~Which Way to the Future?~ Steve Beckow

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~Which Way to the Future?~


2012 January 17
 Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

I’ve just had a chance to read Ben’s latest update.  Ben’s information seems, as is often the case with economic forecasts, a projection of past and present trends into the future.


As you know, I value Ben’s information and his service to the harmonious outworking of our future. But I have to demur regarding his projections. Not as if I like doing so and not as if I don’t do it with respect.


For instance, Ben says here:

~Largest Internet Protest Tomorrow~

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Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Because of the Importance and Sensitivity for the Oneness Energy on The Planet, we will be running the Press Until Noon Pacific Time, and then we will go into solidarity with Everyone On the Internet~ The Press will resume the next day. We are making a Stand with You~ Love Mother and Father God and the Galactic Free Press Staff

Tomorrow, January 18th, 2012, will be the largest internet protest in history. Thousands of sites across the internet, including some of the biggest in the world, will be blacking out and directing people to contact Congress to kill the web censorship bill, SOPA and PIPA. And so will the Galactic Free Press, because we came here to fully particpate in the ushering of this planet in to a time of peace and abundance for all.

In just 7 days, the Senate will vote on forever altering the free and open internet by instituting a new regime of extra-judicial, corporate-led website takedowns. This is a fundamental fight about who has power in society -- the people with the means to communicate freely or the governments and corporations that feel threatened.

A journey of peaks, plateaus and a few dips along the way~Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~

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A journey of peaks, plateaus and a few dips along the way~

Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ January 17 ~ 24, 2012
Galactic Love Reporter: Julie Miller




 Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~Julie speaks of darkness~ We feel we need to clarify here. The darkness is just all the illusionary unconscious aspects. Through completely letting those go, you will see Clearly in the light. You cannot integrate darkness, for darkness is not real. You also cannot balance the darkness, thats impossible~ When you let go of everything that is not real aka dark. Then you Live in light of Joy~ Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Thank you Dear Thom, You words are bringing full truth about Dr. MLK... His legacy continues even today... in its full bloom, by Occupy Movement, Financial collapse, Governmental restructuring, Legal changes.... 

Power without compassion...

Might without morality...

Strength without sight..." 



are his words... and his solutions as well:


Powerful compassion to each other...

Morality of Might...

Visionary Strength... 


With Love, Predrag 


~ Message From The Galactic Federation ~ 17 January 2012 We are Here to Help You~

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Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles ~ Message From The Galactic Federation ~ 17 January 2012

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ The Galactic Federation does not have any rules, accept to Love each other unconditionally. We feel the first paragraph and talk of the drugs is simply something that is personal for him[Greg]. We have shared many times that there are natural medicines that grow naturally on the Planet that we specifially put here for Humanity's Awakening.  These assist you into the Higher Consciousness and also will connect you via consciousness with the ships if you choose. Plus it opens up the Pineal Gland. If they are used to help you raise your vibrational frequency, we say utilize your tools. Always~Now, the man made drugs are all very harmful for you, so in this way we can agree here with Greg. Everyone on this Planet is a Part of the Galactic Federation of Light. Everybody on this Planet has a Lightbody on the ships, or they could not be walking around on the Planet. Just be Love, we have no rules~~~ Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff
If your self sacrifices lead you onto new avenues of adventure and wisdom, then they will have all been worth it in the long run. Try to look at things from a higher perspective, and try to see that letting go of the old always makes way for the new.

~Mother Earth=Heart is moaning~Response to the Video's of The noises across the Planet~

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~Mother Earth=Heart Moaning~


~Response to the Video's of The noises across the Planet~


~Galactic Love Reporter Doreen~




I felt gaia, mother earth moaning in travail while she is turning on her ancient axis...shifting...groaning as we hear her audibly.., the rusty wheels turning in a great cog of the universe..Hard to turn over even a little after 26,000 years..LOL! Heck, some of US have a hard time rolling over after being in one position for 10 minutes and we groan at the turning over....Mother earth is big...with big sounds...she groans loudly...


In some of the footage, you can see cloud ships and hear the hum of what might be engines,...overhead...hoovering noise? Holding gigantic ships in place above us...Some sounds are like many angels singing...harmonics...High pitched frequency at times...


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