~From religion to spirituality~

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~From religion to spirituality~



~Galactic Love Reporter Agnes~


1. I am writing this to all as an equal partner,companion and entity on Mother Earth.


Today I wish to discuss several matters on religion and spirituality. Throughout the centuries since before the First World War, many entities have sprung up from different continents to awaken people to the path of the heart. Among several popular ones include Jesus, Krishna, Gautam Buddha, Muhammad, Nanak, Horus and Lao Tzu (Lento). Nowadays, they are being addressed with affectations such as the Messiah, the Messengers of God, Lords, Masters, the Enlightened Ones and the Awakened Souls. However, it leaves one to question, if there is truth in their teachings, why have they led people to separation, disputes and wars?


~A Release of Energy in February and the Express Train!~

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~A Release of Energy in February and the Express Train!~


~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


Boy oh boy these days, this Life is truly picking up speed.  I am finding the “field” is starting to…. not sure the word I want to use, but maybe more detailed.  Or perhaps I am actually catching up to the vibration of the field and I am picking up more details.   However it is working… it is working!! (smile)

I want to talk about something I had seen, felt and did my best to dive into to get the bigger message.  This, of course, was brought on via a reading I had yesterday.  The more I perused the imagery, the more understanding I got that this is a global event.


~In Light of the Current Energies~Anchoring LOVE and allowing the heart to open

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~In Light of the Current Energies~Anchoring LOVE and allowing the heart to open


~Galactic Love Reporter K~



The new energies are now being anchored across the planet and many are now feeling the effects of these energies. Feeling like you could cry but cannot figure out why? moved to extremes of anger? feel intense rage yet cannot understand why? all of these scenarios are your emotions literally crying out to be acknowledged.


Many are under the belief that the new was to be a time of greater light and greater promise and this is here now. "but I cant see or feel it!" I hear your cry, well then you have emotions to acknowledge and emotions to release. Many across the planet are now deep in chaos, trying to logically figure out a world that is now based on EMOTION. Logic has little to do with the world now, the more that you try to involve the brain in working out our new world the more chaos and the more frustration you will build up within your being.

~Life is a Journey to the Center~ Steve Beckow

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~Life is a Journey to the Center~


2012 January 17
 Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

Here we are in 2012 – the fabled 2012. And the anticipation and expectations we have upon ourselves and upon the times just got a whole lot heavier and more real.


Fifteen days. Sixteen days. Seventeen days and waiting for the big events.


I experience time as stress, dissonance, impatience.  I’m ready to jump out of my shoes for waiting. And what’s worse is that I feel I can’t let on about it because, hey, evidently I signed up to promote or at least chronicle this whole scenario. I need to have a stiff upper lip and push my way through these times of seemingly being in suspended animation. I can’t be seen as impatient.


~Where are Matters at with NESARA?~

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~Where are Matters at with NESARA?~


2012 January 18
Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow


What’s happening with NESARA?  (1) Previously Matthew Ward was the main source of information on the subject, but more recently SaLuSa has become our main informant.


On Jan. 12, 2012, SaLuSa said that “we have the answers to the world’s problems, but cannot thrust them upon you but we will be subtle and put ideas out so that you can find them yourselves.” (2) The James Martinez video is probably a good example of this strategy.  (3)


SaLuSa 18~January~2012 Trust in us and God that events are going to proceed as promised

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SaLuSa  18~January~2012


Trust in us and God that events are going to proceed as promised, and do not worry as to the timing as it will occur in a way that is exactly correct for the desired outcome. Also be assured that the end times will work out as planned, and that responsibility is ours and everything is totally prepared. There is no need to be concerned about your individual role and what will happen to you, as each of you will experience precisely what you have planned. Some of you have elected to leave the Earth early, and others will see the final year through to the end. Either way it will have been your choice, and all will ultimately leave the old Earth that you presently know it.


~Saul~ ~A tremendous onslaught of gentleness and kindness~

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~A tremendous onslaught of gentleness and kindness~



01~18~2012 Galactic Love Reporter John Smallman~Saul


The way that humans experience life is due to change dramatically for the better in the very near future. For eons, conflict, distrust, and betrayal have been the standard modes of behavior for the vast majority of those living on Planet Earth, and for that majority it is almost impossible to conceive of any other way because it appears to be standard and normal, and to actually trust anyone would seem to invite betrayal and would therefore be insane. Instead of trusting, you invest in defense, believing that that is the most effective way to ensure your safety, and from there you come to the next logical conclusion, namely, that the best form of defense is attack. Wars are started and suffering is your constant companion.


1~18~12~ Space Weather Update ~ Solar Prominence~ Solar Wind Speed 389

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SOLAR PROMINENCE: Today, a network of plasma-filled magnetic filaments is rising over the sun's northwestern limb. Some of the arcs in this Solar Dynamics Observatory image taken during the early hours off Jan. 18th are nearly 500,000 km long:



The vast structure is an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. If you have one, take a look. Any instability in the magnetic thicket of this prominence could produce a spectacular eruption framed by the black of space over the sun's horizon.


2012 Changes - Shift to Love-Based Paradigm

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2012 Changes - Shift to Love-Based Paradigm


We are shifting to a love-based, abundance-based paradigm. This video touches upon that shift and the fact that we are not alone in this universe. We are being assisted with this shift. Trust your heart and your own discernment to know truth. If something doesn't feel right, then disregard it. Thanks for watching.


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