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Be the Love You So Want

God said:

One of the hardest things in the world for you, My Dear human Beings, Beloveds of My Heart, is to let go.

In Heaven, there is no need to let go because there is no holding on in the first place.

From when you were newly born to Earth, your little fists would grab and hold on to anything in your grasp. Ah, this is the physical world for you.

As you grew, your doll or your toy fire engine became possessions to you. In effect, they possessed you. It has not been easy for many or most of My Children to detach themselves from their possessions including their ideas, for attachment is to the past and yet even more than attachment to the past. A possession symbolizes something. Likely, a possession represents Love to you, and, yes, meaning.

Beyond objects, Beloveds, you attach to people. It is not easy for you to know the difference between attachment and Love. You are to Love, and, at the same time, to let go of attachment. Attachment is having to have or to own when the fact is that Love is letting go of owning.

A need for control seems to accompany attachment. Now comes expectation, and now come demands. Now shoulds of one kind or another walk in because disappointments of one kind or another have hurt your feelings. Now, you are sure that the objects of your affections absolutely must change or they are unsatisfactory. This is how Freedom goes out the window.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday September 17, 2017

The more surrender, faith, flow, and trust you can apply to your journey, the more satisfied you will be with where you end up, and the less battered and worn you will be when you get there. It is the foundation of grace, ease, and wondrous results. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Grow Love

Take a deep breath………..and take another.  Allow yourself to relax!  Yes, it has been a tense time because the ‘fear mongers’ have been working overtime to make sure you stay in this state for a reason.  Remember, you are living in the safest time in your human history!  In coming together in love and sending out Unconditional Love to others, the ‘fear’ will grow smaller.  Consider it your joyous task for the day. (Winking) ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 9/16/2017

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Egolessness is contentment. Egoless, you don't expect anything, and just a small child smiles at you, but it is so beautiful. What else could you need? Suddenly you see a flower and the flower sends its perfume to you. What else could you need? What more could you want? The whole sky goes on filling with stars, the whole life becomes a celebration because now everything is beautiful.

Without expectation everything fulfills - just to breathe is enough, just to breathe is such a bliss.


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Evidence Showing The Germans Were Making “Flying Saucers” As Far Back As 1941

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

“A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.” (source)

Exotic technology has been around for a long time, and so have the agencies within the Department of Defense that use it. Just imagine what type of technology the NSA — an intelligence agency whose existence was denied until the mid-1960s — was using in the 1950s. Then there’s the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years. Secret technologies have been wrapped up in the Black Budget and Special Access Programs (SAPs) for years, and many of these SAPS remain unacknowledged by anybody within the government. They’re exempt from standard reporting requirements to Congress.

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Your Heart is a Powerhouse

God said:

What seems to be on your mind today? What is heavy on your Heart today may not be what is on your mind. In fact you may even barrage your mind with concerns about trifles in order to keep your mind off the collected woes of your Heart. Tender tender is the Heart. If you get right down to it, your Heart is too often under siege. The very sensitivity of your Heart is the best thing about your Heart.

Your Heart is not meant to be a warrior nor is your Heart meant to be a spigot to be turned on or off. No, no, no, your Heart is meant to be turned on full-blast. Your Heart is meant to be clear and warm and aligned with friendliness and welcome. Your Heart is meant to be your harbor.

Your Heart is aimed right at the Sun, and your Heart is to be hospitable and share itself as if it could never go out of style. Your Heart is to be wide open and let the whole world in. You may have the idea that your Heart can be used up, and you want to preserve it. Uh-uh, your Heart isn’t designed for being saved up.

As it is, you may want to avoid your Heart as though it were not connected to your deepest Being, OR that it is too connected and, well, too powerless. Your Heart is the most powerful thing you have. Yes, there is a great part of you that doesn’t want to get down to your Heart. You would rather wrap it up in cotton than to reveal it. You may want to keep strangers out of your Heart. You might long for a sign you could hang that says No Admittance.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday September 16, 2017

So many of you think you need to reach a certain level of attainment before you can be of service. Dear Ones, every single action you take that comes from a space of love is service, for it emanates that energy. Small, consistent, choices of love is exactly what is driving the shift on your planet.

So do not think that you are not assisting, or that you do not do enough! The spontaneous hug you give to someone is an emanation of love. Moving an earthworm off a sidewalk is an emanation of love. Praying for peace is an emanation of love. Being patient and kind is an emanation of love. Opening a door for another is an emanation of love. Continuing on your healing, enlightenment journey is an emanation of love.

Do you see? You are powerful in the choices of self expression you make every single day. Love is an action that requires nothing other than your decision to be its expression today. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/15/2017

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If you efface yourself, love rushes towards you from every side - everybody falls in love with you. If you efface yourself, if you are nobody, everybody falls in love with you - everybody; even a stranger suddenly feels love for you. This I say to you from my own experience, that if you efface yourself, everybody is in love with you. If you try to be somebody it is impossible: nobody can love you.

Without ego you are accepted everywhere: you are a guest, you are accepted everywhere. Without ego, whatsoever happens you will feel a benediction; with ego, whatsoever happens you will be miserable. Because it is not what happens that matters, it is the you to whom it happens.

The ego is a deep discontent - it cannot be satisfied, it is a bottomless pit. Whatsoever you throw into it disappears; it always remains hungry, that is the nature of it. Nothing can be done about it.

You can simply drop it, otherwise you will always remain dissatisfied.


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Scientists Reveal That Dancing Can Reverse Effects of Brain Degeneration

By Fattima Mahdi Truth Theory

As we grow older, we will see a decline in our physical and mental health. However, recent studies have shown that aging in the brain can be reversed if we routinely take part in physical exercises. By dancing to our favourite beat and kicking up our feet, we may be able to keep our mind healthier for longer. For example, a recent study led by Kathrin Rehfeld, from The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, has shown that dancing might be good for your brain.

Rehfeld and her team looked at the effects of two types of exercise on the brain – dancing or fitness sport. The elderly participants had an average age of 68 and were assigned to either an 18-month weekly course of learning new dance routines or endurance and flexibility training. Both groups showed an increase in the hippocampal region – an area related to memory. This is also an area of the brain that is affected by diseases like Alzheimer’s.


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