The Manuscript of Survival - part 100

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The Manuscript of Survival - part 100

As the sun sets tonight, do not forget to give her thanks for the formidable job she is doing to prepare you all for what is to come. She has been abundant in sharing her energy with you these last few hours, and her generosity is far from over. If you only knew how much her gifts will mean to you all, sweet ones! She is showering you with her offerings of love and purity, and this stream of consciousness is so strong it will wash away any traces of grime that is still clinging to you. This process is far from over, as she still has more than a few tricks up her sleve, so be prepared to be deeply touched by her infinite willingness to share of her abundance.

Infinite Expansion Inward ~ by Boo Walker

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By Galactic Love Reporter Boo Walker

9 March, 2012



In my meditations last evening I was repeatedly asked to go inward in a deeper way than I can remember doing before. Pictures of the flower of life sphere appeared with the geometric pattern expanding inward, layer after layer until it disapeared into infinity.


Then my old friends, a lovely group of Carmelite nuns, came forward bathing me in their blissful silence. I'm not Christian, in fact most of my adult life I've given myself the label of a Pagan. When I was younger I used to think the nuns were from a past life of mine, but they are simply wonderful souls who help me out from time to time because I treasure the peace of silence and get feeling anxious and claustrophobic in the presence of too many words.



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