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Release all your doubts, and REJOICE!

As you have been told so many times by so many in the spiritual realms “There is no separation, there is only the One.”  Now your scientists have found it to be true, and that everything is connected inseparably to everything else that they are capable of measuring.  They are still having difficulty with the concept that there may be “stuff,” “material,” “consciousness” in the observed universe that exists but which they cannot be aware of through their five senses and which, therefore, they cannot measure with their instruments.  And many of them still believe that even the thought that there could be a 6th sense is but an insane chemical aberration within the brain!

But some have moved forward beyond that severely limiting concept and are accepting that Reality is far, far vaster than they ever thought possible.  The best and the brightest of them are wise, humble, and open to new concepts which mainstream scientists still refuse to acknowledge, let alone investigate.  However, much progress has been made in the last three or four hundred years because science refused to accept religious dogma.  But now they have their own scientific dogma to replace it, although it is now being actively dismantled.

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What Will the Neighbors Think?

God said:

What do you base your estimate of yourself on? There is nothing to base yourself on. The world's preferences are only the world's preferences. The prefereces are temporary. Preferances change often enough.

The world is not the making of you. Nor is the world the undoing of you.

At one time, women were like scalps. A man's value might have been set by how many scalps he could collect. The world set such standards according to the amalgamated consciousness of the world that set one standard for men and another standard for women. It is the consciousness of the human world that set you up for the changeable standards of the world you were born into.

The world set a standard of abstinence, and said this constraint was to honor Me, as if, on one hand I give, and on the other hand, I take away unless you were authorized by a ceremony. It was as if you were denied to look up at the sky, as if the human heart were to be turned off, had to be legalized, as if I would order you not to taste of the Tree of Knowledge, as if I would evict you from the Garden of Eden as punishment for the crime of being a human Being, as if I would personally kick you out from Heaven. Would I be so foolish?

There is no one blanket for virtue.

Don’t make standards for others as if this were your right. The world wants to run itself on logic. A world without heart lacks common sense and logic along with heart.

Certainly, I don’t speak of anything goes. Life is not intended to be one extreme or another.

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The Best Medicinal Mushrooms For Memory, Stress Relief, Immune System & Cancer

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

Medicinal mushrooms are truly incredible and are a wonderful food that can be used to improve and maintain health in a person. In fact, we share more in common DNA-wise with mushrooms than we do with plants, according to the University of California Berkeley. Since we share much of the same DNA, mushrooms and humans share common infections from the same microbial pathogens. However, mushrooms are much more evolved at creating compounds to fight these pathogens. In essence, that means that mushrooms contain compounds that can help the human body heal and recover from something as simple as everyday stress, to more severe illnesses like diseases and cancers.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 24, 2017

If you are trying to draw a line from one point to another, it is very easy if you keep your eyes focused on the point you wish to end at. If you turn your head and look at anything else, it makes the task quite difficult, indeed. The same it is with your creations, Dear Ones. Keep your focus on what you would like to create and all the necessary systems will automatically activate and cooperate to help you arrive there. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Wyoming Moves to Ban Wind and Solar Power for Use by Electric Utilities

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Wind and solar power are gaining ground around the globe as viable and economically sound alternatives to fossil fuels and nuclear energy. In the U.S., solar power now employs more people than any other energy industry, including oil, natural gas, and coal combined, proving that not only is clean energy good for the environment, but it’s also good for the economy.

Never-the-less, lawmakers in the state of Wyoming have introduced legislation to prevent utility companies from using energy derived from solar and wind power, effectively outlawing the most viable sources of clean energy in the state. Entitled, Electricity Production Standard, the measure outlines requirements for the sources of energy that can be used in state or imported from out of state.

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Ashwagandha: Stress, Strength, Smarts and Sex

by Linda Woolven & Ted Snider,

This adaptogenic, Ayurvedic herb has been used for thousands of years to rejuvenate and strengthen the body.

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used for over 2,500 years as a vitalizer, which is like what we would today call an adaptogen. Ancient healers used ashwagandha as a rejuvenative tonic that had the ability to give back strength to an emaciated body. It is reputed to give strength and vigour and to increase stamina. Being an adaptogen, it is able to help the body to increase nonspecific resistance to disease. It has traditionally been used for arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, cancer, candida, fever, inflammations, nausea, rheumatism, diabetes, leukoderma, cancer, to improve cognitive function and stress. Ashwagandha has a reputation as a sedative, a hypotensive, an antispasmodic, is antitumour, is an analgesic and an antiinflammatory.

Today, an explosion of research has stamped a seal of approval on ashwagandha’s claims.

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6 More Radio Signals Appear From Deep Space: Are We Being Greeted By Intelligent Beings?

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

(ibtimes) Scientists have discovered six more bursts of radio signals coming from a place in deep space outside our galaxy from where similar signals were detected earlier this year and in 2012.

