Bill Ballard ~ WE are rockin our planet again today. It’s even more intense than last week

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WE are rockin our planet again today. This is MAJOR LEAGUE!



It’s even more intense than last week! Scroll down to see seismic monitor photo documentation below.


This morning 8~31 there was recorded an 8.1 that the USGS, as they are doing all these days, downgraded it to a 7.6 . That is a decrease of intensity of 500x times (in reverse). Each .1 graduation (going up the scale) is 100x strength of the next lesser value. That is a HUGE difference! The USGS seems to be doing that with all the quakes that are somewhat large, like over 6.5 or so. USGS Earthquake Website


Konstantinos: A synchronization and a communication

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Posted on September 1, 2012 by kp40

Iltheos, my Arcturian parallel self


Hello dear friends. Yesterday, I felt an inner urge to go outside, particularly to a known place of the city’s centre. I felt the gentle nudges from a group of beings who are members of my Arcturian family.


So, while I was waiting for the bus, I was ‘hearing’ words, like ‘a big surprise’, ‘ensurance’ and some other phrases. When I got to the city’s centre, I sat to a cafeteria which was near to the city’s orchestra. They had set a stage and they were testing their violins and other musical instruments.


Digital pills make their way to market

Rain's picture
July 30, 2012 - Posted by Amy Maxmen

Digestible microchips embedded in drugs may soon tell doctors whether a patient is taking their medications as prescribed. These sensors are the first ingestible devices approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To some, they signify the beginning of an era in digital medicine.

“About half of all people don’t take medications like they’re supposed to,” says Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute in La Jolla,California. “This device could be a solution to that problem, so that doctors can know when to rev up a patient’s medication adherence.” Topol is not affiliated with the company that manufactures the device, Proteus Digital Health in Redwood City,California, but he embraces the sensor’s futuristic appeal, saying, “It’s like big brother watching you take your medicine.”

Blue Moon Effect on Gaia and Ongoing Ascension by Adrial

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~ Message  by Laura


Good day, this is Adrial. We have noticed many of Earthlings have been experiencing much unrest yesterday during the Blue Moon phase. The effects of the Blue Moon will continue for some time into this week we are afraid. See this as an opportunity for growth. While it is true that experiencing uncertainty, deep powerful emotions, even sadness or depression, doubt, projection of negative outcome in matters of romance and love is a trying experience for you all, we recommend you not to act on these strong impulses generated or being brought to the surface by this very emotionally loaded full blue moon.


Do not deny yourself the experiencing of what is being shown to you now, you would only be running away from your own reality now. It is possible for all of you to grow even more as a result of these emotional times. This is nourishment for your soul dear friends. What is shown now are the areas which need still you to work on in order to make it into the higher realms of consciousness. Use this raw material to perfect the Divine product that you all are.



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MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: A filament of magnetism curling around the sun's southeastern limb erupted on August 31st, producing a coronal mass ejection (CME), a C8-class solar flare, and one of the most beautiful movies ever recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:



The explosion hurled a CME away from the sun traveling faster than 500 km/s (1.1 million mph). The cloud, shown here, is not heading directly toward Earth, but it could deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field on or about September 3rd. This date is preliminary and may be changed in response to more data from coronagraphs on the Solar and Heliophysics Observatory (SOHO). Stay tuned. Solar Flare alerts: text, phone.


Japan plans to cut state spending, could run out of money in a month

Phil Rowen's picture

5:49AM BST 31 Aug 2012


Japan's government is planning to suspend some state spending as it could run out of cash by October, with a deficit financing bill blocked by opposition parties trying to force Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda into an early election. 

Yoshihiko Noda


The impasse in Japan's parliament has raised fears among investors that the world's third largest economy is being driven towards a "fiscal cliff", Reuters reported.

"The government running out of money is not a story made up. It's a real threat," Finance Minister Jun Azumi told a news conference, making a last-ditch appeal for cooperation by opposition parties to pass the bill.

Japan plans to cut state spending, could run out of money in a month

Phil Rowen's picture

5:49AM BST 31 Aug 2012


Japan's government is planning to suspend some state spending as it could run out of cash by October, with a deficit financing bill blocked by opposition parties trying to force Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda into an early election. 

Yoshihiko Noda


The impasse in Japan's parliament has raised fears among investors that the world's third largest economy is being driven towards a "fiscal cliff", Reuters reported.

