~Space Weather Update ~ Chance of flares~ M Class

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CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR1560 has more than quadrupled in size since August 30th, and now the fast growing active region is directly facing our planet: movie. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar fares during the next 48 hours. Solar Flare alerts: text, phone.


MAGNIFICENT ERUPTION: A filament of magnetism curling around the sun's southeastern limb erupted on August 31st, producing a coronal mass ejection (CME), a C8-class solar flare, and one of the most beautiful movies ever recorded by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:

The explosion hurled a CME away from the sun traveling faster than 500 km/s (1.1 million mph). The cloud, shown here, is not heading directly toward Earth, but it will deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of strong polar geomagnetic storms when the cloud arrives on Sept. 3rd.

Marlene Swetloshoff ~ HILARION’S WEEKLY MESSAGE 2012

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 September 2~ 9, 2012



Beloved Ones,


This is a time to stay connected within as the changes take place within your physical structures and in the World around you. There are many things occurring that will not make sense and which can distract you from your purpose and it is important to stay grounded each day. You have long been the forerunners of the changes now taking place and have already experienced most of the changes within yourselves and now you will observe this in others around you. The greatest change takes place in consciousness. There continues to be a greater acceptance of the possibilities that Humankind is made of greater stuff than was previously thought and this in turn will create changes in the structures of society. Many new ideas and solutions will flow to the surface into tangible manifestation that will bring benevolent changes to all.


Archangel Zadkiël ~~ My assistance in your ascension proces

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Archangel Zadkiël ~~ My assistance in your ascension proces ~~ 02/09/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont.


Greetings, beloved souls dwelling on Earth. I go by the name of Archangel Zadkiël and I wish to step forward through this scribe to communicate with you. As is generally known I am the Archangel of prophecy and of Ascension. And as this time is the golden time of Ascension and liberation, I can be called upon by all of you to assist you in your Ascension process and that of beloved Mother Earth.

My deepest wish is to see you ALL ascend to a higher and greater vibration on which we all can meet and cooperate without being hindered by the numerous veils nor by the many hindrances which up until now have always kept us apart from each other. Those veils/hindrances are now vanishing to make way for a close cooperation and commitment between us.

Gregg Braden: From Competition to Cooperation - An Emerging World Order

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Pubblicato in data 31/ago/2012 da CuttingEdgeConscious

The "Greater Good" is the new bottom line. An new paradigm of cooperation is emerging that mimics nature - while this flies in the face of Darwinian science, emerging discoveries support a new way of viewing our TRUE nature.


Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – Your Body Is The Receiver

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Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – Your Body Is The Receiver – 2 September 2012

Guest: How can I meditate and identify my own guides?

Your question is about how to identify your own guides, and we want to be sure that you understand that your guides have been with you since long before you began this physical life. They are your creative development team. You see, each of you are much more like a group project than you are a solo venture. And when you begin to dive into those deep waters from which you emerged in the first place, you will begin to feel that you are encountering entities outside of yourself. But the secret is, all those beings and guides that you have are a part of who you really are. The confusion results from this limited physical point of view that you have assumed for this physical lifetime. As non-physical beings we are not limited by a single point of view, or by a single identity… and neither were you before your venture into physical life.

Suzanne Spooner – Archangel Gabriel – Your Loving, Good Vibrations

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Suzanne Spooner – Archangel Gabriel – Your Loving, Good Vibrations – 2 September 2012

September 1st, 2012


[Hello Gabriel!] Hello Suzy! [Your energy feels quite swirly & excited today.] It is indeed. Rest assure that all is on track with the shift. Our hearts join together with the hearts of humanity in this preparation of love and light.

However one can bring peace into their heart, practice this often and with the knowing you are the Source. In a message for a client, she was told she was a teacher of light and that it wasn’t so much what she taught, it was that she taught.

This message is much the same. If you are reading these words, know that it isn’t the way you obtain peace that is important, it is how your vibration shifts while in the feeling of peace that matters most.

The vibration is then open to attracting other vibrations. The vibration that originates in peace is of a very high frequency. As the vibration spreads, it enhances other high vibrations and elevates ones that are not so high.

The manuscript of survival – part 189

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The manuscript of survival – part 189

 •September 2, 2012 • 

As we have already touched upon, the coming times will be perceived as turbulent indeed, as the forces on both sides are now starting their preparations for the last skirmish to call it that. This will sound overly dramatic to some, but remember that under a seemingly calm surface, much is going on that would perhaps surprise you all. We refer to all of these behind the veil maneuverings to call them that. So, even if you at times may feel ready to give in and give up, rest assured that we are not about to give in now. Especially now that the end of this dark tunnel you have all been travelling through is starting to be discernible on the horizon. Not too long now, dear ones, but remember, it always seems to be darkest just before the dawn arrives, and so too this time, as many of you can testify to already. It is not easy to keep your focus and stay in your center when you experience so much upheaval, both on a personal level, but also collectively, and you may have to search long and hard to find any high points at times. We do understand if you feel like you are hitting rock bottom time after time in this process, and that it feels like you are never able to take a breath of fresh air before you are being plunged down into the depths again. But hang in there, dear ones, you are literally clawing yourselves forward with each and every breath you take. And even if it feels more than exhausting at the moment, rest assured that you are making so much more progress than it seems like on the surface.

Space Euphoria: Do Our Brains Change When We Travel in Outer Space?

