The operation is not yet a success. We still have a few more tasks at hand before matters can be considered accomplished. There is the matter of a few more space fighters that must be rounded up, and rounded up they will be very quickly and efficiently in the coming days. The cabal is now down to the bottom of their once filled bag of tricks, and they finally see there is no other choice but surrender. Already, last-minute deals are being bargained for the sale price of leniency and access to a few of their ill-gotten gains. We have them where we want them, and very soon we will be able to go ahead with the long anticipated public announcements of our existence and our purpose here in your world.
The time to celebrate is almost at hand, though this celebration shall be but brief, as there is much work to do and we all must get started on the many varied projects immediately. Returning your governments to constitutional governments of the people, by the people, and for the people is a top priority, and this will also be done quickly and smoothly as we have souls dedicated to the light waiting just off in the wings. It will not take long for one former politician to pack up his or her desk and go home, and many of these corrupt members of your governments are already away from their designated posts, as they have been preparing themselves for their inevitable demise.