The Golden Paint Brush of September Is In Your Hand To Use!!

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Boy, August sure didn’t unfold in any way I was hoping that it would, or maybe better stated, in any way I had expected it to.  Instead it seems each day severed to turn my and all that I brought to Here (spiritual skills speaking) inside out and then reconstructed me in a different way.  It was so subtle that I really didn’t notice until about mid month.  I so wish I could say I am jumping up and down with joy about these changes, I am sure I am on some level, but it sure isn’t the human level!!  I am going to give out a blast of gratitude to the fact that every conceivable aspect of Me has been pretty much down all August except readings.  It is with your grace I have kept my sanity, my knowing that I didn’t break anything we are just changing in every conceivable way.  And now we must apply that change to our lives whether we are conscious about all the changes or not.

For eons now we have been taking Light in, processing it and radiating it out into our field of created matter.  Thru eons of time we have been changing our relationship with life and even with ourselves (most especially with ourselves.)  August served as a complete reversal for all that got us to here, a polar shift in its own rite!  Now, we are the Light serving the world out loud and in action.  Let me give you some highlights of the last couple days of readings and what I finally understand from it all.  I am sure there is much more to understand… but this is a great start in my book!!

Power struggle behind Vietnam tycoon's arrest?

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BBC, August 27, 2012

The BBC's Nga Pham asks whether the arrest last week of Vietnamese tycoon Nguyen Duc Kien is linked to a battle between top leaders over the country's rapid economic growth, among other issues.

Watching Nguyen Duc Kien on the sidelines of Hanoi's Hang Day stadium, the training ground for his football club Hanoi ACB, it was hard to tell he was one of the richest people in Vietnam.

Short, clad in a modest-looking striped shirt and dark trousers, Mr Kien looked exactly like many of the excitable, football-mad Vietnamese men around him.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Do Not Be “Good.” Be YOU. – Judith Dagley and the celestial team

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Do Not Be “Good.” Be YOU. – Judith Dagley and the celestial team




8/31/12  Love/Light Message from Judith and the celestial team

This is Judith–although its not only me alone, I can tell you that. Since the celestial team is prompting me to write, and I already have “the fizzies,” I need to revise my introduction accordingly, I see! So, I will begin again–

This is Judith, speaking through my own voice, but with the celestial team’s  influence, and a little braiding of their energy with mine as well.  I want to share a poem with you. It is one of my favorites, and one that I have shared often in my workshops on self-creation over the years. When I do so, people often begin to cry deep, healing, tears of self-remembering.

Yesterday. I shared it once more with someone whom I sensed needed to hear it very badly. I shared it aloud, in my own voice–from deep down within me, as I always do. And, to my astonishment, I was the one who wept the most profusely throughout the poem–not the person I thought “needed” to hear it!

A New Run On The Banks? Spaniards Pulling Cash Out At Record Rates

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International Business Times
By Oliver Tree and Mike Obel, August 28, 2012

Spanish consumers are pulling their cash out of banks at record levels, according to figures released on Tuesday.

Private sector deposits fell by nearly 5 percent in July to €1.509, the Telegraph reported, citing European Central Bank data, as public confidence in the banking system reached all-time lows amid a worsening economic situation.

To read the rest of this story, visit

UFO 'Secrets' To Be Revealed In September, Says National Atomic Testing Museum

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Huff Post
Lee Speigel, 9/01/12


In just a few weeks, some kind of UFO-related secrets will be revealed at a Smithsonian Institution affiliated museum. That's the implied promise in the title of a special lecture coming up at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas on Sept. 22.

The secrets haven't yet been revealed, but the players involved certainly present the potential for something intriguing to emerge from this one-night event that's part of the museum's ongoing Area 51 lecture series.

Watch this promo for the upcoming UFO lecture at the National Atomic Testing Museum.

Ben Bernanke Fails To Move The Gold Market Lower

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ETF Daily News
Jeff Nielson, August 31, 2012

Following the solid gains in the price of gold last week and the much more explosive rise in the price of silver, all expectations (even among normally bearish commentators) were that bullion prices would continue rising this week. That all changed Monday morning, however.

At that point the Corporate Media released their Script for this week (written by the banking cabal itself). They “predicted” that B.S. Bernanke would “disappoint the market” when his prepared remarks would be released to the world on August 31st.

Sophia Love – The Fierce Power Of Agape

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Sophia Love – The Fierce Power Of Agape – 1 September 2012

PictureYou reside in a field of love.  Your very base programming begins there.  It is the spark of each other that joins you.  Isolated, you may appreciate nature and love life, yet it is in human contact that you embody the fierce power of agape. For when you love another, it is not their attributes that are calling to your soul, but a reminder of your own.

When you look at each other and are deeply moved, it is because at a fundamental level you understand that there you behold the sacred.  It is you that has stirred your own soul.

Heavenletter #4299 Enlightenment Isn’t a Possession, September 1, 2012

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Heavenletter #4299 Enlightenment Isn’t a Possession, September 1, 2012 

God said: 


No one lives for himself alone. No one becomes what is called enlightened for himself alone. Enlightenment isn't something you hold for yourself. It is not something you accomplish. It is something given to you.

Yes, enlightenment is a point in your awareness to which you rise. What is Self-revelation but the revealing of your Self to yourself. The whole world does not have to know.

Enlightenment is not meant to be your pride and joy. It is meant to be your joy, yes, yet a state of enlightenment is not wholly your prerogative, you understand. It is not like an essay you write or a column of numbers that you tot up correctly. It is a blessing. It is to be glad for, certainly. And it is something to be grateful for, for it is given unto you.

Everyone deserves to recognize his or her own worth. And everyone and anyone can have this. Anyone and everyone can desire it. One who has become enlightened is humbled by it. It is a gift long overdue, and, yet, it is a gift. One who reaches enlightenment does not know it all nor does he think he does. He is not a smarty.

8/31/2012 -- Dutch Multiple views of Large solar filament eruption -- Earth Directed

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A large solar filament has ruptured.. sending a blast of charged particles from layers above the suns surface in an "earth facing" direction.

This means we have the possibilities of power grid disruption, communications interruptions, possible out of the ordinary auroras in more central latitudes... also watch for post arrival earthquake, and storm activity.

Monitor the ionospheric maps to see the ion flux as it arrives --- this sometimes shows the hard hit areas which tend to display earthquake / storm excitement upon arrival of charged particles.

solar images / video available at:

monitor this site (as well as others) for current space weather conditions :


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