Civilization is intrinsic, Society is always a trend to follow along the latest BS, then act like it is real. Lol, just a distraction to keep the dumb busy and unconscious to what is really going on.
Civilization is unification with Creation, not like Society which wants to rule over it, conquer it, and make it serve the will of the owners of Society. That's funny, for only in illusion is that stupid thinking a way to live. Can't happen because Creation is far greater than anything Society can create or imagine in ignorance. BS just doesn't make creation more or less creation, ltfol.
Creation is the Divine Plan in motion, Civilization is what carries the Divine Plan in all the members of Creation, each one unique to the all, yet all one within the all. Universal in their being, unique in their expression of the Universal. The LIVING MOMENT OF NOW IS Creation, civilization is always moving into and through NOW as life being expressed. All are alive and all are present on Planet Earth = HEART. Even the dumb ones in Society, they too are here, funny how they seem to not know that. Lol