A total of 17 such radio signals have been received from this location in space, and given their nature, speculation has already begun on whether we are being hailed by extra-terrestrial life forms.

Nature of The Signals

The signals — detected at the Green Bank Telescope in the US and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, according to an article in the Astrophysical Journal — are described as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). Discovered only in 2007, FRBs are really fast radio signals that last for only a few milliseconds, and can be detected only with special equipment.

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Major Big Box Retailer Calls on Suppliers to Stop Using Bee-Killing Chemicals

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Major global big box retailer Costco has recently called on their suppliers to limit non-essential pesticides in products to be sold on its store shelves, specifically discouraging the use of neonicotinoids, a class of insecticides known to be exceptionally harmful to bees and other critical pollinator insects.

With 705 stores worldwide and annual sales nearing $120 billion, the retail chain is a prime position to lead a major movement against the use of these harmful chemicals, which is vital today, given that bee populations are in serious decline and a North American bee has just been officially added to the endangered species.

GFP Newsletter - 1/23/2017

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All the stones on your path can become stepping stones.

They need not hinder you, you just have to know that they are steps.

Look into your suffering, find out that good and bad are all together there. You cannot separate them, so the question of dropping does not arise. You have to use them together - not as opposites, but as complementaries. And that is possible.


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Whose Life Is It Anyway?

God said:

If you don't know what to make of Life as a whole, and most especially don't know what to make of YOUR present Life -- totally not understanding, pro or con, how you got to this time and place – and not sure where you go from here, do you shake Life up and assert yourself, or you may say: "Okay, Life, have your way." It is not for you to stay still, nor is it for you to make a fuss about what today or tomorrow brings.

Life is what it is, and Life is also how you see it. You are familiar with these two ideas. You are well aware of differences of opinion.

You love bananas, and your friend doesn't love bananas. Your friend may look forward to mañana, whereas you may prefer to turn over in the morning and go back to sleep.

It can be that all you want is peace, and, on the other hand, you live in the midst of commotion.

You may love the ocean, and you live in the mid-west. You may love the tropics, and you live in Alaska. You may live in a hi-rise, or you live off the grid, and so on. You could live in a palace, or you could be homeless.

Wherever you are, that’s where you seem to be. You are living the Life you are living this moment. You may well have a choice of the flavor of ice cream you will have, and you also have the choice not to eat ice cream at all. You may have the choice to watch TV. It may or may not be that you don’t have the choice to buy a TV at all depending upon where you live and how much money you have.

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Writing To Answer “Who Am I?”

by Mark Guay, Collective Evolution

Fifty or so of us sat around the room, ready to begin a group meditation, which would be followed by a group writing session. Artists, vagabonds, spiritual warriors of all types, from all over the world, sat around me. Gongs, singing bowls, and shamanistic feathers filled the room.

The bell chimed, I closed my eyes and up our chakras we climbed as we dove inward to sit with the soul and hold hands with the inner self.

Thirty minutes later, the meditation came to a close and from there the writing session began. Those around me scribbled their thoughts on the page in haste. I sat still: frozen by my inner critic.

As soon as I would start to scribe a sentence in my notebook, I’d feel the eyes of all those behind me: judging me, criticizing me, evaluating my sanity and sense of worth. I felt ashamed to write one authentic sentence and remained clothed in my insecurity.

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Globalist Soros Exposed Funding Over 50 Organizations In Women’s March On DC

An investigation by the NY Times revealed globalist billionaire George Soros to be funding many of the women's organizations involved in the protests.

By: Jay Syrmopoulos / The Free Thought Project

Washington, D.C. – An investigation by a New York Times affiliate has revealed that billionaire globalist financier George Soros, who recently called Donald Trump a “would-be dictator” during an interview at Davos, and whose Open Society Foundation works to finance and forward progressive causes across the world, and is intimately connected to numerous color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and various other political uprisings across the globe, has been revealed to be connected to more than 50 of the groups that organized the nationwide “Women’s Marches” that saw millions of Americans take to the streets across the country.

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The Health of Trees and The Natural World Is Closely Linked To Our Own State of Health

by Karen Foster,

As a species, we're just beginning to recognize that the environment is vital to our health. The need to reduce acid rain emissions, stop dumping hazardous wastes, and slow down deforestation needs be addressed from the perspective of people's health. Evidence is increasing from multiple scientific fields that exposure to the natural environment can improve human health.

The health of our environment affects human health in different forms. The air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat are quickly becoming polluted to the point of being unsafe to consume without endangering our well-being. Will there be a point of reversal?

For Geoffrey Donovan, a research forester at the Forest Service's Pacific Northwest Research Station, and his colleagues, the loss of 100 million trees in the eastern and midwestern United States was an unprecedented opportunity to study the impact of a major change in the natural environment on human health.


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