Visionkeeper ~ Swimming Upstream ~ 8 March 2012

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Visionkeeper ~ Swimming Upstream ~ 8 March 2012


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I see and talk to so many people around me who are struggling to continue their epic battle to swim upstream against the current. Life does not work this way. Denial of what is taking place in the world right now will not work. Eventually the truth catches up with us and slams us upside the head. Refusing to change yet wanting to at our cores will only lead to eventual illness if we continue to deny ourselves the life our souls wish for us to lead. Defending the evil taking place all around us out of fear will only freeze us in place and close down our minds to the truth. We cannot swim upstream against the current of what is happening in life right now, we must save our energy for the battle we are in to extinguish the darkness.


Be in the Now by Fran Zepeda

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BE in the Now
by Galactic Love reporter Fran Zepeda

Everyone on this Earth is feeling to some extent the Shift that is occurring and it is no small matter, dear ones. For many there is a feeling of anticipation, and for some a slowing down of their energy. For many there is a quickening, or speeding up of energy. Each is feeling the Shift in their own individual way, but be assured it is happening.

Spacemuffin ~ Let The Sunshine In

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Spacemuffin ~ Let The Sunshine In


Spacemuffin2012 | March 8 2012

Darling Starseeds and Lightworkers.  None other compares with you.  Through it all, we have made our way, back to the light.  Through the darkness we have sojourned, to this place where we stand.  And on the threshold we see, the new light shining upon us.  We are the gatekeepers, the ones who have ushered in the Age of Aquarius.  We have suffered the lonely road, and in the end, we triumph.  No longer will we walk alone.  No longer will our knowledge be locked away inside.  Now we are free, no longer the outcasts of the world.  No longer will we be be mis-understood, and mocked by others.  Now we are the way-showers and must continue to lead our beloved brothers and sisters who cry for our help, out of the confusion.


James Tyberonn ~ Coronal Mass Ejections ~The Impact of Solar Magnetic Winds

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James Tyberonn ~ Coronal Mass Ejections ~The Impact of Solar Magnetic Winds



Earth Keeper Newsletter | March 7 2012

Dr. Greg Braden was the first to speak of this activity in relation to planetary frequency increase.

Archangel Metatron has spoken on this topic. CME are one of the mechanisms of the energy increase into Crystalline Dimensions.


Although CME’s, Solar Flares and Winds create havoc with electronics & communication instrumentation….they are not ‘all-bad’. Quite the contrary, if the wise & prudent metaphysician keeps the auric field intact, this incredible energy can be used in myriad beneficial ways.

Yes – the Human Auric Field can be mal-effected. The magnetics & radiation can create fissure cracking , imbalance and ruptures in the Auric sheathe. But this can be avoided or minimized.


Adrienne Goff ~ Stabilizing the Auric Field During Solar Activations

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Adrienne Goff ~ Stabilizing the Auric Field During Solar Activations


Earth Keeper Newsletter | Adrienne Goff | March 7 2012


SOLAR ACTIVITY: Big sunspot AR1429 has unleashed another major flare–an X5-class eruption on March 7th at 00:28 UT. As a result of the blast, a radiation storm is underway and a CME will likely hit Earth’s magnetic field in a day or so. Geomagnetic storms are already in progress at high latitudes due to earlier eruptions from the active sunspot.

The CME is expected to reach Earth on the full moon of March 8th. Coronal Mass Ejections, solar flares/solar winds are a major part of the upshift of energies and as such an integral part of the Planetary Ascension. As we have previously shared, CME’s can and do disrupt the Human Auric Field. Emotions can be mal-effected if imbalance occurs. But preventive maintenance is possible. As we are entering a Mercury Retrograde those energies can be further amplified.


Miscommunications, travel issues can result. It is prudent to be aware of the astronomical waves, their dual attributes and take measures to prevent or minimize fissure-cracking of the Auric Field. Wear stabilizing gems and noble metals. Meditate and take salt mineral baths and saunas. Exercise.


Bill Ballard ~ Incoming X Class Solar Flare Hits Earth March 9th ~ Be Prepared!

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Bill Ballard ~ Incoming X Class Solar Flare Hits Earth March 9th ~ Be Prepared!



Bill Ballard | Shift Frequency |  2012

This morning just after midnight 2 separate “X” Class Solar Flares began hitting Earth from their release 3/5/12. About the same time those flares began hitting Earth, about 2 am this morning there was another far larger Solar Flare that was released from the sun. It will definitely hit Earth on 3/9/12. You can view this flare this morning at the link below.


X5.4 Solar Flare Update/Quake Watch!

When this next flare hits Earth on 3/9/12 it has the potential to cause major power outages globally. There are many of us who are now finding via our info shares, that this also affects the global Earthquakes too. There has been steam from extinct volcanos occurring throughout the SE USA this past week. WE are realizing the pressures from these solar flares do definitely have some kind of an impact on the global earthquakes. This info is only now being compared. To see how this flare is directed and will hit Earth on 3/9/12 please view this short movie at this link.


~Space Weather Update~ CME IMPACT~~~

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CME IMPACT: A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on March 8th around 1100 UT. The impact was weaker than expected, sparking only a mild (Kp=5) geomagnetic storm. However, the storm could intensify in the hours ahead depending on electromagnetic conditions in the wake of the CME. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


Giovanni Cappelli sends this picture from the tundra east of Murmansk, Russia:


"We were in the tundra waiting for the CME," says Cappelli. "The auroras were better than expected this time. This photo resembled green fire shooting up from the snow "



glr_Andrea's picture

Ron, the need to criticize simply belies a longing for recognition, appreciation, and validation. None of which, however, can be obtained through criticism. I'm sure it's just a phase they're going through. Wink, The Universe. [From TUTs Adventurer's Club:]


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