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9 Rules for Living as Learned from Proper Ayahuasca Shaman

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

“All the authentic drinkers of yagé in the Amazon that I have met share a great love for nature and all humanity, and they are outspoken protectors of the rainforest and the good way of all that is right.” ~Jonathon Miller Weisberger, Rainforest Medicine

By itself, ayahuasca as a transformational medicine offers us profound opportunities for spiritual awakening, physical renewal and reconnection to the most important aspects of life and nature. Journeying with the vine of souls is unlike anything else in this world, and while many have shared their personal stories of harrowing nights in ceremony, another chief aspect of this medicine tradition is less often discussed: the valuable lessons to be learned from time spent with traditional plant medicine masters.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 21, 2017

One of the greatest gifts you can give is creating a safe space for growth and connection that contains acceptance, nurturing, and encouragement. Many of you are aware of this and are diligently working on providing that for others, as well as your planet. Are you remembering to lovingly and patiently give those same supports to yourself? ~Archangel Gabriel


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What does it mean to be ‘real’?
It means taking responsibility for your actions.  It means that, sometimes, you will have to admit you are wrong and own it.  It means being truthful even though it may sting.  It means being kind and compassionate, even when you may not feel like it is possible.  It is knowing that your prayers and good thought are heard and answered, even though the return may not be what you are expecting. Being real may not be an easy thing to do, however, it is one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself and others.  Is it time to start being real….are you up to the challenge?  ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 9/20/2017

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People come to me and they say, "I can stay here only one day. is meditation possible?"

They ask, "Can you give me something so that I can know the Divine?" They are childish, juvenile - they have not grown up at all. They don't know what they are saying.

Is God something one can give to you as a gift? Is God a certain technique, so that the formula can be given to you and you can work it out later on? Is He something like a material key that can be given to you and you can unlock the door? This search needs tremendous patience, infinite patience. This is the first requirement - you should simply forget about time.


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Another Medical Study Links Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Fluoridating municipal water supplies is akin to medicating someone without their consent, and is an abuse of human rights. The practice of fluoridation is justified as a necessary public health intervention to combat tooth decay, even though the known dangers of fluoridation far exceed the potential benefit.

The notion that drinking fluoridated water decreases IQ in children is backed up by a number of studies and testimony by people at the highest levels of public health. In 2012, a major Harvard study found that public water fluoridation poses a risk to the developing intelligence of children, essentially lowering the IQ of those in communities with public water fluoridation.

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Hear Me, O My Children, Hear Me

God said:

Godwriting is a process, a very innocent process, yet in the mundane world, it takes courage to Godwrite. Sometimes Great Courage, even All the Courage in the world, for you are easily embarrassed. How bizarre that something so enlivening and so simple takes courage.

Once upon a time My Children could hear the Beat of My Heart, and this was accepted hands down. It was not extraordinary. It was a good idea. In fact, the more the merrier. It quite rightly was conveyed in the world that in the old days it was hunky-dory for Me to be heard. Even Aaron, Moses’ brother who stuttered was to hear from Me and pass it on to the world even as Aaron himself did not feel qualified.

What I had to say mattered. There was no express list of qualifications, and it was acceptable to share My words. My Truth stood on its own.

Then, the world at large barred the idea of an ordinary person’s hearing Me. My Words fell into disrepute. The idea that just anyone could hear My Words and presume to repeat them – well, it became ingrained in the world at large that this was shoddy, even arrogant, and, well, not quite kosher.

By some decree, no ordinary person was considered capable of hearing from Me any more. If someone said he heard from God, he must be hallucinating, so, he was popped into the booby hatch. He had to be either cuckoo or a fraud.

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Quiet Mind

Sometimes, there is absolutely nothing to say.  Having a quiet mind can be a gift to those who understand the benefits.  For those that do not; it can be torturous.  Without the inner chatter, you will begin to hear The Universe and what it has to say to you more clearly.  Today, take some time, quiet the inner chatter and listen to the whispers.  Beauty awaits. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 9/19/2017

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First, time should be forgotten completely. If you want to enter meditation time should not be of concern to you. If you are in a hurry then nothing is possible, and this has become a most deeply rooted problem for the modern man. The West has made people too time-conscious, not knowing where they are going, but speeding to get there because time is short.

I have heard: Once a pilot communicated on the intercom to his passengers: It seems everything has gone wrong: the radar is not functioning, the radio is out of order, even the compass has ceased to function; but don't be worried, we are keeping the same speed.

But this is what is happening to the modern mind: everything is out of order except speed. Where are you going? For what are you going? Of course, you are going fast, but you are going so fast that you have no time to look at where you are going and why you are going there.


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God’s Diamond

God said:

Sometimes, you drag your feet, and you are not exactly a willing Partner with Me. Beneath your intellect, however, lies your Heart of Gold. Do not kid yourself. You hold My Heart in yours. There are no ifs, ands, or buts. Even when you may be blindfolded, I know undeniably Who You are. There is too much you don’t see and don’t know. You brush off new ways of thinking as you would a piece of lint. Amazing, isn’t it, how you have the ability to fluff off awareness and delete your Self?

Think of My Heart as a Golden Sun. From the Light of My Rays, your Light shines. Of course, you are My Radiance. You are a Reflection of Me. And, in Truth, beyond that, nothing else exists but the One of Us.

I, Who created you, I ride with you. I, Who ride with you, am a Facet of you. You are My Diamond, and We, you and I, ride High.

If you have not yet already realized this, you certainly will. It is My Will that you will. You are My Will. I am in your DNA. I, the Creator, created you from the Throb of My Heart. You exist in the Beat of My Heart.


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