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Remember, fear is just an absence of Love, but there is only Love.

We commune with you, and the many other channels presently incarnate as humans on Earth, because the messages that you receive and share greatly assist the Grand Awakening process by conveying to many the divine plan for humanity.  All on Earth at this point in your spiritual evolution, whose purpose is to lead you Home to Oneness, chose and volunteered to be human in order to take part in the awakening by dissolving the veil you had inserted between yourselves and Reality.

It truly is only a veil, a very thin and insubstantial veil, that seems to separate you from Reality.  The conflicts and chaos that you see around the world are but the foundations of the illusion collapsing as humanity becomes increasingly aware of the insanity with which it presents you daily and chooses to support it no longer.  It is extremely important that you continue daily to renew your intent to be only loving no matter how difficult the situations in which you may find yourselves during your daily lives.

You are all part of the divine plan, and the plan is that you dissolve the illusion and awaken into Reality – the state of knowing that you are One with God, Source, All That Is – where you have your eternal existence in joyful and harmonious communion with all of God’s divine creation in the infinitely vast field of Love that is God, and is All that He has created.

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The Song of Us

God said:

I heard you greet Me this morning. I heard you say:

“Good morning, Gah’-ahd.”

You echoed My Name in two syllables, and so you burst My Name out in song, as you might naturally sing out:

“Good morning, Sunshine…”

And so the Song of Us echoes rhythmically throughout the Universe much the way a remembered song that needs no introduction sings forth itself in daily Life. A song sings itself on time to the beat of the Universe in every language. All languages are equal. Each language is beloved. In every language and, in a myriad of music, the Universe sings out on the Waves of Life.

Hail to the Greetings of Oneness to Oneness. There is nothing but Oneness. There is nothing to greet but Immense Oneness of the One. I am the One, and you also are the One even as you disbelieve, yet, in fact, Oneness has nothing to do with belief.

You tend to live on a Voyage of Fiction embellished, fiction upon fiction something like the surface of the Waves of the Ocean, and so you surf. You may love to surf. You may also love to be a Deep Sea Diver even as you tremble at the idea. You may say to yourself:

“Better a Fate Known than Unknown.”

You may pull a curtain over your eyes and say:

“Better to live on a couch, watch others’ lives and sit out my own. Asked to dance, I say, ‘No thank you, I will sit this dance out.’”

How great is your fear to hear the Call of Life and volunteer yourself! You may prefer to hide under a mushroom.

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How to Stay Sane at a Time of Increasing Insanity

by Julian Rose

I’m sitting outside a small café/bakery alongside Vienna’s Hauptbahnhof, the city’s main railway station. I’m between trains, on my way to Brussels from Krakow, and observing the scene. Concrete and glass rising-up everywhere in absolute neutered conformity. A ‘Novotel’ trying to make itself visible amongst the high-rises, but remaining hardly distinguishable from anything else. A square featureless concrete carbuncle.

It’s 8 in the morning and it’s late August. A man in a dark business suit walks past on the wide pavement, a Coca Cola in one hand and two trim brown sandwich bags in the other. Chemtrails cover the otherwise blue sky. Someone in green shorts and dark glasses is sitting at a nearby table staring at nothing in particular and smoking nervously.

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Honouring the Trailblazers

by Jessie Klassen

As we are in the midst of a massive shift in consciousness that is sweeping our sweet little planet, why not take a moment and honour all of the brave souls, the “unsung heroes” who came here before us to assist with this shift and make it happen?

The empaths, the sensitives, lightoworkers, wayshowers, all those who were holding light and transmuting the dense energies so that others may awaken as well. These were the ones who were “awake” before the word “awake” ever had a deeper, more profound meaning.

For many years, they have been the souls on the “front lines” of this awakening.

Some were very aware of their role and courageously used their voice and called “bullshit” on the injustices and dishonesty of others as they were able to see through it all with crystal clear vision. These were often the activists and the leaders of social movements. They were those ahead of their time and established newletters such as this one, intended to wake the masses. And for many, they remained out of the spotlight and the world stage, choosing to personally guide those closest to them.

For many, either aware of it or not, they went about their trailblazing in a more subtle fashion, choosing to show the way for others by simply living their lives as the example.

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The Eye Of The Beholder

An artist knows that inspiration can come from anything in your human existence.  Opening your mind, heart and soul to the movement of everyday Earth plane experiences may be challenging if you are not used to it, but can be accomplished.  The more your practice, the better you become.
Today, take a few moments to look around you.  See the beauty in everyday things, hear the music in the sounds around you….allow your soul to be safely touched.  Embrace ‘beauty in the eye of the beholder’ and it will change you forever. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 13, 2017

Please understand you continue to be on the receiving end of unprecedented energies. It is a complex process as your body integrates these energies. It is a far easier process if you create the ideal conditions for you to do so. This means making time to be still, to rest, to align, to give your body what it is asking for, to trust in your own wisdom to navigate this all seamlessly, and to know the universe is assisting you in all of it.

