What is real? What is there to hold on to?

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~Galactic Love Reporter Owen Waters~


~What is Real?~



What is real? What is there to hold on to?


One of the main reasons for experiencing life on Earth is to discover what is real.

We spend our lives coming here, going there, trying this and trying that. We acquire physical things and eventually let them go. Life’s experiences pass by like so much water under the bridge.


One constant in all of life’s ever-changing realities is the inner observer. This aspect of your inner self is present in all of life’s experiences, watching, learning, remembering. However, when you go even deeper than this, you reach the underlying basis of all consciousness, the awareness that, simply, you exist.


This fundamental awareness can be summarized in two words: “I am.”


Remember, you are in this time by choice ~ by Angela Pergroff

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by Love Reporter Angela Peregroff

Remember, you are in this time by choice... 

Monday, 9 January, 2012  



"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. " ~ Patanjali

Calling ALL Rocks ~ Uniting a World in Shambhala

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Calling ALL Rocks ~ Uniting a World in Shambhala


~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~



I remember an amazing day on the mountainside in Vermont in the summer of 2002; I had created (with a lot of help from my two Indian spiritual guides) and prayed a medicine wheel almost every day while living on that mountainside. One day my team had asked me to go walk my wheel naked. I about shit! Me??? Outside in the world (like 10 feet from my camp really) naked… like…. no clothes.

I had such a melt down. Pacing back and forth, taking clothes off (inside my camp) putting them back on… chain smoking…

It took me two and a half hours to take a big breath in and take off everything but my flip flops (I did have permission from my team to leave them on… the landscape required it.)


The Morning Light of Shambhala ~Heaven! So Now What?

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~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~

The Morning Light of Shambhala ~Heaven! So Now What?



This picture I inserted was taken on my backdoor step shortly after sunrise yesterday (my first morning here.) Altho my eyes could see the illumination of the top of this Mesa, I surely didn’t see the glow and full on energy that my camera captured. This is how I have seen the energy of Shambhala in readings and my own meditations. The sun rising from the earth!


I fully expected to have the morning sun hit the same spot and create the same effect today. Didn’t happen. Perhaps that is why when I look at the picture I have enclosed here… my heart fills with the energy of the glow at the top of the Mesa. More powerful than anything I have ever felt before, especially from a picture! But I also know, it is not just a picture. It is Life’s way of validating that we have arrived in the energy of Shambhala. Where Heaven on earth is made manifest.


I became utterly aware yesterday that we have already started to fuel the energy of Shambhala with the love we share with each other.

1.9.12 Navigating in the NOW~A Message and a New Video From the celestial team!

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1.9.12 Navigating in the NOW~A Message and a New Video From the celestial team!


Galactic Love Reporter judith dagley


Hello, Beloved!

Happy New Year! Has every moment of your life felt NEW today? Have all of your experiences been original? Well, indeed they have! And if you have not felt them so, we tell you gently but intently that it is only because YOU were not there when they occurred. Instead, you were in your head, “watching a rerun,” were you not? Having an old experience, and missing the new one entirely! Whatever for, Beloved?

~ Now Gloom Arises in This Time of Clearing ~

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~Now Gloom Arises in This Time of Clearing~


2012 January 9
~ Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~

I’m sure it’s no surprise to anyone to hear this from Saul in his latest message:


“Many are feeling very stressed and enervated as the issues that they need to address and release in order for them to awaken demand their attention. Your awakening is guaranteed, and the moment when it will happen is approaching very rapidly.

“Consequently, the issues that attach you to the illusion have to be dealt with. You know this deep within yourselves, and so they are being driven up into your awareness to enable you to acknowledge and release them.


We do not depend on the peoples' acceptance to believe in our truth ... by Georgi Stankov

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Love Reporter Georgi Stankov


We do not depend on the peoples' acceptance to believe in our truth

Dear Bernice,

Thank you for your moral support. You are a master being yourself and you do not need any advice or recommendation from me or anybody else, who you should approach and how you should approach him. I am sure that your higher self will guide you to make the optimal choice. I only share with you, the members of the PAT, how I proceed in this case, but I do not expect you to use my style or approach. You have to find your own unique approach as to be really successful.

Benjamin Fulford: Federal Reserve Faction to Negotiate with White Dragon Society

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Benjamin Fulford: Federal Reserve Faction to Negotiate with White Dragon Society

2012 January 9


Benjamin Fulford: Federal Reserve Faction to Negotiate with White Dragon Society




In a very major development, the Federal Reserve Board faction that is in de-facto control of the Obama regime and Israel has approached the White Dragon Society to negotiate a way to unfreeze their funds. They have promised to use any released funds for humanitarian projects and to develop hitherto forbidden technology.



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