3/8/2012 -- NICT magnetosphere view -- X-class solar flare reaches earth

glr_Andrea's picture

MSM reporting the X-class flare has already reached earth:


From the Japanese NICT site ... a magnetosphere view of the solar storm impacting earth today (march 8 2012) -- the solar storm was listed as strong by the space weather prediction center.. yet the magnetosphere shows very little excitement for the amount of energy that was supposed to come our way --- maybe a late arrival? Maybe thats all she wrote.

EARTH ALLIES REPORT 8.3.12... Are we just drunk?... or we see media pawns?... or Panneta openly admitting High Treason?... or some Syrian serious ship jumping?... or How Hemp saved the world?... or simply have FORGIVENESS... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain

AnaShyNa's picture





What a wondrous day for US posting the news... all day long... Started with Solar flares and winds that came like a God's gift to fully initiate all of Humanity in to state of full Grace and Clensing of all the ego's...

What you ar going to find complied together on this small report, is just a beginning of Devine cleansing of all the ego from our existence... This is why the 8.3.12 is the most beautiful day on the planet... Maybe it would look quite intense, from news, from weather status, yet from the view of Love ever present on this Planet, all is perrfect as it should be...


And all is based on our own perception of how we see the events around us... Do we see them as 'bad' or 'good' or simply we see them as Love is here unconditionally... TO STAY...


Who does not want to see and feel this as LOVE, we truly cannot say any more than we are saying for years now... Where MotherFatherGod repeated every day, every post, every moment love is here to stay... LOVE IS HERE NOW....


British MPs drunk on power or just drunk?

AnaShyNa's picture

They are there to solve the UK's pressing problems, but it seems MPs need some help too. The recent arrest of a Labour MP after a late-night brawl in the House of Commons bar, is just the latest in a string of alcohol fuelled scandals. RT's Laura Smith reports on how some Parliamentarians are said to be drinking their way through life at Westminster.

RT on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com

Corporations using the media as pawns?

AnaShyNa's picture

There is a belief that journalists are unbiased and neutral when it comes to reporting the news. But like most companies, news organizations have agendas to promote and interests to uphold. Christopher Chambers, journalism professor at Georgetown University, joins us with his take on who controls the media and why.

US invents enemies to go to war? ... or same question without ?mark...

AnaShyNa's picture

For centuries the US has been involved in war on all continents across the globe. According to Matthis Chiroux, the US Army flag has 183 campaign ribbons on it, which averages out to approximately 1.3 wars per year. The military industrial complex has gained billions in profits from these wars and Anastasia Churkina is here to report.


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