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Posted on September 1, 2012 by Nancy B. Detweiler




Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


Americans, the world awaits our awakening to the truth of our galactic family and their presence with us … to the truth of the NESARA LAW that will transform life as we know it!


The Galactic Federation of Light are our brothers and sisters, here to assist us in building a world in which suffering, deprivation, and pollution no longer exist.   This re-creation of our planetary societies is continually obstructed by the dark cabal, who care not how many people they have to kill or how much taxpayer money they spend in order to maintain control over us.


The implementation of the NESARA LAW in the United States would be a part of this world transformation because as the Sirians told us through Sheldan Nidle on August 29, 2012, an international version of NESARA will also be brought forth.

Your Loving, Good Vibrations ~ A Message by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK and Archangel Gabriel

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Your Loving, Good Vibrations ~ A Message by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK and Archangel Gabriel 9/1/2012 September 1, 2012



September 1st, 2012




[Hello Gabriel!] Hello Suzy! [Your energy feels quite swirly & excited today.] It is indeed. Rest assure that all is on track with the shift. Our hearts join together with the hearts of humanity in this preparation of love and light.


However one can bring peace into their heart, practice this often and with the knowing you are the Source. In a message for a client, she was told she was a teacher of light and that it wasn’t so much what she taught, it was that she taught.


This message is much the same. If you are reading these words, know that it isn’t the way you obtain peace that is important, it is how your vibration shifts while in the feeling of peace that matters most.


On My way to Ascension

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I was on my way to ascension the other day and someone “stopped” me along the way.


Becoming different (changing) is what you’re doing just now, or not. The choice is yours. If you choose to step out of and above the status quo, you will encounter circumstances of events with others, one that I had. The couple ask me, “what church do you attend?” I have had many knee-jerk replies to this question. This time I said, “I go direct.” Thinking I said the name of a church, she ask, “where’s that?” I had to reply to that one, “I said, I go direct to The Kingdom.”

Rather than find yourself in the all so common “justifying of your position” to your fellow humans, I have an excellent idea. It is a psychology, or way of being.

Real Love Doesn’t Make You Suffer ♥

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by Eckhart Tolle

Love and joy are inseparable from your natural state of inner connectedness with Being. Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments of deep peace are possible whenever a gap occurs in the stream of thought.

For most people, such gaps happen rarely and only accidentally, in moments when the mind is rendered “speechless,” sometimes triggered by great beauty, extreme physical exertion, or even great danger. Suddenly, there is inner stillness. And within that stillness there is a subtle but intense joy, there is love, there is peace.

Distractions to Peace

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by John McIntosh

When you finally reach the moment when you decide to choose Peace … to choose Love … to choose Freedom [No Matter What] as your moment by moment experience, your ‘awareness’ of that which fuels conflict, chaos and drama becomes more acute. 
First, you become aware that it was ‘you’ who created ‘all’ these experiences in your individual world … accepting this Truth may be immediate but more likely it will take a while to accept that this applies to ‘every’ experience … no exceptions.
Once you do accept this Truth, you begin to really notice ‘how’ you have created and continue to create these experiences.

The Essence of Our Work

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by Steve Beckow


Everyone who’s here – galactics, celestials, starseeds, walk-ins, ascended masters, etc. – is here to help people to ascend.


Atmos of Sirius tells us that this resolve is at the center of the Divine Plan: “It was and still is the Divine Plan to help as many souls as possible to move back into the higher dimensions through Ascension.” (1)


SaLuSa expresses the common resolve of all here: “We wish as many of you as possible to find your way home.” (2) And he adds: “Our presence and that of the many other Beings from Higher dimensions are here to ensure that the end times fulfill everyone’s promise.”  (3)


Ten Other Uses for Salt

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Ten Other Uses for Salt


31st August 2012

By Jordan & Kyla Miller

Contributing Writers for Wake Up World


As described in our previous article, salt is essential to the functioning of many of our bodily processes. Without salt, we would simply perish. Our cellular interactions are highly dependent on many of the minerals present within salt for proper division and assistance in eliminating waste and absorbing nutrients.  When we talk about essential salt, we are not talking about the highly processed variety we often find in a box which has been labelled “iodized” (95% sodium chloride), we are taking about salt present in both the foods we eat and full spectrum salt like Himalayan or Celtic sea salt.

