~Dissolving of the Collective Fear~

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Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea
~Dissolving of the Collective Fear~
~Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Today's Energy and for the past few days many Lightworkers including Father God and I are assisting in dissolving of the old collective dream of fear, pain and suffering. Although this process for us is not easy we accomplish this with Honor. Today it seems to have peaked. Just be aware of this and you can easily transform. If you have been feeling odd, fearful and did not know what it is, its the collective fear on the Planet being released and dissolved. This should also further validate how quickly we are working on the energies for the decloakings~ The Following Dream Andrea Had is just proof of the fear coming out to be released. Also we are here for Awakening Sessions You can Use the contact us form on the site. Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff
I do not remember the "dream" so well, but I woke up completely anxious because I was running away from major disasters and people trying to kill me in some ways, I remember screaming to others "come on, RUN!! We have to flee!!" But they didn't want to flee, they had to do something...

~The Enlightened State of Being~

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~The Enlightened State of Being~



~By Galactic Love Reporter Jafree Ozwald~



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ A True State of enlightment is simply this Pure JOY. Being Light~ There is nothing you have to do, BUT BE IN JOY. Whatever Brings You Joy is Right Action. To Reach this state you have to release all that is not real. The only way out is through Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


The enlightened state of being is something everyone must experience in this lifetime. It is an indescribable state of peace, bliss and love that permeates your body and penetrates everyone around you. When you do enough meditating, spend a substantial amount of time alone with nature, or receive a transmission from an enlightened being, you can instantly drop into this enlightened state. Your consciousness fills with pure awareness and your normal relationship with your mind and its typical agenda has completely gone. What's left in its place is a deep recognition that you are at the very center of a highly intelligent infinite Universe, surrounded by zillions of amazing life forms that you are intimately connected to in more ways than you can understand.


~The Awakening~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Sapphire Stone~



It Takes Wisdom And Love To Dissolve And Sever Any Barriers of Your BEingness! No Event Is Right or Wrong That Serves The Highest Good of Creation! Know That Everything You Have In Your Life Right Now, Was Brought To You By
Your Consistent, Persistent Thoughts of Obtaining It!


Your House, Your Car, Your Job, Your Spouse, Your Children, Your Pets, ( Even
Your Parents! ~ That You Manifested Before Birth, As A Spiritual
Lesson In Growth!) All of These Things You Brought To Yourself! You Are A Creator god In Itself! For God Him/Herself Uses Desire To Make
Things Happen! Watch Your World More Closely, And Watch Your Thoughts, Choose Powerful, Positive, Happy Thoughts To Manifest Yours
Desires Positively!


You Have So Many Dormant Abilities Within You To BE MAGNIFICENT! AMAZING! WONDERFUL! EXTRAORDINARY! Believe In These POWERS Within You, For One Day It Will Be Made


Sekhmet ~ Exercise of Courage and Clarity Ashtar Teleconference

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Sekhmet ~ Exercise of Courage and Clarity

Ashtar Teleconference 1~10~12



Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ A ReHearter that any ego=unconsciousness cannot enter the higher dimensional frequency. All egos must be released especially in the New Energy we are In. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


"Well I am so pleased and honored. We requested that little ditty* to remind you that we’re here. I am Sekhmet and because this particular topic is about Clarity and Courage, I said 'Well that’s my department, is it not?' I have been teaching an empowerment series, 'Yes I Can 101,' and I am so delighted to be here because we are all about empowerment. So we are going to do an Exercise, but I wish to remind you that we are all here together, all of you wondrous beings in the human uniforms, and all of those of us who come as your mentors, your guides, your angels. And so I am wanting you to picture that I, Sekhmet, am here with a grand company as One to be sure, but nevertheless, I will tell you that we are co-creating this eExercise, you and we, and that, of course, Beloved Sananda and St.Germain are here, along with Beloved Kuan Yin and the Marys, and all of the others whom you know.


