Heavenletter #4122 You Swing and Sway the Universe

glr_Andrea's picture

Heavenletter #4122 You Swing and Sway the Universe March 8, 2012 

God said: 


When you look at another's life, perhaps a life that has been fraught with travesty and injustice, you are not to feel sorry for the person. You are not to feel sorry for anyone. Do not mix up feeling sorry with compassion. The Great Spiritual Ones never demeaned anyone by feeling sorry for them. This is a great message for you, for, when you feel sorry for another, you are putting yourself in a higher place and the other in a lower place. Neither is a good place to be.

By the same token, feel not sorry for yourself, for then you are mired in self-pity. That gets you nowhere.

Certainly, it is one thing to feel superior and quite another to be grateful for your good fortune.

3/8/2012 -- Midwest severe weather outbreak -- ANOTHER STORM OUT WEST

glr_Andrea's picture

Be ALERT --- these strong cell storms are kicking up fairly quickly.. if you live in Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio -- (or the east coast USA tomorrow)... these storms will be heading your way.

Links to monitor the outbreak are here.. and links to monitor the coming storm off the west coast: 


A message from Galactic Federation of Light

Rebeccaa's picture

From Star Gazer ~ Cheryl




We of the Galactic Federation of Light are witnessing and assisting with the tail end of the final round up of the Cabal. Many have doubted our word for a long time, waiting for proof and evidence. It saddens us to feel that we needed to verify ourselves to you all in this manner, but the'proof' you so badly requested is now available.

Will you believe us now when we tell you that we will very soon be amongst you?

We have waited a very long time to come face to face with those of you who know us and believe in us. Soon everyone will know us. Soon everyone will believe in us. It will not be a mass landing as so many of you think. Firstly we will be introducing ourselves to those of our family who are already aware of our presence. This family reunion will be a wonderful occasion and will take place in many places, all over the world. Those who still carry a few seeds of doubt will then have this doubt removed once and for all. This will then be the time for the final stage of the mission to be carried out by all of you who volunteered for this task so very long ago.

3/7/2012 -- Severe weather developing in Midwest and off West Coast = be aware

glr_Andrea's picture

Be aware of the possibility of severe weather breaking out in the Midwest and South USA...(currently forecast by the NWS).

Also, forming off the west coast USA -- due west of California -- coming from the area of Hawaii -- a large system beginning to show sure signs of coming together for a west coast severe weather situation, and further in the midwest a day after coming ashore on the west coast.

Use these links to monitor severe weather, current watches, warnings, and alerts:


EARTH ALLIES REPORT 7.3.12... MSMedia and why they are not so crucial for our existence any more...& How Stacy found Max... or How Courage found Truth...~ by Predrag/Saint Germain

AnaShyNa's picture

by Galactic Love Reporter Predrag/Saint Germain


Dear Ones,




day has come when we can literary throw tv through the windows... Not because the Solar winds will wipe out all our technology gadgets and our grid, but we will realize that we do not treat the News like a gospel...

Because we realized there is much better news center... in our hearts, and this one receives information’s with every breath we take...


Simply when you read or watch YouTube videos, you ask your heart what does it feels about this or that story... and let it process it... without any judgment or reaction... Do not get mad when criminals get exposed, do not get judgmental when they take full responsibility for what they have done to You... Simply be, and maybe smile knowing that all is just perfect...




~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~7~12 Great Joy Ahead for all, on Planet Earth=Heart The Givers Have Won~

Lia's picture

~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~7~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Great Joy Ahead for all, on Planet Earth=Heart~The Givers Have Won~



~Photo Taken By Will Harader The Galactic Alignment~ Humanity as a Blue Star Nation~via Connected to All Love IS~



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