When adding salt to our food, we must always practice temperance, and choose a variety that has not been processed so that our bodies can benefit from the other minerals within it. In conjunction with the sodium reduction strategy that is being undertaken in many countries today, we have provided to you below some rather uncharacteristic uses for conventional “table salt”. Essentially, we feel that table salt can be better used for things other than consuming. In effect, rather than throwing it out entirely, let’s see what other things we can do with it.

Visualize what it is that you want to see happen !!!

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Tonight I am asking you all to visualize what it is that you want to see happen in this world.  Do you want an End to All war?  See it!  Do you want to see Everyone with enough food, clothing and shelter?  Do you want to see the Planetary Body of your Mother the Earth completely healed and free of the destruction that has caused her so much pain?  Do you want ALL of the Kingdoms on the earth to be free of pain, destruction  and manipulation by those who think of themselves as lofty “scientists”?  Then I say to you it is past time to visualize what it is that you want to create on this, your Mother, the Earth.  


I am Mother Mary and I ask you to connect with the Love that a new mother has with her child.  See all living things as a part of you, as Your child.  Love All of Life, unconditionally!  Love, even those who have played their parts in bringing you  and all of life to the brink of destruction for they too, once were aware of their connection to All of Life.  We, the Ascended Masters know that you Can do this!  There is much that will be revealed yet we ask you to Be In Your Hearts, to Be In Your Center when you hear this!


The most grueling and dangerous leg of the climb. ~ Michael Through Ron Head

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 September 1, 2012


Spanish        Portuguese


Today we will speak a bit about the purpose of this channel.  As you are well aware, our energies are being channeled by several other very reliable persons.  Each of these has a different purpose and skill set to bring to the table, as you say.  Until a certain point is reached in the development of the ascension process, this channel agreed with us to help in bringing awareness and information to your world which would aid individuals to advance in their personal journeys by pointing out to them things which they were undergoing even though they might not be aware of them.


A slight shift of attention is indeed beginning to make many aware of their own physical, mental, and spiritual development toward the promised new humanity.  Each, of course has the option of not making these internal changes; but, assuming the choice has been made to do so, slight nudges in informational awareness are proving of much benefit.


~ Join US in Making Planetary History Today!~ You will Not want to MISS THIS!

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~The Final Acts Have Begun, The Grand Event's Manifestation Are In Process!



AS More and More Awaken Each Day, the Closer We are To The Event of First Contact.

Join US Live Today Saturday at 1:30pm Pacific For The Internet Love Party!


This is The Divine Plan In Action. Thank You For Participating and Sharing with Others. The More Who Gather The Higher and Brighter The Light On Planet Earth=Heart, We are Making Planetary History!


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Empowerment Increase your personal power.

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Saturday, September 1, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Empowerment

Increase your personal power.

The more you love and trust yourself, the more your personal power increases. It is time to utilize and step into your role as the ambassador of Light and Love.
You are a powerful co-creator of Divine energy, and it i ssafe for you to be that powerful being. Ask the angels to assist you in realizing and releasing any thoughts, feelings, and situations that hold you back from taking your role in creating that which you desire. This allows for new thoughts, ideas and inspirations to come your way.

Ann Albers ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels ~ 1 September 2012

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Message from the Angels


My dear friends, we love you so very much.

There will always be things in your life that don’t go as planned. There will always be unforeseen circumstances, people who don’t act as you expect and things that don’t work as you expected them to do. In life it is important not to remain stubbornly fixed upon the way life is “supposed” to look but rather to be willing to deal with the way life is. So much time is wasted on your planet in wishful thinking. Instead that time and energy can be applied creatively to say, “Ok, Here I am. Now what is the best course of action given the way things are?” The more you learn to embrace reality in front of you, the quicker you will move into the reality you want.


Consider the captain of a sailing vessel. In his ideal world the seas would calm and there would be a smooth breeze to fill his sails. However, say a storm blows in, or the wind calms. The captain will get nowhere if he sits insisting, “The seas are supposed to be calm! The wind is supposed to be steady!” Far better to say, “The winds have become strong. How do I bring my best to this situation until I can sail into the harbor or out of the storm?” Alternately, if the wind has died down better to say, “Well, nothing is happening here. Do I wish to relax or do I wish to paddle?”


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