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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 13, 2016

Dear Ones, just as growing pains can cause some discomfort, they are a sign that you are expanding into a bigger version of yourself. The same it is with your ascension symptoms. They are temporarily uncomfortable but are a sure sign of growth and expansion.

If your body is asking for a certain food, give yourself permission to have it. If your body needs rest, rest. If your mind needs soothing, meditate or engage in activities that are gentle and enjoyable to you. Time in nature or immersing yourself in salt water can help immensely. More than anything, remember you are the expert on you.

You have chosen to be part of the ground crew on an ascending planet. You are well prepared and well supported for all of this. If you can remember that your soul considers all of this a great honour, and that these times are exactly what you’ve been waiting for, you will embrace the process and move with it with the greatest ease possible.

The fact that you are handling such intensity is a testimony to the vast amount of growth and shifting you have already attained, and proof that you are ready for the next phase of the enlightenment process you are such an integral part of. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/12/2016

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The child has no thoughts. About what can he think? Thinking needs a past, thinking needs problems. He has no past, he has only future. He has no problems yet, he is without problems.

There is no possibility of thinking for him. What can he think?

The child is conscious but without thoughts.

This is the original face of the child.

Once this was your face too, and although you have forgotten it, it is still there within you, waiting someday to be rediscovered. I am saying REdiscovered because you have discovered it many times in your previous lives, and again and again you go on forgetting it.


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Silent, Yet Heard

God said:

Godwriting is a very personal thing. It is between a soul and Me. It is not even between, for We are One spoken of as two. It can be said that there is a giver and a receiver, yet I do not know how to split Oneness into two parts. I do not know how to separate the Oneness of giving with receiving.

Yes, I give you My heart, and you receive in your open heart that which I give. As you receive what I vibrate, you are giving your attention to Me. However, I don't want to call it attention that you give. Sooner or later, it is your love that you give. You can do nothing less.

What is love but Oneness, yet I often speak of Us as you and as I. This is a manner of speech. It is not Truth.

This dividing Us into two has its place on Earth. Just as when you are in France, it can be said that you speak in the language of France, on Earth I speak in the language of Earth. Your heart can hear Me in whatever language is yours. We can call this Oneness in Action perhaps.

There is a deeper Truth which is: At the deepest level, you can understand Me in any language. Or, you need no language.

We by-pass intellect. Intellect can be very learn-ed and wise. The heart, however, is innocent and open. It is your heart that claims Me. Your heart is all-embracing. You embrace Me within your heart.

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The Dakota Access Pipeline Company Just Deliberately Bulldozed Sacred Sioux Burial Sites…

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The battle between the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Dakota Access Pipeline Company continues. In fact, mere hours after lawyers representing the tribe filed evidence in federal court revealing that some of the pipeline’s planned route would infiltrate a sacred burial site, the company shockingly began work there.

Bulldozers broke through the land as hundreds of Native Americans from a plethora of tribes feverishly fled to the scene as a means for protecting the sacred site-turned- construction zone.

The company’s security forces fought back, attacking the Native Americans with dogs and pepper spray. The tribe’s lawyer requested an emergency temporary restraining order in order to keep construction from commencing on the sacred site.

Jan Hasselman, staff attorney with Earthjustice, who is representing the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in Federal Court, and Dave Archambault, the Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, spoke with Democracy Now! regarding the situation.

You can read the transcript from Democracy Now, or watch the video below.

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Your Best Advantage

During your challenging times, please remember this; before you are guided to teach others, your own negatives will be brought to the surface to be cleared.  This is not for The Universe’s amusement; it is a preparation!  When you are in service it is necessary for you to be as clear as possible so that you can effectively help others through their own clearing.  Use these moments to your best advantage! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday September 12, 2016

Dear Ones, do you see that when you allow yourself to shine brightly in your truth and authenticity, you are embodying the flow? When you are one with the flow everything becomes far more effortless, more supported, more joyful because you are willingly moving with the energies. To put it in a way you may find easy to remember, you bloom when you are a flow-er. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Say Goodbye To Antibacterial Soaps: FDA Finally Bans Them For These Reasons

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

Antibacterial soaps could do more harm than good and don't help with resisting illness any more than conventional soaps.

The Food and Drug Administration has officially banned antibacterial soaps—or, more specifically, 19 ingredients in soaps—after considering it for at least 6 years. The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) filed a lawsuit in 2010 to pressure the FDA to consider regulating antibacterial soaps, to which the FDA finally responded.

In the press release, the FDA said, “Companies will no longer be able to market antibacterial washes with these ingredients because manufacturers did not demonstrate that the ingredients are both safe for long-term daily use and more effective than plain soap and water in preventing illness and the spread of certain infections.”

Though antibacterial soaps have been used for decades, and the FDA has been apparently investigating the safety of one of the most controversial ingredients, triclosan, for even longer, the soaps were never really inspected after they were released.

GFP Newsletter - 9/11/2016

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God is not to be understood as quantity, but as quality. You cannot measure it. You cannot make a statue of it, you cannot draw a picture of it. In that sense it is absolutely impersonal. And if you look at the faces of children when they arrive, fresh from the very source of life, you will see a certain presence which cannot be named - unnameable, indefinable.

