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Study: Women Who Receive Two Flu Shots In Successive Seasons Are Nearly 8x More Likely To Have Miscarriages

By Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

The vaccine debate has officially become more complicated, now that a study published in the prestigious journal Vaccine has concluded that women who receive two flu shots in successive seasons are nearly 8x more likely to have spontaneous abortions, also known as miscarriages. Despite the gravity of this finding, mainstream media — specifically the Washington Post — has attempted to downgrade the scientific study.

The study was conducted by researchers from the Marshfield Clinic, Kaiser Permanente, Group Health Research Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is the first study to take into account three important variables: 1) vaccines that contained the 2009 H1N1 flu virus strain, the virus that is responsible for the 2009 influenza pandemic; 2) the 28 days after vaccination; and 3) the impact(s) of repeated flu vaccinations over two successive seasons.

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The Story-Telling Arts

God said:

Within each heart on Earth am I. That’s it. This is what Life is. It is all My Self, yet you may well believe that you are someone else when All of Life is all about Me, the One of Us. You reflect Me in a fantasy you play at, this Make-Believe you like to think you are deeply into.

It’s like you play a piano that doesn’t exist, and yet you imagine that music comes from this piano that does not exist. You see the piano. Your fingers move over the made-up keys. Layers and layers of notes resound and continue to resound in the world, yet never in actuality is this piano to be seen or to be found. How bizarre.

Actually, you are a way-out Teller of tales and Believer in tales. You beat the author of Sherlock Holmes as a writer of mysteries. You are quite a Story-Maker and Storyteller. In your Life Story, you surpass the greatest poets, playwrights, novelists. The extent of your imagination cannot be imagined. You exceed in the Storytelling Arts.

You are a magician who performs his magic tricks, only you have hypnotized yourself into believing that your magic is not a trick but the stuff of which Life itself is made. The fact is that you don’t know Truth from fiction. You believe that what you see is what you get. This theory goes only so far as you can see and does not reach all the way to Truth.

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 15, 2017

Dear Ones, the intensity of the energies are designed to help you integrate them in the fastest, most efficient way possible. When they are very strong you will pay much more attention to what you need to process them than if they are subtle. If the intensity forces you to stop and to rest, that is a good thing. If it makes you pay attention to your self care, that is a good thing. If it makes you take life one now moment at a time, that is a good thing! Do you see? Everything you experience is intricately and divinely designed to give you exactly what you need to succeed. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 9/14/2017

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Existence is not denying you anything. There is no injustice, there has never been, there cannot be.

How can the mother be unjust to the child? Existence is your mother; you come out of it, you go back into it. How can existence be unjust to you? It is you claims, your egoistic claims that create the problem.


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Who Told You to Be A Martyr?

God said:

The world at large may dun you like a bill collector. The world at large may inundate you with orders and requests. Sometimes there are those in the world who may think you are up for grabs and that you are in debt to them. You don’t have to think this way.

Never are you to feel you are to be a martyr to the world’s demands. It isn’t for you to give all preference to others before yourself. You have say about your Life as well as anyone else.

For some of My Children, it’s tricky to over-devote yourself to others and still be responsible to yourself. We can say it’s a balancing act, yet when you regard yourself with inborn respect, you will spontaneously balance your needs and others’. You are entitled to your own space. Otherwise, rumblings of resentment start to encroach within you. You do no good for the world to feel overtaken and overburdened.

You can give away too much of yourself. Frankly, giving overly of yourself serves neither the so-called other nor the so-called you. You are not the commander of the world in the sense We are speaking now, nor is anyone else to commandeer you. You are not to be drafted into the army of another’s will.

Never are you meant to be a martyr. I say: Neither a mercenary nor a martyr be!

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For The First Time, Astronomers Have Found A Giant ‘Magnetic Bridge’ Between Galaxies

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The study of magnetic fields is fascinating, and presents tremendous implications for how we perceive our physical material world. The leading scientists in this field are, as far as I’m concerned, over at the HeartMath Institute, which continues to publish groundbreaking research on how these magnetic fields, which all living things possess, reveal the interconnectedness of all life and impact us in a number of ways. See:

Magnetic Fields Carry Biologically Relevant Information That ‘Connects All Living Systems.’

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Daily Message ~ Thursday September 14, 2017

If navigating your life feels somewhat different now, it is because you have moved beyond predestination to creation. Let us explain what this means.

For the first phase of your incarnation you had a great many things you wished to accomplish and experience. You might consider it to be your soul’s to-do list. You had soul contracts to honour, karma to balance, healing to be done, and ways you wished to express yourself. It was all carefully pre-planned to prepare you to move into your authentic power and discover who you really are.

That phase, for many of you, is now complete. You will still grow, expand, and evolve, but you are now doing it from a space of preference. This is why some of you are feeling frustration from not getting answers to the question, “What should I do next?” You’ve checked off the items on your list. So the answer to that question now is, do whatever you feel drawn to experience and will bring you joy.

This does not mean you are not guided or supported by Source any longer! Far from it! You are simply co-creating based how you wish to express yourself moving forward. As the magic genie says, your wish is our command. You decide through your intention and we lovingly support you in those choices because it is through your pioneering, experience, and growth, that the entire universe continues to expand.

GFP Newsletter - 9/13/2017

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If you think too much of yourself, if you think of yourself as somebody significant, then every day, every moment you will find that injustice is being done to you. Nobody is being unjust. Who bothers about you? Who has time to do injustice to you? Who cares? But you feel that the whole world is being unjust to you. Nobody is being unjust to you; it is your claim.

Lao Tzu says: If you want to be the first in the world, you will find yourself to be the last. And if you are able to stand at the back, just to be the last, you may find yourself to be the first.

Efface yourself completely; a clean state, not claiming anything, nothing written on it. Become clean, don't be self-conscious and suddenly you feel that all the doors that were closed have opened. They were never closed - it was you.



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