Ben Fulford ~ BREAKING NEWS ~ The Feds Have Sued For Peace And Detailed Settlement Negotiations Have Begun ~ 9 January 2012

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Ben Fulford ~ BREAKING NEWS ~ The Feds Have Sued For Peace And Detailed Settlement Negotiations Have Begun ~ 9 January 2012



Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Lucas: “This news of Ben Fulford is wonderful. It seems all factions are round  the table now to talk an agreement for a new financial system. Ben Fulford apologizes for him calling the Conscious Media Network announcement Psy-Ops. This is also great then that means things are coming together now and a solution for the better of all man kind and Earth can be brought to light.”

Her is the news of Ben Fulford:


The Feds Have Sued For Peace And Detailed Settlement Negotiations Have Begun


~ What will it take? [Poem] ~

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What will it take? [Poem]

January 9, 2012

Photo: Akbar Sim


~What it will take?~

Is a resistance to the system that we’ve come to embrace For no other reason than just because it is For resistance is to question what we’ve been led to believe
Not necessarily lies, but stories
Stories that have become truths in the synapses of our minds
Bonds so tight that even though we recognize them we still
Can’t break free.


~ Beset by Memories in This Time of Clearing ~

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~Beset by Memories in This Time of Clearing~

2012 January 9
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow

Pacific Park


I’d like to illustrate again this time of clearing that Saul suggests we’re going through. Saul says:


“Many are feeling very stressed and enervated as the issues that they need to address and release in order for them to awaken demand their attention. …


~Inspired Message For 2012~

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~Inspired Message For 2012~



 Ellaeenah Ascension Network


Dearly Beloved, many of you have experienced highs and lows in 2011, the likes of which you may have rarely experienced earlier. Many of you have come through these stronger, your energies much clearer. Do not allow your fortitude and spirit to waver in 2012 as the first half of the year demands even greater cleansing from you. The Earth is poised to enter a wondrous threshold of Unity and Joy. For this, it is essential to leave behind everything that creates a hurdle in your path.


~The Galactic Free Press~2012~ Making Love Real ~ Activating Codes~Next Step~

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~The Galactic Free Press~




~Humanity's Mult~Dimensional Newspaper~ Sharing the Real Truth, through Being Love in Action~


~The Only choice Left, Trust Love~



As Humanity Enters 5d, We make Love Real. Enjoy The incoming Love, Flowing Quickly, this is the next FACET Engaged.



NOW. THIS VERY MOMENT, what do they have to loose?~ well, just all their nothing~Love Gives Everything Love is~





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