The child is alive. You cannot define its aliveness, but it is there, you can feel it. It is so much there that howsoever blind you are you cannot miss it. It is fresh. You can smell the freshness around a child. That fragrance slowly, slowly disappears. And if unfortunately the child becomes successful, a celebrity - a president, a prime minister, a pope - then the same child stinks.

He had come with a tremendous fragrance, immeasurable, indefinable, unnameable. You look into the eyes of a child - you cannot find anything deeper. The eyes of a child are abysmal, there is no bottom to them. Unfortunately, the way society will destroy him, soon his eyes will be only superficial; because of layers and layers of conditioning, that depth, that immense depth will have disappeared long before. And that was his original face.


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Healing the Psychic Split Which Causes War

by Julian Rose

A World at war is the manifest outward projection of widespread inner human conflict.

A World where nations see other nations as ‘enemies’ reflects the external projection of unresolved internal fears.

A World where light and dark are conceived as irreconcilable opposites reflects an inner world torn asunder by rampant conflict.

It is inescapable: so long as we are at odds with ourselves, we are agents of external conflict. There cannot be ‘peace on Earth’ until there is peace of mind amongst Earthlings. That is an irrefutable truth which we do well to remind ourselves of.

As we grow into something approaching spiritual maturity, we start discovering and experiencing such truths at an accelerating rate. What’s happening here is that we are making contact with sublime knowledge, and finding out that it has been with us all along, but that we weren’t ready, or courageous enough, to integrate it on the emotional and psychic level of our daily lives.

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What Do You Focus On in Ordinary Life?

God said:

Look for My happiness, beloveds. This will keep you out of traps you set for yourself. You know by now that you don't much succeed in changing or improving anyone else directly. Your intentions may be all good, and, yes, it is good to follow your intention to make life better for someone else, yet you may have to do this by biting your tongue.

You may think: "Oh, no, I am not supposed to inhibit myself. If I am annoyed, aren't I supposed to be honest and forthright and not to deny my self-expression?"

Come from a higher intention than relief from your own impatience. Honesty is not an excuse for expressing irritation. Come from your Higher Self. You have a Higher Self.

It doesn't work – your constant attempt to improve someone else. Pointing out someone's faults hasn't succeeded in battening them down. Someone's annoyances may become a subject that preoccupies you.

It isn't that your life is supposed to consist of your biting your tongue anymore than your life is meant to consist of full-fledged annoyance either.

Yes, turn your attention around. Find another way. Nagging, no matter how well-based, doesn't move life forward. Nagging isn't even a stepping-stone.

You may envy people who seem to love under conditions in which you seem unable to.

What happened to loving? Where did it go? Under which pile did you put away love? Perhaps dig through the clutter of your annoyances and find the hidden love. Dust it off.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 11, 2016

We invite you to examine your life and look at any areas that aren’t going quite as well as you might like. How much resistance do you have around that topic? Stop and ask yourself what belief systems you have that are keeping you stuck or engaging with what is unwanted. Is your focus empowering or disempowering?

If you have an issue that seems like it just won’t budge no matter what you try, you have likely exhausted all the options you can think of. That is a sure sign it is time to hand it off to your guides and helpers. You do that through a heartfelt request for help and surrendering into that assistance. If you don’t know who to ask for help, you can simply ask for whatever higher being would be the perfect match to help you evolve beyond it once and for all. Then simply allow yourself to be led, follow the path of least resistance, and watch for the signs and synchronicities that point the way.

We are always here to assist you. We can see all of the potentials and possibilities from our side of the veil, and the perfect energetic matches for you. But you must ask in order to give us the permission to help and then be willing to be moved and guided. One of the most magical things you can ever experience as a human being on the planet is letting yourself be loved, guided and supported by your team to the potentials you never could imagine existed. It is a great joy for you, and for us. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/10/2016

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The God of my vision and experience is not to be searched for in the synagogues, temples, mosques, churches, in the Himalayas, in the monasteries. He is not there because He is always here. And you go on looking for Him there.

When I say every child's original face is the face of God, I am saying that God is synonymous with life, existence. Whatsoever is, is divine, sacred. And there is nothing else than God.


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9/11, Occult Astrology & the 15 Year Anniversary Significance

by rLance Schuttle, The Mind Unleashed

September 11, 2016 marks the 15th anniversary of the attacks on those that lost their lives as well as humanity as a whole, which occurred on September 11, 2001. As is well known, this was a significant moment in history. Today, unanswered questions still linger and more people each day are questioning the “official story.”

For those reading this article, you may or may not already know how astrology has been used in a negative way by certain “controlling” forces. Many of the significant terrorist attacks, or false flags, have occurred with exact astrological precision so as to “imprint” or re-imprint certain agendas/trauma responses.

As astrologer Laura Walker of has immaculately explained just today that 9/11/2001 was a date whose astrology was imprinted with a certain negative energy/agenda. What is significant right now is that tomorrow marks the 15 year anniversary, and has the potential for the energy to be negatively re-imprinted or imprinted with something much more positive (love, joy, freedom, happiness, sanity).


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