HuRay! Here we are at the precipice of the greatest event to happen EVER!

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World Bridger~



Greetings all,


HuRay! Here we are at the precipice of the greatest event to happen EVER! Something that as I have been shown has never happened before! Brave comment I know, but I have to be true to myself. No one know exactly whats going to happen except Source. Ascension will happen true, but we have a suprise in store. Why do you think everyone one who can be here or around to watch is here!?! This is BIG!!! Everyone wants to be a part of it in some way!


Why did I say such a thing? Only because I am being compelled to. 


Paul Richard Atkinson ~ The ‘Lion People’ Make Their Presence Felt On Earth ~ 10 January 2012

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Paul Richard Atkinson ~ The ‘Lion People’ Make Their Presence Felt On Earth ~ 10 January 2012



Hello dear family

We, the Lion People (Lyran Feline origin) wish to introduce ourselves. We have waited patiently watching and observing the Ascension Process here on your beautiful planet Earth, as you call it. Now at this critical junctor of the evolution process, currently being experienced globally, the Lion People have been delegated the role by the various stellar nations and councils to assist humanity by further empowering you, offering love, solice, compassion, strength and courage with regards to the coming days. First let us offer a bit of information and personal insight into exactly who we are, as channeled via Paul Richard Atkinson:-


My most notable feline incarnations took place in the constellations of Lyra, Sirius, and the Pleiades. Indeed, my first life in this universe was as a lion woman. I have vivid recollections of the Lyran home world. It was a planet of pink grass, purple skies and a vast blue sun. The buildings were mostly domed shaped and there were many crystal cities. Also, there were butterflies as big as vultures, and they were rainbow coloured. Such a planet was, however, destroyed in a brutal galactic war


HEAVEN #4064 ~ Have a Heart ~ January 10, 2012

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Heaven #4064

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff


Have a Heart

Heavenletter #4064 Published on: January 10, 2012

God said:

How much focus there has been on imperfection. How much attention have you put on imperfection? You have perhaps specialized in it. Imperfection may be the subject of your every thought, your imperfection, others' imperfection, the imperfection of the world! Endless has been your focus on imperfection. What an expert you have become!

What would happen if you genuinely changed your focus?

January Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse ~ by Shala Mata ~ 8 January, 2012

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by Love Reporter Shala Mata

Sunday, 8 January, 2012  (posted 10 January, 2012) 


Welcome to 2012 and my January Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse.  Today during my review of the energy for January we discussed the current energy trends for the coming year and the powerful timing the New Year has ushered in.

~ Simple is Best~

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Sunday, 8 January, 2012  


~Simple is Best~



Well, here we are in 2012. Is there anything that has not already been said that can assist you in preparation for this time? Honestly, there is not. We can only serve to summarize to help you know in every moment how to be - for as you know, it is not about doing, but about being.


Simple is best, for less words best describe the feeling of your beingness. Even that sounds silly unless you know that feeling! That is what you seek: the radiant, presence within that does not falter no matter what is going on outside of you. If you do not know what that is, then intend to know, and now! When you find that thing – that spark, that warmth - that presence that isn’t described with words, then keep growing it. Visit it, expand it, make it your entire being, for this is what feeds you; everything outside serves only to distract you from this place.

MELCHIZEDEK 2012 ~ January 10, 2012 Intense Energies~

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Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the coming attractions, so to speak. At this time, many of you are experiencing the intense energies in the manifesting of the extremes of energy flux, with feeling uplifted in higher energies and all the positiveness and joyfulness that this can bring, and then at other times, often during the same day, you feel depleted of your energy and just need to rest and often cannot keep your eyes open in the early evening. These are the energetic downloads that you are receiving and if you are experiencing these symptoms, it means that you are One who is able to take in more Light of the higher vibration and assimilate it. Your physical body is adapting to these at a slower rate and this is why you feel the need to spend long hours sleeping.


1~10~11~ Space Weather Update~ C Class Flare

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THE DECAY OF PHOBOS-GRUNT: Russia's malfunctioning Mars probe, Phobos-Grunt, is sinking back into Earth's atmosphere. Taking into account the current space weather forecast and the area-to-mass ratio of the spacecraft, Ted Molczan estimates the time of re-entry: Jan 16 @ 07:00 UTC +/- 1.3 days. The window of uncertainty is still too large to pinpoint exactly where the fireball will occur. Check Spaceweather's Satellite Tracker for last-chance sighting opportunities.


WEEKEND SUNSPOT: Sunspots store energy in the high-tension twists and turns of their magnetic fields. During the late hours of Jan. 9th, the magnetic field of sunspot 1395 untwisted. The result was a C2.6-class solar flare and this movie from the Solar Dynamics Observatory:



The eruption did not produce a significant CME. Nor did the flash of UV radiation make big waves of ionization in Earth's atmosphere. It was not a geoeffective event.


Aaron: We’ll Cross that Bridge [Fund] When We Get There…

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Aaron: We’ll Cross that Bridge [Fund] When We Get There…

2012 January 10
Commentary from Steve Beckow

I was very glad to hear that Aaron has started a new blog in response to the invitation from this site.  We’re looking for many more of you to take up that invitation.


As we said to Aaron, you’re welcome to borrow any materials from this site – no need for attribution. Let’s just get the word out.

Thanks as well to “old Irv” for your balanced review. . Things are really starting to pick up. I’d like to hear that five new blogs open this week. (Well, why not?)


We’ll cross that Bridge [Fund] when we get there…

Posted by ascendinlove on January 7, 2012




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