You have had so much practice releasing and integrating energies over the past few years, you have become very adept at it, which is allowing you to take on more and more. Your ability to move with the process will serve you well, as it is a skill that you will be able to apply to other areas of your life, as well.

So for now, be the expert on you. You are your own energetic master. You know intuitively what you need to create the perfect environment for your shifting to occur with the greatest grace and ease possible. These are intense times for you, Dear Ones, but the intensity is showing just you how much assistance you are getting from a universe that only wants to serve you and see you succeed in your heart's desire - being an ascending human being on an ascending planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 9/12/2017

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You are destroying yourself by claiming things: you claim that you are wise and then life proves you to be fool; you claim yourself to be very attractive and life doesn't take any notice of you; you try to prove that you are beautiful and everything proves that you are ugly. Because there is nothing more ugly than the ego, and all claims are egoistic.

Drop claims and simply remain with the fact. Don't claim anything don't ask anything, don't demand.

Don't think that you are very, very worthy and then much will happen to you - the whole existence will accept you. When you accept existence, existence accepts you. When you claim, in every claim you are complaining: I was more worthy.


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There Is Also a Life of No Thought

God said:

You live in more than one world. You live on Earth, no doubt about that. Earth is a dream world of its own.

When you sleep, you are somewhere out of the Earth world. There is the world of sleep dreams, and there is the world of sleep where it seems that for a while, you do not dream and you do not exist anywhere, yet, you are Somewhere.

There is the Life of Daydreams.

There is also the waking state when you do not dream and yet you are not clearly in the conscious world.

There is the Life of No Thought which is also yours. Hurray!

Between words, you are on pause. In the written word, you can see the empty space where there is no thought between words.

The True You lies in Infinity. You are no stranger to Infinity. You are someone who has great wealth and may not know you have a bank account filled with wonders. The bank account belongs to your just the same. You don’t have to be conscious of this for it to be so.

You are possessed of Great Intelligence, yet you may have no idea of the breadth and depth of your Intelligence. Or you may have an idea, yet a vague one. There is no question but that you underestimate yourself. You are good at underestimating yourself. You may even be proud of it. You are modest to the hilt, as if you would not be seen in Bright Sunlight, as if you would only stay hidden from yourself and everyone in the twilight. You prefer to stay in the shadows. And so, you hide yourself and consider yourself smart. You take great pride in your modesty.

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Two Toxic Thoughts Many People Think Every Day

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Many of us think that we don’t have a morning ritual or that we don’t have time for one, but let me assure you — you do.

In fact, your morning ritual is so ingrained that you probably don’t even realize it’s there. Every day, many of us wake up and tell ourselves, “I didn’t get enough sleep” or “I don’t have enough time.” Or both. Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, says that these thoughts set ourselves up for a scarcity mindset that carries on throughout the day, and we’re establishing it before we even get out of bed in the morning:

For me, and for many of us, our first waking thought of the day is “I didn’t get enough sleep.” The next one is “I don’t have enough time.” Whether true or not, that thought of not enough occurs to us automatically before we even think to question or examine it. We spend most of the hours and the days of our lives hearing, explaining, complaining, or worrying about what we don’t have enough of. Before we even sit up in bed, before our feet touch the floor, we’re already inadequate, already behind, already losing, already lacking something . . . [so] what begins as a simple expression of a hurried life, or even the challenged life, grows into the great justification for an unfulfilled life.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 12, 2017

Dear Ones, what if you just let yourselves BE for a moment? So often you are very aware of your need for something and then talk yourselves out of it, or make yourselves wrong for what you feel or wish to experience. Many human beings have an inner dialogue that never lets up, usually focused on what is unwanted. It is like living with someone who nags you relentlessly or talks incessantly through the amazing movie of your life.

Many of you listen to that voice because you donâ't want to be wrong. But the part of you that is truly qualified to guide you is the quiet, aligned part of your soul.

Why not turn down the volume on your inner naysayer and connect to the innate wisdom of your soul? Once you do and find your true guidance, why not support it by starting to honour and listen to your inner encourager? Why not understand there are many points of view available to you and start to be as energetically selective about the chatter you expose yourself to internally as you've grown to be about the energies you expose yourself to externally?

It's time to create a wonderful safe, calm, supportive environment within to allow yourselves to shine as the empowered and masterful beings you truly are. We would suggest if you would not dare to say it to a friend or a beloved child, you have no business saying it to yourself. Love and nurture yourselves, Dear Ones, for it is the sustenance that allows you to bloom into all you can be and more. ~Archangel Gabriel


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