Your Life is your Life, and Your Life is yours to do with. Certainly, there are factors out of your present control, where you were born, to whom, and, yet, as farfetched as it may seem, you contributed to your placement in life.

Your life was not simply foisted on you, nor were your choices limited to you. You had preferences, the reasons for which you are unable to identify now. Nevertheless, you positioned yourself. You can’t figure this all out now, nor is there a reason to.

We can say that you speak in a different language now than in the language you spoke then. We can say you speak with words now and perhaps more in shapes and colors then. More with abstract then whereas you long to identify other factors now.

Consider that you gave yourself an assignment, and now you fulfill it. Accept your assignment with eagerness. Give yourself a good go at it. You might well not now choose the Life you chose – or you may – yet, in any case, you did not choose it randomly.

Certainly, some puzzles seem more complex than others, yet you have privilege in working the puzzle that is before you. Go at it with the idea that you will find your way, and have every advantage in the puzzle that is before you. This puzzle is called Life. This does not mean that you whip your puzzle into submission. You don't whip it into shape. You look at it in new ways.

How often have you said: "If only I had known then what I know now…"

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Veterans Return To Standing Rock To Act As Human Shields Against Police

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

This is a clear sign that the fight between water protectors and law enforcement is far from over.

Since April of 2016, “water protectors” who oppose the construction of the four-state Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) have been camped out near Cannon Ball, ND. Even throughout the harsh winter, they’ve remained on the plains, as they maintain the belief that the land which the DAPL passes through rightfully belongs to the tribe due to an 1851 treaty. Activists also believe that its development may potentially contaminate the Missouri river and uproot sacred burial ground.

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The Difference Between Healthy Love & Unhealthy Love

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

“What is love?” is perhaps one of the most pondered questions of our existence. Is it a feeling? An emotion? Is it who we are? Is it something we all feel? Love can make us feel and do many different things in our lives and today we’re going to explore the idea that there may be two types of love: healthy love and unhealthy love.

Types of Love

To set up the context for this exploration, let’s quickly define what’s going on here. Generally we hear love defined as either conditional or unconditional. Conditional love would be loving something based on a certain set of conditions being met. i.e. “I only love this person if they do this for me, if they don’t, then I don’t love them.”

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Hundreds Of Whales Are Currently Stranded On A Beach In New Zealand

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

After 100 whales were helped back into the ocean, a further 240 arrived and became stranded.

After 300 pilot whales were found dead on a New Zealand beach, with a further 140 found struggling for survival on the coast on Friday, a further 240 arrived the following day, making the situation even worse. Magazine writer and editor Cheree Morrison stumbled across the scene as she took a pre-dawn trip to capture the sunrise, accompanied by a photographer and guide. She described the scene before her, claiming that it was the sounds of soft sighs and cries that first struck her before she ventured closer and saw the full extent of what has been described as one of the worst whale strandings in the nation’s history. She said,

“You could hear the sounds of splashing, of blowholes being cleared, of sighing. The young ones were the worst. Crying is the only way to describe it.”

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Your Brief Time

A gentle reminder; your time on your Earth plane is very short.  There are many decisions to be made, paths to explore and emotions to move through.  My darling child, the gifts that each of your experiences bring may not always seem like gifts in the moment, but when you look back on your life you will be able to see how truly beautiful it all is.  Choose wisely, choose happiness, choose wonderful…you will never be disappointed! ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 11, 2017

Dear Ones, you don't need to know all the answers. You just need to find the next step that feels right to you, and then the next step that feels right to you.

If you have an intention to create something, ask if that step takes you closer to, or further away from what you wish to create. If you don't know, ask to be shown what the next step is that moves you toward your desire, or for a sign, or for greater clarity.

You create your future one Now moment at a time. By keeping your focus on that fact, you can soothe any anxiety you have because you will be working with knowns rather than unknowns. You will be harnessing the energy that is available to you in that moment, as well as the information available to you, and that, Dear Ones, is allowing the unfoldment to serve you. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 2/10/2017

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The society - have you come across society anywhere? Or do you hope some day to say, "Hi, society! How are you?" These words are just hollow, empty. They are only containers without any content in them. But man is so idiotic that he is more interested in containers than in the content.


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Perhaps Unbeknownst to You

God said:

There is a treasure within you. This treasure is for you to find. And then you give the treasure away. Your treasure isn’t to have and to hold. You can only share your treasure.

Perhaps one day it is a beautiful sunset you are privileged to see. Perhaps it is one leaf that wafts away from a tree. Perhaps you have caught Infinity out of the corner of your eye.

Something wonderful has occurred, and you held it in your arms or almost held it in your arms. No matter if it vanished before you, go ahead and identify it.

Life is happening at this very moment. Whether you are alone or in a crowd, Life Is Happening. Life is a gift of solid proportions, even when there are no words to express it.


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