You Are The ALL, Too

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I am amazed by everything, like I never grew up, lol.

HU + MANITY has been put into a box. To get out of the box they must open their "PRESENT". Simple, write? Yep.

It seems I have the best "job" of all. I get to give the ALL away to everyone until they have the ALL too, lol, or at least realize they are the ALL, too.

Well, yes, that is part of the Mission objectives.

The DIVINE is happy, so ALL is HAPPY too.

The LIVING UNIVERSES are filled to overflowing NOW with Creation, that's abundance.

Yep, I have lost my mind and I am not gonna go looking for it, lol.

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With the latest phase of the shift ending, you may have noticed a release of negative emotions.  Again, things you had not thought about in years came to the surface to be transformed.  But, this time it felt different, did it not?  As you develop a deeper relationship with your soul and its true purpose on your Earth plane, the hard things are becoming easier because you know it is for the highest and best.  The assistance The Universe offers in embracing rather than battling is a true sign of your amazing growth.  Take a moment today and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.  You deserve it! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday August 19, 2018

A very simple way to adjust your energy if you find yourself in a state of discomfort is to just still yourself and breathe. Breathe in acceptance and breathe out resistance. Breathe in love and breathe out separation. Breathe in faith and breathe out doubt.

You see, everything exists as an option for you and you can choose to infuse yourself with the energy you desire by intending to breathe it in. So breathe in what you want and breathe out what you feel is blocking the experience of it. Try different combinations until you find what works best for you in that moment.

This is effective because you are identifying what you are wishing to receive, and release, from an empowered space of willingness, awareness, presence, and flow. You can very quickly shift into a much better feeling space using this easy and accessible technique, and the beautiful thing is breathing is a skill you already have. All you have to do is add intention. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Fortune Cookies

God said:

Beloved, have this one idea at the top of your mind: Just as you swim in water, swim in the idea that you are one lucky person. Let this thought be your by-line.

Say to yourself:

“Every day holds delightful surprises for me.”

GFP Newsletter - 8/18/2018

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Shame and fear and self-condemnation, they all need energy from you, your support. On the surface you think you want to get rid of them, but deep down you are supporting them; otherwise, they cannot exist. They are parasites.

Love takes up your whole energy - nothing is left for anything else. It is total and intense; that's why, except for love, everything disappears. It is a very simple phenomenon in a way, just you have to understand that love has a magnetic force which neither doubt nor shame nor fear nor self-condemnation have.

Love is your very being, and all these things have come from the outside. Doubts have been created by people who are giving you beliefs. If you don't have any belief, you don't have any doubt. Have you ever thought about it?


Advancing Civilization to the Greatest LOVE of ALL

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I know that when one steps out of the world of illusion, there are very few people who have made the journey into Present-Ness.  Each and everyone of them have gone through the "dis-illusion-ment" and they now see so clearly the Divine everywhere.

On this planet, everyone is here for the same AWAKENING, yet each and everyone is in their own place and living moment, and the "timer" is going off. The wake up call has been sounded, but the mind continues to sleep on in the world of illusion. Forgetfulness seems to be the rule and ignorance holds illusion's reigns and guides the masses into deeper and deeper slumber.

What is possible for the ones asleep? I wonder.

When I learned that everyone does things for their own reasons and not mine I had to wonder about that and I realized I accomplish my life for my own "reason" not theirs. Lol, I feel better when I realize I have stepped upon the path of the Heart = Earth and there is no going back for there is no back to go to.

There is sadness in enlightenment but not as much as there is in those still in illusion, they still have to start the journey of the Heart = Earth.

The funniest thing I embrace is I am a right brained being on a planet where right brained beings don't fit in to the illusionary world of illusion. Ltfol.

Everyone wants to "fit in", belong to something real, but the catch is one must be real first, and illusion doesn't make real, Real. In fact, illusion misses Real 100/100 times, if not more.

Well maybe 1 gets it, out of the many Living in illusion then that one is free to be Awakened and illusion falls away for the one letting it go.

There are those of us here on Planet Earth = Heart that continue to advance civilization along to the Greatest LOVE of ALL, for love, just one more gift to give and share.

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On Its Way…

As you finish shedding your ‘old layer’ there will a lightening, a lifting and an easing of energy.  You may be letting go of situations, experiences or feelings that have kept you bogged down and feeling a bit stagnant.  Think of it as stretching after a good night’s sleep (Smiling)…it will be about allowing yourself to gently expand into those unfamiliar spaces with joy and anticipation.  Remember, dear one, it is about releasing fear and embracing whatever comes your way with new vigor.  The next phase is on its way and you are worthy and deserving receiving the arriving gifts! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 18, 2018

The energies you have been moving through, while they may seem daunting at times, are completely transformative and what you have been wanting to experience. All the work you have done has been preparing you for the times you are in right now.

We have spoken of having two distinct phases of your incarnation, the first phase, which is wrapping up for you, and the next phase which focuses on your emerging sovereignty – stepping into your authentic power and assuming the role of pioneer and empowered co-creator.

What you have been experiencing over the past several weeks has been assisting you in the review process of the first phase, so you can truly assess the growth you have attained and the discoveries you have made. The intensity of the energies is so you can leave no stone unturned, so you can heal, release, and complete the themes you had placed at the forefront of that first phase. All of this has given you great clarity on what you would like to leave behind, and what you might like to experience more of as you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation.

What we are trying to get across here is that you are all exactly where you are meant to be. You are being assisted in all of it, right from your cells all the way through to the planets and guides and helpers of the universe. Your timing is impeccable and your ability to handle the energies is becoming more masterful every day.

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All Hearts are Welcome

God said:

Beloved, there is no need for you to keep tabs on everything on Earth. The world turns with or without your urging it on. Earth life is not a horse that you put reins on to ride. Give to Earth. Enjoy Earth. Share Earth’s blessings, yet you aren’t the director of Earth obliged to set everything straight. Easy does it. Make way for all.

Of course, you contribute to the tone of life. You are free to sing your tune. We can say that you ride the chariot of life, yet, as in the Heydays of Rome, you are reminded, regardless of your nobility, that you are not yet the assigned ruler of Earth. Rather, you are a playmate on Earth. You contribute, yet you are not a corporate entity who bosses anyone on Earth. Earth is for you to applaud, yet it isn’t for you to stamp your foot on. Earth is the playing ground for all.

GFP Newsletter - 8/17/2018

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Love is the greatest alchemy there is, the most profound science of transformation. If you love, your whole energy is gathered, becomes one-pointed. Doubt needs energy, shame needs energy, fear needs energy, self-condemnation... they all need energy.

If you do not love, then all these things can go on living in you; you are nursing them. As the great miracle of love happens, all the energies rush towards love, just as all the rivers rush towards the ocean. Doubt remains empty, and without energy it is dead. It was your energy that was keeping it alive.



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