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Recognizing our individual and collective power requires knowing how we have been disempowered. For me, two words sum up the ability of the matrix to drain our power: Guilt and Fear. I don't believe we would even fear if we were not first convinced that we are guilty of something, which always makes us feel less than. That feeling is the root of our fear.

Beloved Helios by Mark Prophet - 1970

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" . . .The current cycle of sunspots and solar flares affects the weather 4 of the planet, the moods of its people, even business cycles and, of course, the release of Spiritual Light Energy to the Earth. One should note, therefore, not only the negative interference to the radio networks of the Earth, but also the vast positive extensions of Cosmic Possibilities and revelations that shatter darkness with the brilliance of new and fervent Hope for the overcoming of age-old problems.

"Sickness, sin, and death — all forms of discord, bigotry, tyranny, struggle, and degradation — must yield before the great Cosmic Burst of Light, else those who continue to be advocates of darkness and shame will find the spiral of karmic recompense becoming a lash of such chastening as to almost annihilate that portion of their consciousness which persists in identifying with unreality. . . . "


Beloved Helios
through the Messenger, Mark Prophet,   January 11, 1970, U.S.A.

Heavenletter #4123 God's Very Being

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Heavenletter #4123 God's Very Being , March 9, 2012 


God said: 


You are the specialty of My heart. I hold you dear to Me. You are as dear to Me as I am to Myself, and I am very dear indeed.

You are not an accoutrement to Me. You are My very Being. Understand what I say, understand somewhat. Understand enough to impart My love imparted to you and now from you to the world.

We exist to impart love. We can't help imparting love. This is Our Mission. There is nothing else for Us to do but to impart love. We throw Our love out like a baseball, and it goes over the fence on its own momentum, and it keeps going as it is passed from one heart to another. The baseball of love is picked up and thrown again. Love is always recognizable, and yet no claim is set to it.


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