~Transmute Collective Emotions~ Message from The Team~

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_________ Message from the "team"_________

Transmute Collective Emotions

We are here embracing you with our gratitude and acknowledging your courage as you reform from the illusion of victim to the true co-creator that you are. We continue to invite you to expand your awareness, to accept the recognition that you are multidimensional. It is most important that you own this reality while embodied in a physical form.


It is the physical body that interfaces with the dense 3rd dimension. It is the aware conscious multidimensional self, present in the body, that can and does transform and transmute all that is offered through your human experience. It is in this incredible and divine partnership between the physical self and the multidimensional self that all true work and service is offered.


Aquarius New Moon 23 January 2012 ~New Beginning's~

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We have the New Moon in Aquarius on January 23, our first New Moon in 2012. Our initiation into the future gets a boost of innovation and inspiration from Uranus the “Awakener” in harmonious aspect to the New Moon. Saturn and Jupiter are making a wide challenging aspect. Requiring that we use down to earth methods in attaining our fresh ideas currently being conceived.


All New Moons are new beginnings. We have the opportunity to plant new seeds in rich soil and watch what grows. Aquarius is most associated with our Dawning Age of freedom, abundance, truth, enlightenment and peace. Uranus is the God of chaos, who shatters old forms to make way for new ones. This New Moon starts another wave of breakdowns to breakthroughs. Uranus rules Truth.

'Strange sounds' heard WORLDWIDE -- what is it?! Dutch~

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Montreal video was UPLOADED to youtube on January 11 2012 -- clearly with leaves on the trees.. not from Jan/2012 . here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9Gh7T91dSg

Kiev video at the end is from 2011 it would appear.. again uploaded on Jan 11 2011 .

If you spot anything else that stands out as "odd" for being January 2012 --- let me know in the comments.. Im leaning towards some kind of copy-cat effect going on here.

1 hoax multiplied maybe? Or is it the real deal?! Im on the fence.

Something strange is afoot --- unknown sounds heard globally over the past few days.. basically starting up in rapid pace on January 11, 2012 --- up until today (jan 16 2012). I don't know how long this will continue, or what it is.

New term : U.A.O.. = Unidentified AUDIBLE Object

you can see all the same videos in this montage by clicking this search here: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=strange+sounds+2012%2C+this+week

What could all these sounds heard this past week around the world have come from? What do you think is causing this phenomenon? I am still at the drawing board, trying to figure this mystery out... any ideas.. please share below in the comment field.

I have ruled out the "fake" option -- too many videos popping up for this to be a hoaxer.. unless of course.. its some kind of MOVIE roll out stealth marketing ploy... (I'm always the skeptic I know -- but remember EPAZUTI ?!).

Melchizedek: Your Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies are Moving Up into Your Etheric Bodies of Light

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Melchizedek: Your Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies are Moving Up into Your Etheric Bodies of Light

 Galactic Love Reporter Marlene Swetlishoff




Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the changing times that are upon you. Many of you are experiencing energy fluxes, being up in one moment and then sinking low in mood and energy level the next moment.

This is a recalibration of the deepest level that is now occurring within your physical bodies, your emotional bodies, your mental bodies and moving up into your etheric bodies of Light. The changes must come from within each and every one of you and this is the work that those who read this message have been doing for many years.


Lee-Anne Peters – Taking A Risk – Creates Change – Reveals Truth! – 17 January 2012

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Love Reporter Lee-Anne Peters

Taking A Risk – Creates Change – Reveals Truth!

17 January 2012


Namaste, I trust you are flowing well at the moment, however, if you are struggling please absorb love and strength from these words to you. They come to you aiming to help, guide or to give you something to reflect upon. Nothing herein is wrong or right.


Its coming guys. Just hang on~Don’t expect CNN to be covering this.

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Its coming guys. Just hang on~Don’t expect CNN to be covering this.






The news has been quite interesting today for those who know where to look! Many of the channeled messages that have foretold about unfolding events have been spot on as things are eeking out slowly into the news. Don’t expect CNN to be covering this.


The announcement of zero point technology




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