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Daily Message ~ Saturday August 4, 2018

Your encouragement and faith in another’s divine capability to navigate their own life in whatever way is perfect for them is often all that is required for someone to have the courage to step forward into expansion and the discovery of their own highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Let It Be Enough When the Sun Does Shine

God said:

Beloved, it is a good day when the sun does shine. It is a good day when day has dawned. It is a good day when the sun has set and the stars are out. You arise, or you get back under the covers. In any case, you live under the blanket of Heaven named the Sky on Earth however the light may fall.

Join Me today. Join Me tonight. Join Me in life under the sun or under the stars. You are alive in Heaven and under the Heavens. We are alive together, you and I. There is a Cosmos, and We dance on it and above it. On the stars or under the stars, We dance, and We sing. Let Us make merry. We light the stars like street lights. We ignite the Sun. We ignite the Sun so that all may see the brilliance with which I lighted the Universe. Every day there is a parade of life like light itself streaming forth so that We openly make life merry. What is life going on but for Us to to be merry? Can it be you have been thinking any other way?

GFP Newsletter - 8/3/2018

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Our whole upbringing is such that it goes against pleasure, against joy, against the sense of humor, against rejoicing in small things of life - singing a song or dancing or playing your flute. Nobody is going to call you a saint because you play the flute so beautifully - except me.

I will call you a saint if you dance so totally that you disappear in the dance and only the dancing remains; the dancer is completely merged, melted and has become dance. If you play the flute so totally that you completely forget yourself, only the song remains, and you are not the singer but only a listener, then the flute is on the lips of God.


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Quiet Time

During the quiet between great waves of energy and change, rather than taking a moment to collect yourself, you may search for something to fill in the gaps.  Constantly being busy engages your time but may not always serve you.  There is a reason why The Universe provides reflection time…the body/mind/soul needs to release the ‘doing’ and relax into ‘be-ing’.  Joy is waiting for you in the quiet!  Do not get so caught up in the busyness of the journey that you forget the journey itself. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Friday August 3, 2018

Dear Ones, the elements of faith and trust, when employed together, create acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing create peace and patience. So many of you have the desire to experience less resistance and more peace in your lives. We suggest you understand the foundational energies that are essential to those elements and focus on them first, which will open the door to what you seek. Simply put, deepen your faith and trust and peace and patience will naturally follow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Light Up All Hearts on Earth

God said:

Beloved, I speak with a flourish. I say: In terms of the world, responses to all the senses seem to remain all important. A human baby cannot live without being touched. Untouched is deprivation.

GFP Newsletter - 8/2/2018

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The art of living fully, totally, and intensely is not something arduous or difficult, but it has been made almost impossible. It is so simple and so obvious that there is no need to learn it.

One is born with an intuitive feeling, intrinsic in life itself. The trees know it, the birds know it, the animals know it. Only man is unfortunate. Man is the highest peak of life, and he wants to know the art of living. There has been a continual conditioning against life. That is the basic cause why the art is needed.


Let's ask NOW

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In nature, all is well. With humanity, all is just a moment away from Now.
The future now, the place where we all are already. That now, Here.

Love asked me "You are love". Oops wrong question, lol.
I said "YES". I am funny, that way.
I can crack a joke like I scramble an egg, yoke you up. Lol

Humanity, the isolated race of animals so self-destructive we had to learn from them as we taught them, whew. Yep, love is everything.
Oh, and warm hugs to all loving natures.
I am HU=MAN too, just a universal HU=MAN.

All for one and one for all, inclusively.
Oops, that word love taught me, INCLUSIVELY

If now and being meet, the all shows up to celebrate creation. Did that happen? Let's ask NOW.

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Where has your play time gone?  My dearest, with all the hard work you have been putting in, there also needs to be an equal amount of play because it is vital to the health of your soul.  Instead of stuffing the playful you, let him/her out!  Sing, dance, draw, really laugh out loud, roll in the grass, blow bubbles, swim, enjoy your human body!  There is nothing childish about play…it is a part of your nature.  In denying play-time, you are denying a beautiful part of existence and why you chose to be here.  Give yourself this wonderful gift! ~ Creator


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