~ New Energy, New Expressions ~ January 2012~

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 Galactic Love Reporter Jennifer Hoffman



~ New Energy, New Expressions ~ January 2012~


In the 2012 predictions I used the word energy in many different ways because we  will, over the course of this year and beyond, have a much different perspective on energy than we have ever had before. We have looked at energy in a very simple way in the past, we used the term ‘having no energy’ when we feel tired and ‘being full of energy’ when we feel motivated and enthusiastic.


But it’s a far more complex process than that, as we will learn because energy is what moves us, the earth and the Universe, we are affected by and in control of it, and we’re either working with it or against it.


~2012 Time Fields~

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~2012 Time Fields~



As Received by Galactic Love Reporter Gillian MacBeth~Louthan



What was taken for granted is challenged non-stop, what you know to be truth is challenged, what you believe in your heart is challenged.  The body has received so many mixed signals, it feels like a long island ice tea. All of humanity is in overload.


All circuits are in busy. Senses are so overworked they are taking a leave of absence which creates that fuzzy disconnected feeling.

Earth is at an intersection of time, with no clear directions.  The playing field of earth is being changed forever. It is becoming a clearing house of light and information for all universes. We are traveling in and out of time sequences, past present and future; no longer are we anchored and docked in 3-D. The time fluctuations are accelerated when the sun shakes her golden locks and her explosive nature is seen  by all who are brave enough to look. We are being escorted into different time portals of experience and this will continue in a dramatic fashion for the next several years.

Benjamin Fulford Update ~ Jan 17, 2012

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Benjamin Fulford Update – Jan 17, 2012

Benjamin Fulford Update ~ Jan 17, 2012

Benjamin Fulford,  Jan 17, 2012



The negotiations on a new financial system for the planet are proceeding well but due to the complexity of the situation, it will take time before any public announcements are possible, according to sources close to the negotiations.


The current owners of the Federal Reserve Board System and the Washington D.C. corporate government are hoping to offer enough reforms that they can stay in power. Their money has been frozen, though, by a group that would rather see them all put in jail.


The final solution to the problem will need to involve an audit of the real world and the removal of all fraudulent funds from the system. It will also involve a massive redistribution of wealth, meaning that the American people and other worldwide victims of the cabal will get their stolen funds returned to them.


Charles Eisenstein ~ Sacred Economics: Working in the Gift ~ Chapter 21

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Love Reporter Charles Eisenstein

Sacred Economics: Working in the Gift

Chapter 21


The following is the twenty-second installment from

Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition 



“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: that we are here for the sake of others.” -Albert Einstein

Trusting Gratitude

The question comes up again and again: How can I share my gifts in today’s money economy and still make a living? Some people who ask this question are artists, healers, or activists who despair of finding a way to “get paid for” what they do. Others have a successful business or profession but have begun to feel that something is amiss with the way they charge for their services.

Indeed, to charge a fee for service, or even for material goods, violates the spirit of the Gift. When we shift into gift mentality, we treat our creations as gifts to other people or to the world. It is contrary to the nature of a gift to specify, in advance, a return gift, for then it is no longer giving but rather bartering, selling.

The Ascended Masters: More And More World Leaders Are Turning Toward The Light ~ 17 January 2012

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The Ascended Masters: More And More World Leaders Are Turning Toward The Light ~ 17 January 2012


Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Wes Annac~


The incoming and accelerating energies of this current year in your planets history and cycle are calling for an end to all that has been based in the low vibrations and patterns of Living. All that is not of the vibration of Love is falling away, and as such many will find that they are no longer able to find happiness through the typical physical means. As these incoming energies are absorbed by you, your bodies are upgrading and preparing to absorb more pure increments of this energy, and as such your bodies and spirits need the proper Loving care.


Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 16, 2012

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Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 16, 2012

2012 January 17
Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Thanks to Ellen, who worked overnight to see that we received this transcript asap. Thanks also to Linda and Graham.

Jesus here talks about many of the questions sent in by readers on Montague Keen, Sarah, the Course in Miracles, as well as Martin Luther King, the crucifixion, and other matters.


I asked Jesus to return next week but we’ve decided that it may be better to spend an hour with Archangel Michael instead and touch base on current events. I have no doubt that Jesus will not mind.

An Hour with an Angel, January 16, 2012


~The manuscript of survival ~ part 74

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~The manuscript of survival ~ part 74

~Galactic Love Reporter Aisha North~

Chapter 30 Today´s message will be of interest to many, as we would like to delve further into the mysteries of the so-called dark matter and dark energy, this all pervasive intelligence still rather obscure to your scientists. We applaud the fact that they are trying ever harder to penetrate into the mists of the unknown, but as we have touched upon recently, to an untrained eye, it will be impossible to advance any further than they already have. However, we have been in the processing of training a few eyes on our own, or rather with the help of a grid of connected lightworkers, and by doing this, we have managed to literally open the eyes of a few select wise men and women.

~The Ancient One. the flow 1.17.12~

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Greetings fellow travelers.


We are here to speak of flow. We feel your awareness and concern with this concept of flow. Your cells are now activating in this knowing of flow triggering within you the asking...


This flow is about an energetic movement, a direction, a passage of sorts that is infused with spirit energy. When you are moving along with spirit in this flow, the creationary power of yourself is infinite. This passage of flow is bringing energies to your being; these spirit held energies are already within you. Your cells hold a remembrance of this flow. Fore you have the abilities to step into this flow in this very moment. If you choose.



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