Paul Adams ~ 2012 ~ Evidence Suggests Defeat For The New World Order ~ 10 January 2012

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Paul Adams ~ 2012 ~ Evidence Suggests Defeat For The New World Order ~ 10 January 2012



“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years.” – David Rockefeller, at a 1991 Bilderberg meeting


In 2012 the New World Order will suffer major defeats to their totalitarian one world government/population reduction agenda. The defeats will not be from violent revolution, massive protests, or people continuing to beg corrupt politicians for mercy – as if 535 politicians really represent 315,000,000 people. No, the defeats will be attributed to a mass awakening and a significant portion of the population simply refusing to take actions that violate their conscience.


The elites only have two primary tools, which are well know to anyone that reads the alternative media: secrecy and deception. Their criminal enterprise will end as millions more, if not billions, awaken in 2012.


The Time is Now

AA Michael~~The Way Back is the Way Forward~

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~The Way Back is the Way Forward~


dreamwalker444 January 10, 2012

You are light form in the heavens. There is nothing stopping you from your journey. I AM Michael. There is much to be joyful for, be thankful, enjoy yourselves. You are a light cadre and you will not be suppressed, nor denied, nor will you awaken to any more days of Cabal rule. Those days are behind you now, they are no longer even a memory. As you forget your days of cruelty and survival, you will embrace the moment of divine ascension and abundance, for the kingdom of heaven is yours. Do not be afraid of this moment, as we have been sending you messages on your electronic devices with increasing frequency to let you know we are here watching over you. 11:11, 1:11, 12:12, these numbers may be familiar to you. This is the sign that we are here, and you are on the right path. Many other numbers guide you on your way, reassuring we are here.



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Right from the beginning, this year feels very different. It's more serious and more grounded than previous years. Everything feels more real. 2012 is laden with deep undercurrents of massive, unprecedented change.

In January many of us are feeling a strong sense of urgency and excitement to get to our right places with our right people, align as One Being, start living True Lives as True Ones and manifest our True Purpose. We know that the time is NOW.


~Summary and Link to An Hour with an Angel, This Week with Jesus~

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~Summary and Link to An Hour with an Angel, This Week with Jesus~ Steve Beckow~


Tonight on An Hour with an Angel, Jesus made some startling revelations, perhaps the most interesting of which was the acknowledgement that he did marry Mary Magdalene, had a daughter Sarah who journeyed to the South of France after his departure from this plane, and that Sarah was indeed what is known as the “Holy Grail.”


To listen to this show and past shows, click on the link below:


He said that his family of origin was well-placed and that times varied from peaceful to less orderly because of mass migrations. But his family was not poor as has been often represented in the Bible.

Occupy Earth: Moving from Greed & War to Peace - Change for a Positive New World

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This video reflects greed and war, to self-reflection, to the bigger picture of what really matters: existence, love, and peace.

People are finally waking up and realizing that we have been living beyond our sustainable means. There is more to life than money, image, materialism, egoism, commercialism, and indoctrinated programming that have bombarded our senses since adolescence. Being kind, caring, and loving is within us all.

Artist track list & acknowledgment.

0:30 to 1:00 is "Cosmic Lobster (Dreamweaver's Infinite Space Remix)" by Ethereal from the Anima Mundi album.

1:00 to 1:07 is "Marsmellow" by Battle Of The Future Buddhas from the Twin Sharkfins album.

1:11 to 1:22 is "XP Continuum" by Asura from the Code Eternity album.

1:25 to 1:49 is "Quietly Screamin" by Jikkenteki from the The Long Walk Home album.

1:50 to 2:04 is "Lured by the Nymphs" by Merr0w from the Born Underwater album (Suntrip Records).

2:09 to 3:21 is "Song for the Ancestors" by Juno Reactor from the Shango album (Metropolis Records).

J. Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist best known for his role as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project.


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Tomorrow is the first anniversary of my videos. Yes, it was January 11, 2011 when I purchased that videocam and began reaching out to the world with my message of embracing the paradox and integrating the shadow. It's been quite a ride, one that I could not have foreseen. And apparently it's not over yet. Yes, there have been those that have said I am misleading people, some from a religious viewpoint and some from a secular, rational viewpoint. That will likely continue as well. One thing is certain: we are in a time of massive change; and each individual is facing this quantum shift in human reality. [Link to Archangel Michael message:]

Having a moment with the Site~

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Our format and Pictures are not working. We will work on this and see if we can fix this, before we resume posting. Thank You for Your patience and for being here with us. We Love You SO Very Much~All our Love Mother and Father God and the Galactic Free Press Staff


Update: Looks like everything is working fine again now. It seems the new chat feature was interfering with other parts of the site.

Allendale to Tots ~ ‘It is Go time Here’ 1~9~12

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1/9/2012 Allendale [Hi Allendale] Hello Tots and how have you been? [A little tired today but over all, very good thanks. [How are you Al?] Well Lass, it is go time here. The decision has been made to align with Creator and God and place ourselves very close to your beautiful planet. For now, know that our experience with the cabal has allowed the white hats a decisive victory of global proportions. This is our time to shine, Tots and mind ya we plan to do just that. The clock is ticking on the cabal and they are running like scared insects. Get ready Lass for a very big announcement by David. He is now ready to detail his great knowledge to the masses. Hobad is assisting his High Self beautifully. Spike is on call and Aninadzija is light in galactic form. The tribe is ready. We are ready and the Creator is ready. Get your rest, Tots. It is going to be a very interesting week. Allendale out.


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