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All I Ask Is to Be Free to Be Me

God said:

Beloveds, what would it take for you to be consistently happy for even one whole day? There are times when, truth be known, you really wonder what’s going on and how much the world at large, if at all, acknowledges you. You may feel undervalued. You were born too soon or too late, and the world, alas, doesn’t see you reflected in the Light that I, God, hold you in.

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 5, 2018

You are grand experimenters in the realm of experience. There is a myriad of options available to you all the time! Because there are so many options available to you, much like a grand buffet from the universe, there may be things that are not your taste or preference. You get to choose what you put on your plate!

If there is something you don’t care for, you don’t have to petition to have it removed from the buffet, because you realize there may be others who actually like what you don’t care for. You can simply move on to the next thing that appeals to you.

There is no need to continue to engage with or push against what is unwanted, Dear Ones. Simply move on as the empowered co-creator of your life experience, grateful for living a life that comes with so many options, and know that all that is required from you is to choose your preferences, whatever they may be that day. It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Changing Time

For those of you waiting…it is time to ground and center yourself for the next part of the shift.  If you have already been practicing, there is no need for the ‘extra effort’.  However, if this is not something you do regularly, it is time to start!  Many parallel timelines are merging and becoming one.  Every day experiences may feel out of sync/strange and it will be very important to remember who and what you are right now.  As you move through your day during this changing time, it is imperative to recognize and release any fears that come up.  If you do not know how to do this, ask The Universe for assistance. It is always there for you! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/4/2018

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In my vision, the thing that man needs first and foremost is a meditative consciousness. And after you have your meditative consciousness, whatever you do will be helpful to everybody; you cannot do any harm, you can do only compassionate and loving acts... Know thyself, be thyself and then your very life will be nothing but a sharing, an unselfish sharing, and without asking for any reward in this world or in the other world.


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Would You Decide that a Daffodil Makes a Better Dandelion?

God said:

There is no such thing as in the nick of time, regardless of how you view the world, and all things considered. Nothing is too soon or too late. All is what is when it is. This is one way to look at Life. Life doesn’t require the shedding of tears.

Lean toward the idea that everything is okay. This one switch alone will smooth out your Life. Why not smooth out your Life?

No Life on Earth is wasted no matter what the world makes of it. What if the idea of “less than desirable” is a mistaken idea. Because this seems so to anyone or everyone doesn’t mean you have to go along with it. The world is still up and running. Let go of all the assigned barriers to your Lives, Beloveds. You are just right as you are.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 4, 2018

Dear Ones, we understand that so many of you are very focused on your healing, particularly of any old emotional wounds or abuse issues. This is important work, and we honour you for your diligence.

We encourage you to take a multi-faceted approach to working through those emotional wounds, just as we advocate a multi-faceted approach for physical healing. This includes looking at several aspects of whatever issue you are looking at healing beyond.

It is difficult to go back into an old wound, but if it is still active in you, it is letting you know there is more there for you to explore. We recommend acknowledging that it is there, ready for your love and attention. Then, as your own loving guide and parent, allow yourself to truly feel the emotions that are attached to that event or time in your life. Once you have felt the emotions, imagine stepping in as your own hero and give yourself the love, compassion, honour, and safety you did not receive at that time.

This is a very good first step. Fully acknowledging its existence starts to shine a light on what has been hiding or avoided for a very long time, which allows transformation to begin to occur. It is so important to be kind, gentle, and loving with yourself throughout this process. Use your wisdom to move at a pace that is right for you, and don’t hesitate to reach out for additional supports to help you should you require them.

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The In-Between Times

I hear you say, “What about the in-between times?  I sit here and twiddle my thumbs…nothing seems to be happening.”  How do you know nothing is happening, dear one? (Smiling) Because this shift is different from any other you have experienced thus far, it is going to feel different.  The incredibly high followed by the seemingly static energy may make you feel unbalanced and a little discombobulated.  This is where trust, you know…the one you have been asked to practice…comes in.  When the uncomfortable or challenging thoughts begin; ground yourself and know that all is right with The Universe and moving along as it should. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/3/2018

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Your guilt is just a wrong conditioning. Drop it, without even giving it a second thought. I will make you unselfish by making you absolutely selfish. First I have to make you inwardly rich - so rich, so overflowingly rich, that you have to share, just as a raincloud has to share its rain with the thirsty earth. But first the cloud must be full of rain. Saying to the empty clouds, "You should be unselfish," is just irrational.



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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 3, 2018

Much of the energetic focus of this year will be on you stepping forward as an empowered creator of your life expression. Many of you have good ideas about what you would like to create and experience, but hold yourselves back because you feel if you don’t have all of the elements to create your desire in its entirety you can’t begin. This couldn’t be further from the truth!

Every step you take forward toward your dream, no matter how small, is a powerful act for several reasons. First, it is loudly stating your intention to the universe which immediately starts to move energy. Second, it is moving you forward to the discovery of more elements which will further define what you are creating. For every new platform you step onto, however small, you are able to see things you couldn’t have if you had stayed where you were.

But most importantly, taking steps towards your desires and what will bring you joy is a profound act of self love and honouring your soul, which is always what we wish for you and how you can best serve yourselves and others.

So dream, Dear Ones, but also understand that there is always something you can do to demonstrate your energetic willingness to start to experience that dream. If you understand and embrace the idea that creation is a process of unfoldment rather than an instant manifestation, you will be well on your way to your next grand expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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