"The government running out of money is not a story made up. It's a real threat," Finance Minister Jun Azumi told a news conference, making a last-ditch appeal for cooperation by opposition parties to pass the bill.

Homeland Security tests to begin at T stops in Cambridge, Somerville

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Brock Parker, 8/27/12


The federal government Wednesday will begin releasing bacteria at Red Line MBTA stations in Cambridge and Somerville at set times to test sensors designed to detect biological agents that could be released in a terrorist attack.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority said in a press release Monday that the harmless bacteria is non-infectious and the tests will be performed when the stations are closed.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Spain Approves Establishment of 'Bad Bank'

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The New York Times
, August 31, 2012

Spain’s economy minister, Luis de Guindos, voiced confidence on Friday in the “bad bank” plan. (Paul Hann/Reuters)

MADRID — The Spanish government on Friday approved the creation of a so-called bad bank to absorb the most troubled real estate assets of the country’s financial institutions, helping to clear the way for Madrid to receive European rescue money for Spain’s troubled banking industry.

The move is meant not only to let Spanish banks eventually begin to receive money from the €100 billion, or $126 billion, reserve that European finance ministers have approved, but also to restore market confidence in the country’s banking system. Spanish banks have been having problems borrowing money, even as depositors withdraw money at a rising pace and move it to foreign banks.

Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret – Dr. Steven Greer

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Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret – Dr. Steven Greer


Posted by Allen Atkinson

Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret

By Dr Steven Greer – August 27, 2012


Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend at age 82.

Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets of what really happened during the famed 1969 Lunar Landing. Well, yes – and no.

Over the years, I have gotten to know a number of astronauts – and very close family members and friends of astronauts. As you may recall, my uncle was the senior project engineer for Grumman (now Northrop Grumman) that built the Lunar Module that landed on the moon in July of 1969.

The truth of that historic event has never been told. We did go to the moon – but the events that transpired were kept secret and officially remain secret to this day.

By the time we landed on the moon, the Lunar Orbiter had mapped the moon and imaged ancient as well as more recent structures on the moon. This has been confirmed by more than one witness ( So by the time we landed, the military and intelligence community – and a small compartment of operatives at NASA – knew that we may in fact encounter something very unusual there.

Oracle Report - Saturday, September 1 - Sunday, September 2, 2012

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Saturday, September 1 - Sunday, September 2, 2012


Full Moon Phase - Blue Moon in Pisces/Aries

Saturday's energy involves dualities which can cause confusion and foggy vision.  We see the parts of things, but not the entire picture.  If we overthink things, the two hemispheres of our brains will go into a loop that can drive us crazy.  We will naturally see two sides of situations, but we need to look beyond this and into the light.  On Sunday, the tendency is to live up to the expectations of others.  It is important to abide by your own spirit with this.  We must reflect the path that our Source is projecting for us - not the path that others are projecting for us.  If you remember, on August 23 I discussed Mars' entry into Scorpio: this is going to reform/refine our level of personal power. Scorpio is the energy of transformation!  But since its ruler, Pluto, is the ruler of the Underworld, the transformation will come from a deep level and there may be other things hidden deep below that come up with it. This factor is what brings in the feelings of anxiety and fear. The hard part is standing by (letting it be) while the transformation occurs. Remember, everything is changing form now - everything - but it is leading to something better. By the time Mars enters Sagittarius on October 8, we will be much stronger individuals - physically, mentally, and spiritually. It's a spiral sort of process.  This is the real thing that is happening with this weekend's energy.  It serves to strengthen us.  This outcome is good for our everyday lives, but more importantly, it makes our connection with Gaia/Sophia stronger.  We come into closer range with her vision, making direct communication faster and easier.  This is a great gift.

Spain's Bankia loses 4.45 bn euros in first half of 2012

Rain's picture

Google/AFP, August 31, 2012

Photo: Reuters

MADRID — Spain's rescued lender Bankia said Friday it had lost 4.45 billion euros ($5.6 billion) in the first half of 2012, prompting an immediate promise of state cash.

Created with fanfare in 2010 from a merger of seven troubled regional savings banks, and then listed on the market in July 2011, Bankia's fortunes have collapsed in dramatic style.

To read the rest of this story, visit


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