Power Path ~ September Forecast 2012: REACTION-ACTION

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The theme for September is REACTION-ACTION.


The main word we will use this month is triggered. People will be triggered this month by just about everything. There is an emotional component to the month potentially infusing hysteria and irrationality to some of what is being triggered. Navigating through what is real in your experience today and what belongs to some deeply hidden (up till now) past wound will be the main work and challenge. As always, there is a tremendous opportunity to change and release the past that still triggers and runs you today. We will be dealing a lot with fear and most of it has no reality base in present time. You will see that fear is almost always about the past or about the future, neither of which really exist. Reactions are usually fear-based and have no power. True action comes from the power of choice and decision.


The Councils Of Light explain the purpose of Connecting with the 7 Sacred directions at this time on Gaia.

Lia's picture



‘Understand dear ones, that this time on your planet, in your dimension, is one of supreme significance. It is a tremendously exciting time to be on this planet and in body! Let go of all concept that this is a difficult time to be on Earth. Let go of all longing to be in another time which you perceive as more simple and joyful and easy. Instead acknowledging that you may make your lives simple and easy and joyful NOW!


‘First and foremost is your connection with your planet; with the elements of earth, fire, air and water – and we suggest that you do this meditation, the meditation of the ‘7 sacred directions.’ We ask simply that you sit on the body of Earth while doing this. Sit outside in as clear and beautiful a space outdoors as possible. Choosing to face the east, the place of the rising sun – (doing this if possible at sunrise, but if not any time of the day will suffice) – and using your clear intention to connect with the 4 directions and the sacred elements which comprise your world.


Ashtar ~ Wake-Up Call to Higher Dimensional Truths

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Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - August 28, 2012

"Well Greetings, Everyone! We are so pleased to be here with you; we are honored and overjoyed at your presence with us. The World is such a busy place and there are so many changes going on, and indeed, it is at times difficult to even remember that you have an appointment here, shall we say. So we are so pleased that those of you who have shown up have done so, and there will be more joining on the airwaves, so to speak!


"We have heard many wonderful Announcements,* and we want to get one made from our end of things if we may, and that is, yes, our next Gathering** will be the most sacred and uplifting, High Dimensional experience of coming into Oneness with Sananda,** my dear Brother, who is, as you have heard, one who is in charge of the Ascension of Planet Earth. In order to make this Ascension happen, there are things that need to be cleared.


Final Balancing of Gaia Energies in Process…

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Final Balancing of Gaia Energies in Process…

31 Aug

Requisite balancing of all aspects of Gaia planetary energies is being conducted. Balancing of 3D tectonics, electrics, magnetic, and radionics is in process, prior to general human consciousness rapid-shift.


This balancing occurs in alignment with individual Hue-man unit balancing. Resistance is not at all effective in counteracting, as balancings are occurring on a Galactic scale.


Outer effects will be noticed, but relatively minor, and measured. Those desiring grand apocalypse are seeing such. Those desiring grand cataclysmic apocalypse and massive conflicts in Gaia energies and groups will not see such.



Paradigms Not Aligned to Higher Energies Have Dissolved

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Efforts to slow the advance of Higher Energies have been discovered and neutralized. However, all such efforts are by the nature of their intent bound to fail. We encourage all to release fear about coming and or already occurring changes. Grids which have been constructed during the past months are enabling only incoming Higher Energies to infold throughout the planet via Gaia portals.


Flame-appearing balls of energy may be visible to some. These are Lighting up shadow places and burning all dross, both within and without. Conscious partnership is desired, not required. Non-conscious participants will experience higher inner turmoil factors.

All non-aligned-to-Higher-Energies paradigms have dissolved. Completely. Play-outs of such occur only in individual minds, not in Gaia planetary consciousness.



Students fight college ID tracking badges

Rain's picture

August 29, 2012

SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (NBC) - Students and parents are rallying against new ID badges that track student movement on the campuses of two San Antonio, Texas schools.

Father Steven Hernandez does not agree with the district's new pilot program called Radio Frequency Identification System, or RFID.

To read the rest of this story, visit wcsh6.com.


Downtown Mpls. Becomes Black Hawk Helicopter Training Zone

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GFP Note: This is a follow-up to a video we posted on August 28th.

CBS Minnesota
August 27, 2012

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) - If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, don’t be alarmed. They’re just training in an urban environment.

The U.S. Special Operations Command will be conducting exercises until the beginning of September. This week they’re using helicopters, including Black Hawks.

To read the rest of this story and see the video, visit Minnesota.CBSLocal.com.

~The Galactic Free Press Update~ Special Full Blue Moon~

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Greetings Love Beings, The Energies are Combining and Unifying during this Incoming Full Blue Moon and Planetary Alignment. This particular Blue Moon Represents Visions of Love Manifesting, All Dreams or Prayers of Love will Ignite In this Energy. This Special Blue Moon falls in a water sign and is grounding in the reflections of Love to Mirror Love, the Original Blueprint for Humanity to Experience in physicality.


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