God said:
Unto you, I serve. I am for you. You are made for Me, and I am made for you. You are a fledgling. Our One Heart is at play. I, God, am One. Made of many Names in the world, I never stop Being. I am Eternal and Growing and made of many Names, and I also am known by your Name. As you come closer to the non-configuration of Me, am I the Flower and you the blossom?
Am I the Burst of Color of the Rose, and you the Shade of Color of Rose that I Am?
It is said that I am the Word. It could be that I am also the Language, and from the Language, a Word falls from Heaven at the moment you drop to Earth and from which you arise, and Words become an Expression of Life and Love and cries of Joy. Can Heaven be the antonym of Wilderness?
Is there something the matter with using the word Wilderness? Is it possible that Wilderness signifies unpopulated Nature that is sufficient unto itself without footsteps in the sand and snow?
Surely you know you are more than bones and gristle from which the World and you are known and made. Surely you are the Magnificence of Oneness.