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In February, 1971, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell experienced the little understood phenomenon sometimes called the “Overview Effect”. He describes being completely engulfed by a profound sense of universal connectedness. Without warning, he says, a feeing of bliss, timelessness, and connectedness began to overwhelm him. He describes becoming instantly and profoundly aware that each of his constituent atoms were connected to the fragile planet he saw in the window and to every other atom in the Universe. He described experiencing an intense awareness that Earth, with its humans, other animal species, and systems were all one synergistic whole. He says the feeling that rushed over him was a sense of interconnected euphoria. He was not the first—nor the last—to experience this strange “cosmic connection”.

Full Story... (dailygalaxy.com)

You are heading for experiences of amazing wonder and beguilement

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You are heading for experiences of amazing wonder and beguilement

September 2, 2012 by John Smallman

Love, God, the Source of all, is infinitely powerful, comforting, uplifting, accepting, healing, and inspiring.  You have been told this by mystics from various religions and cultures who have experienced and been overwhelmed by the presence of God.  And your awakening will re-introduce you to this blissful state.  It is your divine destiny and cannot be avoided, but only — if you so choose — be delayed.

The illusion has seduced you most efficaciously, as was your intent when you constructed it.  However, its time is past.  It is being gently dissolved so that you will awaken gently into eternal joy, whereupon exquisite excitement will fully engage you.  What you are to experience can neither be imagined nor satisfactorily described, as the mystics themselves have told you.


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Published on Sep 1, 2012 by paradoxman316

I'm not waiting until 4:44 today, or any other special numerical time. I've only been home a short while and will go to bed when I finish. I went out tonight to celebrate. I got to hear my son's fun band, the Brevard Busking Coalition; and I invited a long-time friend to join me since she lives close to where they were playing. He hair has grown long since I saw her last; and I must say: she looked stunning to me. The band was awesome. This was the first time that I ever stayed till they were finished, yes, all three sets. My friend was only going to stay a while; but she ended up staying till the end as well. They were that good; and I needed that time to just enjoy!


The Winds of Change Have Piled All Timelines In One Heep!!

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Did anyone else feel like their own energy flowing thru them yesterday was not only on steroids but in hyperactive mode?  What a strange strange day it was for my blessed body and mental matter.  The two seemed so out of step with each other!!  I would get up to do something and instantly forget what I was going to do.  I would sit down then suddenly feel like I need to be doing something.  I could even read a darn thing.  I tried to even just reread my own sharing to make sure it actually made sense (considering nothing in my mind was making sense or finding completion) couldn’t do it.  I got thru the first two sentences then it was like no more words exists.  Geez!!

The two readings I had done yesterday were just as intense energetically.  My first lady appeared in her center field, midway between her south and west fields hopping forward on a pogo-stick, being splattered with energy paintballs!  We eventually got to the fact this represented her meditation… up – down – up  - down and she is getting the energy of it (hence the paint ball splatters) but needs to take it in deeper and assimilate the energy, which she really was on her way to doing.  But what happened as I fast forwarded her into her near future shocked me… again.  The field is really good at shocking me these days lol.


Heavenletter #4300 Love Always, September 2, 2012

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Heavenletter #4300 Love Always, September 2, 2012 


God said: 


Behold, I am God. I am your Provider of Everything. Everything you have, everything you know, everything you are came from Me. I am the Source of Your Existence. Love is My Name. And that is your name as well.

We are well-named. May it be so. Love is your first name, middle name, and last name.

This, love, is your heritage. This, your Being. Love is.

In the world, it often happens that love comes last. Preoccupied with other matters, you forget that you are love. You get caught up. You snag yourself in life. You get runs in your stockings. You slip on ice. You forget your true name. You abscond without love, maybe don’t even think of it until later.

Let love be first. Let love be your environment. Let love be your mainstay. Nothing else is. Harbor love, and your ship will sail, and your ship will come in. Nevertheless, you do not love with a reason in mind. Of course, it is unreasonable not to love. To love is fundamental. Be a fundamentalist of love.


Let all your arrows be love. Love here, love there, and everywhere, for love is the Truth of Existence.

Saul~You are going through a period of expert restoration and renewal

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09/02/2012 by John Smallman



Things are happening thick and fast!  Great progress has been made in the awakening process.  If you could see what we see, you would be absolutely astounded because so many essential changes have taken place, under the radar as it were, to bring the process ever closer to completion.  Those who would prevent the awakening are pulling out all the stops in their final efforts to defeat the Light – which obviously is quite impossible.  Just intensify your determination to awaken, and watch as these essential changes continue to occur.


We are all one — humanity, your space families, and we in the spiritual realms — because All, Everything That Exists, does so in the eternal and divine field of Love that is God.  There is nowhere else, and the vast majority of those apparently enveloped within the illusion – which seems so immense from within it – are working most effectively to dissolve this tiny imaginary pocket of nothingness which appears so real.  The moment for its dissolution is close and cannot be avoided or prevented.

Matthew Message of 9-1-12…”It’s Essential that the Obama Presidency Continues"

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Posted on 2012/09/01

Commentary and HighLights from Kauilapele's Blog: I found this Matthew message very heartening. And it points out some key items in the schedule as we head toward the end of this year.

In lieu of the usual Highlights, I have put what struck me as a (the) major point of this message below.




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