White Hats Report: America Wants Its $15 Trillion Back

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White Hats Report: America Wants Its $15 Trillion Back

2012 March 8
Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Lord James of Blackheath reported the theft of $15 trillion from the U.S. Treasury Dept. and was rumored to have been assassinated for his revelations (he is reportedly alive). The White Hats want it back. And given the current accountability push, they probably will see it come back to the U.S. Thanks to Jaya.


America wants its $15 Trillion back in the coffers of the United States Department of Treasury!


The White Hats Report, Feb. 27, 2012, http://tdarkcabal.blogspot.com/

Blossom Goodchild ~ Here We Are Then! ~ 8 March 2012

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Blossom Goodchild ~ Here We Are Then! ~ 8 March 2012



Well, the sun is setting here in Noosa and another day ends as the evening begins … A silvery full moon tonight and I have plans to do a meditation by the Light of it! How blessed can one be?


More and more I delight in the knowingness that my soul is happy. So much of my youth was spent not understanding how ‘it all worked’ and blaming my misfortunes on anything other than my state of mind. If I’d only known then what I know now … how different things would have been … but I didn’t … so they weren’t!

No point in regret … just grateful that I know what I know now!

The days ahead are indeed uncertain … but they have always been. Yet no matter what comes my way … I have found a place to stay in my heart and I ’ain’t movin!! It’s cosy there. It’s safe. It allows me to expect and accept the most delightful scenarios that I have attracted to myself …


I LOVE BEING … Happy … Joyous … Upbeat … Funny …

The manuscript of survival ~ part 99~ Life Changing Events~

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Today, much will be set into motion that will change the lives of so many. We talk of course about those lifechanging events that on the surface seem at times unobtrusive, but under the surface, a total rehabilitation will take place. The incoming energies will be of such a magnitude they will blow away the cobwebs from so many, and they will indeed manifest themselves almonst instantly. Do not be astonished if you find yourselves rather worse for the wear as this day goes by, as there is much that needs to be absorbed into your physical body during these next few hours.

Lisa Gawlas ~ Causable Action And Facing The Backflow! ~ 8 March 2012

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Lisa Gawlas ~ Causable Action And Facing The Backflow! ~ 8 March 2012


The seeds of light spreading.Boy what an atmospheric change this morning brings.  I can feel it so deeply as I sit here staring once again at my screen wondering what to write about.  My personal plan for this sharing was to write more of the details about the readings a couple of days ago.  But it is not flowing.  So, I just sit in my stillness… feeling.  Equally letting the Guardians know if they want to share… come on thru.  Instantly, my mind shifts to a little phrase that was used several days ago in my post:

Causable Action.


The first definition of cause at dictionary.com is: a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the producer of an effect.



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