God said:
Beloved, joy in life matters. Never do I ask you to take up suffering. Beloved, heed Me. You don’t want to heed the world before you take Me to heart. I refute suffering. Suffering isn’t good for you. It is by no means good enough for you. Suffering isn’t noble. It is ignoble. And it is not necessary. Phooey on suffering. Be done with suffering. Hold your heart high. It isn’t My desire that you suffer, not in silence or otherwise.
I charge you to dispense with suffering. With a little turn of the dial, give up suffering. Never were you made for it. Never were you destined for it. Suffering is not a cloak you are to wear. Never do I mean for you to be rag-tag. I mean for you to be enlightened.
If you are a child of God, you are meant to be led by the Light of God, not by shadow, not by dimness, not under heaviness or anything that is less than the light of day.